"Equally Unbalanced"

Equally Unbalanced

"Equally Unbalanced"   

    She's in again. Love. Tripped by his looks, fallen from his nature, down by his smiles.

She told herself " I won't go back down this way again.." She did not listen. He's going to get hurt, as her heart leeches onto his. Absorbing his aura, taking away his precious life.

Eyes lock and gaze, a silent code passing through their pupils.

"I like you" bounces back and forth, matched feelings, all too in the moment.

He leans forward, as does she.

She closes her eyes, heart hypothetically pounding much too loudly.

He closes his, pressing his lips to heat hers.

A shriveled bud is touched. It stretches the dormant stem, picking away the dead clings. It reaches for the sun, almost have drowned in the dark abyss. Leaves surface and fan out, waning for the sun. A petal rustles as does another, a soft rose blushing the palette. It reaches its peak, straightens then relaxes, emerald shrouding the core.


She leans into his embrace, and he grasps her tightly. Afraid to lose her. She doesnt resist but returns the action, throwing her arms around his neck. He slinks his limbs around her waist, pulling her if possible, closer.

        They break away from the kiss, lips red and raw.

"I love you" he declares.

"I love you" she mouths, and a spell is cast once more.

She is no winner. He is no loser. Nor either a referee. But she is a cheater. And thats all she'll ever be.

He will get hurt as she will too, though the difference is that he is blind. She can see.

Is it love ? Or lust? Is she thirsty for his life? Or parched from history?

Can she take the chance and go? Or  release all ever known? 

...??? I have no idea what I just wrote LOL. Hope you enjoyed? Keke! Your thoughts?

Like EXO? Kai / Tao / Kris

Or Daehyun?

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pierce #1
Chapter 1: Okay so after reading it a second time is she cheating on the guy with another guy? Like maybe does she already have a boyfriend and this is someone she is seeing on the side that makes her feel special?
pierce #2
Chapter 1: This was so deep that I can't even explain how much I liked it. Was this one of those random moments of inspiration that you got from daydreaming or maybe even listening to a song? Because I tend to write complex and abstract things like this at the most random times. To me, I thought this piece was beautiful. I'm going to read it a second time so that I can analyze it and ask you a bunch of questions about it ^_^