Happiness Gone

Crimson Red

Five years passed and Ji Ae was growing taller. Her physical appearance began to gradually change, but she still held the same bright eyes and personality. Her powers were developing nicely and she learned to have better control of them. All of us were living happily until that night; that one night that destroyed our lives forever.

“Yah, Kai! You stole my cupcake again!” growled Ji Ae. Her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him crossly.

“I didn’t,” he replied casually, crossing his legs as he lay lazily across the couch.

“Kai!” she poked his cheek.

“Yah, Brat, I didn’t steal it,” he swatted her hand away.

“I know you did! I have a feeling! Hurry and tell me where you hid it!”

“Or what?”

“This!” she started tickling him viciously.

“Yah! Stop!” he laughed, his body twitching.

“Tell me!” she demanded and began smacking him.

“Ok! Ok!” he held his hands up. He laid there gasping for air, but then that was stopped when she plopped herself on his stomach.

“C-Can’t breathe!! You’re too fat!!”

“Whatever! You’re strong! And I’m like an ant! Hurry and tell me!” she squished his cheeks.

“Underneath your bed!” he groaned.


With a hop off his stomach, Ji Ae ran upstairs to retrieve her cupcake. A few seconds later she came flitting down, eating her cupcake happily.

“Jeez, it’s just a simple cupcake,” he muttered, crossing his arms.

“Appa got it for me! Too bad he doesn’t get any for you!”

“Yeah, yeah. You know—“

“Jong In,” said a voice behind him.

Jong In spun around. “Leader!” He kneeled to the ground bowing his head.

“Hi Haraabeoji!” waved Ji Ae.

“Hi Ji Ae,” he smiled back at her warmly. “Mind if I steal Jong In for a bit?”

She raised an eye brow. “He’s not mine. Go ahead and take him! He’s all yours!”

Seung Hyun chuckled. “Alright, Jong In let’s go. Oh and Ji Ae. Stay in your room for awhile.”

“Why? I mean, yes Harabeoji…”

“Good girl,” he said as she trudged up slowly to her room.

“Jong In, follow me.”

“Am I in trouble?”

“Just follow me,” he sighed as they went into his room. Seung Hyun walked up to his bookshelf and pulled out a book, opening a secret passageway behind the book case.

“It’s serious this time,” murmured Jong In, following behind his leader into a large open space. It was cold and dark, surrounded by gray-bricked walls, and with only a single candle emitting in the center of the room. The whole organization surrounded the long wooden table. Seung Hyun took his place at the end of the table, slamming his fist down.

“Fellow friends, today is the day where we will strike an attack!” declared Seung Hyun. “We will attack Prince Donghae tonight. You know the drill and procedure. We will move out at midnight tonight! Because tonight is a full moon it is advantageous but also dangerous. If death awaits you, so you shall welcome death. Die with honor and do not taint our name! Is that to be understood?”

“Yes!” our voices rang with enthusiasm.

“You may be dismissed!”

Everyone began to leave the room, but a signal from the leader made me stay.

“Jong Dae, I want you to make sure Ji Ae is out of the way.”

“Do you want me to stay with her?”

He paused. “I want you to fight with us and then if there’s trouble, immediately return to her and run. Run away; far away. Don’t let her come back. I don’t want her to see…”

“Yes, Leader.”

“Give her this for protection,” he said, handing me a bracelet. “If she presses the button, it’ll call for you immediately.”

“Yes, Leader. Would you like to see her one last time?”

“It’s ok. I’ve seen enough already,” he smiled sadly.

I bowed my head and left the room. It was already 11 pm. I went up to Ji Ae’s room to check up on her. She was sitting on the bed with Jun Ki and Jong In playing board games.

“Ji Ae, go get ready for bed,” I said. “It’s late.”

“One last game?” she pleaded with puppy eyes.

“Ok, one last game and that’s it,” I complied and left the room to prepare for our battle.

“Asa!” I heard her voice cry from within the room.

A half hour passed and I returned.

“Yah, you’re still not done yet?!”

“Ehehe… Sorry Appa! I’ll go do it now!” she jumped up from bed and ran to the bathroom.

“Guys, you should go get ready now,” I murmured.

They looked at me with downcast eyes. “We know…”

“What’s the matter?” asked Ji Ae, coming out from the bathroom.

“You brushed your teeth and washed your face that fast?”

“What’s wrong?” she repeated, ignoring me.

Jong In fake smiled. “We’ll be gone for a little while.”

Ji Ae felt sick, sensing the tension. “N-no! Don’t go!”

Jun Ki laughed as he and Jong In headed towards her door. “What? It’s just like any other day! It’ll be quick!”

“Don’t go! Where are you going?”

“Oh shush, you little brat! I told you, we’ll be back!” Jong In insisted, waving off his hands nonchalantly.

Ji Ae stood close to them, clutching their shirts, her white knuckles showing.

“C-come back quickly, ok?”

“Of course we will!” Jun Ki reassured her and gently picked off her small hands from the ends of their shirts.

“See you!” they waved as they began descending the banister.

“Kai… Jong In oppa!” she cried, tear drops falling down her cheeks.

Jong In stopped in his tracks. It was the first time she said oppa. He wanted to turn around. He stood there, his feelings conflicted and caught in the middle. Jun Ki looked at him with a pang of sadness.


Taking a deep breath, he whirled around and came back to her, crouching down at her height.

“Now, don’t cry, Ji Ae,” he murmured, saying her name for the first time. “Jun Ki and I’ll be back. Don’t worry,” he said, patting her head affectionately.

She opened her arms to give him a hug and he drew her into his arms. Squeezing her tightly, he took a small inhale of her scent and placed a kiss on her head.

“I gotta go now. BRB!” he waved with a wink and flew down the stairs to meet up with Jun Ki.

“C’mon, Ji Ae, Appa has to talk with you,” I said, picking her up.

I placed her on the bed and took her hands into mine.

“Ji Ae, listen up, ok? Are you paying attention?”

“Yes, Appa,” she sniffled.

“Take this bracelet and hide in the attic. When you press this button, it’ll let me know if you’re in trouble, ok? There’s an opening on the ceiling where you can escape too. Keep absolutely still and be keen ok?”

“What’s going on?” she asked, her lips quivering in confusion and fright. I knew it was a lot for her to take in, but we had no time. Time was running out.

“Just listen for this once and ask no questions please. For all of us.”

She nodded her head. “Ok, I’m sorry Appa.”

“Good girl. Now, go. It’s late already,” I kissed her forehead and sent her off.

After I made sure that she was ok, I left behind the dark, empty house. The happiness I once knew would be taken away in one night.


Ehehe... Hey guys! How's it goin'? ^^'

School has been a pain in the . I'm so sorry for the long wait... Spring break is here! But I have to finish hw and projects... Stupid teachers....

Well... Hope this is an ok chapter for y'all!

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Parkilla #1
Chapter 2: This is nice... Update soon!