Chapter 3

You Belong with Me

“Milky white Kim Heechul. Saranghee kim Heechul…” Heechul is happily chanting to himself while looking into the refrigerator.


“Omo, what is that?” Heechul  yelps. “Omo, it comes from the living room but its dark and everyone is sleeping. Omo otokkee what should I do! Lets make a plan. If a thief has a gun, protect my beautiful face. If a thief has a knife, cover my beautiful face. OK! That’s is a good plan! Im not only handsome but also smart. Hahaha.”

Heechul quickly takes a scallion from the refrigerator and slowly turns toward the living room.

“Ahhh! “ Heechul screamed. “Aish, Yesung, you scare me. What are you dong here?”

“I just came in and accidently hit a chair. Hyung, you really think you can attack a thief with a scallion?” Yesung asks Heechul.

“My image doesn’t suit with violence.” Heechul answers, “Its Kangin’s role.”

                “You are weird, hyung.”

                “Whatever. Its time for my night mask. Bye, Yesung.”  Heechul waves to Yesung and quickly darts to his room.

                Yesung just shakes his head with his helpless hyung.  He stands in front of Ryeowook’s door for a long time. He does not know what to do with this situation. Their relationship between a hyung and a dongsan may be destroyed because of this, but he has to get done with this. He can’t continue any longer. Yesung opens the door and steps into Ryeowook’s room.

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Chapter 5: i heard about sulli X ryeowook but never really ship them because i like yewook more :D
i wonder if ryeowook looked through yewook blogs???? i guess he would feel really shy looking through fan art kkk