A Glimpse of Our Normal Life

Crimson Red


A/N: I think this pic is of Kai and Chen... Can't really tell if it's Kai or not -__-

If it isn't, just pretend it's Kai XD




“Jongie appa!” cried little 3 year old Ji Ae.

I was just entering our place, coming home from the marketplace. She ran up to greet me with her small feet pounding against the ground. I bent down to scoop her up into my arms.

“Aigoo, my saekki!” I grinned at her while we walked inside to the kitchen.

“Appa you were gone too long!” she pouted, putting her tiny hands against my cheeks and squishing them.

It’s been about two years since Ji Ae’s been with us. She was an intelligent little toddler and quite interesting too. Ji Ae was a human, but she was vampire-like. She could smell blood and our own individual scents; she had powers; and had two small fangs emerging, yet she did not have a thirst for blood. Signs of the power of healing were developing within this child and we took the case to Seung Hyun. He thought it was very intriguing and ordered Hana and me to pay close attention to her. She could be a hybrid, which was an absolute taboo to the world. But how could her human parents acquire such a child like this? Perhaps she was abandoned by her real parents, who were probably executed, and left with her foster parents.

I chuckled. “It was only for a little while, my baby girl. Lookie here, I got you a present!”

I set her on top of the kitchen counter and pulled out a small box from my brown paper grocery bag. Her eyes gleamed with curiosity and she slowly opened the box.

“Ah! Cakey!” she squealed in delight, kicking her feet against the counter.

It was a small cupcake decorated with lavender frosting, sprinkled with pink and white stars. “Thank you, Appa!” she kissed my cheek.

“Your welcome, Ji Ae,” I smiled, and pinched her cheek. “Go say thank you to Hana too!”

I gently put her down on the ground. She sniffed the air, searching for Hana. With a quick jerk of her head, she raced to where Hana was in the backyard.

“Omma!” she shouted.

Hana was tending to the flowers when she heard Ji Ae and turned around with a smile.

“Omma, thank you for cakey!”

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” Hana replied, her head.

“Ah! That looks like a delicious cake! I’ll have a bite!” said a teasing voice. A hand snatched the cupcake away from Ji Ae, towering above her.

“No fair! Kai give back!” she wailed, jumping up and down. Kai was the nickname we came up with for Jong In. Of course she couldn’t say Jongie because MY name was Jong Dae, so Jong In had to put up with Kai.

“Hyung! Don’t be mean!” scolded Jun Ki, as he walked up next to Ji Ae.

“Oh you boys!” Hana exasperatedly said.

“You have to catch me first before~” called Jong In and with a quick wink, he ran away.


Ji Ae started chasing him around the garden with Jong In laughing and prancing in a circle. Hana and Jun Ki watched the two from afar, fairly amused. Jong In was like a little kid with Ji Ae. She was the only child here, so it was good that she could have a playmate. But I didn’t like the fact that Jong In was playing with her. With Ji Ae being human, she could be in danger any time, and Jong In and Jun Ki were not the ones that she should be around, especially since they have semi-weak control for blood.

“Give back!” her voice rang out. Jong In stumbled a bit and Hana’s eyes widened with surprise. “Kai!!” again Jong In tripped but fell onto his knees. Shock filled his face as he sat on the ground. Ji Ae caught up to him and stole her cupcake back.

“Hmph!” she huffed as she plopped down onto his lap. She placed the box aside and happily began eating her cupcake.

“What was that?” puffed Jong In. “Yah, you’re one weird kid.”

“Omma! Kai mean! He call bad names!”

“Omma will punish him soon!” called Hana, walking inside the house. “I’ll be right back, ok? Jong In and Jun Ki! Take care of her!”

“De~” they chimed.

“Jong Dae-ah,” said Hana as she approached me. I was lounging on the couch, reading my book.


“Ji Ae has another power.”

The book dropped out of my hands. “Bwo?! TWO POWERS?! That’s impossible!”

“It looks like she has the power of voice. She was yelling at Jong In and he stumbled down when there was nothing in front of him,” she explained. “We need to let Seung Hyun know.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Let’s go on up.”

We headed towards his room on the second floor. Stopping at the two large wooden doors, I knocked.

“Come in,” a deep voice answered.

The doors opened and there was Seung Hyun sitting at his desk looking at a map. We bowed before him.

“Leader, Ji Ae has another power.”

“Another one? This child is indeed a mystery,” Seung Hyun marveled.

“I believe she has the power of voice,” said Hana.

“Another thing to speculate… Good. Give me more reports if you discover anything.”

“Yes, Leader,” we replied and left the room to the garden.

“Ji Ae! It’s time to go to bed!” Hana ruffled Ji Ae’s hair, interrupting the trio’s hand game.

“Aww! I not sleepy!” whined Ji Ae.

I laughed at the sight of her. Twigs, dirt, and leaves adorned her hair and clothes. “C’mon, we gotta get you in the bath first!”

“Bath with Appa?” she perked up.

“Yes, a bath with me.”

“Yay!” she cheered, getting up from the ground and running towards me. I picked her up and frowned at Jong In and Jun Ki.

“What were you guys doing? She’s a complete mess!”

They smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, we were playing hide-and-go-seek earlier.”

Hana sighed. “Hurry up and go clean yourselves up!”

“Does that mean I get to have a bath with Ji Ae too?” Jong In grinned cheekily with a glint in his eyes.

“Oh stop being such a !” Jun Ki smacked him on the shoulder.

“Ok, ok! I was just kidding! But Jong Dae appa gets to!”

“We’ll be heading inside first!” And we sped to the bathroom.

Ji Ae played with the bubbles and the toys inside the bath while I washed her. After drying her with a towel, I helped Ji Ae into her pjs and got her ready for bed.

“Appa, tell me story?” she asked, snuggling into her covers.

“Sure,” I replied, climbing into the bed with her. “What do you want to hear?”

“I want--”

“Dinosaurs and scary monsters!” boomed Jong In, popping up next to Ji Ae.

She screamed in fright. “Kai!! Not nice!!”

“Jong In, do not scare her before she goes to sleep!”

“Jeez, I’m older than you and I get treated like a child!”

“That’s because you are one!”

“Ok, Appa, I’ll sleep here too!” Jong In exclaimed, snuggling close to Ji Ae.

“I don’t like Kai!” she sulked, turning away from him.

Oh gosh. Here we go again.

“Oh really? Then I’m not gonna play games with you anymore and we’re not going on adventures and--” he rambled on and on. Ji Ae ignored him but her eyes slowly began drooping and she quickly fell asleep.

“I swear, you are so immature,” I muttered.

“Thanks, Mr. Oh-so-mature,” shot back Jong In.

“Go to sleep in your own room.”

“Nah, I’d rather sleep here.”

I sighed in defeat and pulled Ji Ae closer into my arms. “Goodnight, Jong In.”

“Goodnight, Jongie Appa~”

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Parkilla #1
Chapter 2: This is nice... Update soon!