Chapter 3

Crimson Red


“Ji Ae!” shouted Jong In. “Brat, where are you?”

Ji Ae was now 8 years old. Hana and I have been home schooling her and it was time for lessons. She was a rebellious child now, trying to skip lessons and hiding away. We always found her in the end.

“Ji Ae! There you are!” I breathed with relief as I saw her sitting underneath the branches of the giant oak tree in the garden. She stared up at the fluttering green leaves, absorbed in deep thought. I picked up an umbrella to shield me from the sun and headed towards where she was.

“Appa, how come you have to use an umbrella when you go outside?”


“Appa, why does everyone go out at night and not during the day?”

“Ji Ae—“

“Why am I different?”

“You know for a kid, you ask too many questions.”

She looked at me with curiosity beaming through her bright brown eyes.

“C’mon inside. Let’s go talk to Harabeoji.”

Hand-in-hand we walked to Seung Hyun’s room. Upon the doors opening, she scrambled into the room, engulfing Seung Hyun into a bear hug.

“Hi Harabeoji!” she smiled.

“Aigoo, Ji Ae! You’re getting strong now!” laughed Seung Hyun, his eyes twinkling.

“Appa said we can talk to you!”

“He did?” he raised an eyebrow at me questioningly.

She nodded her head enthusiastically. Seung Hyun turned and gave me a hard look, with a seriousness reflecting in his ancient eyes. I nodded at him and he sighed.

“Ji Ae- ah, pull that chair over and sit next to me.”

She obeyed and grabbed a nearby stool, sitting next to him. I came closer and leaned my back against the desk. Seunghyun then began telling her the story of the vampires, of the aristocracy, of our powers, of the war, and of the outside world. Her eyes filled with wonder, amazement, and knowledge; it looked as if she drank in everything Seunghyun said, with her eyes growing larger by the minute.

“So am I a vampire too?”

“No, you’re not one. You don’t EVER want to be one.”

“But Appa, Omma, Kai, Jun Ki, and Harabeoji are good!” she protested, kicking her feet.

“Being one is difficult, Ji Ae.”

“So… Am I weird then?”

“No! No! You are absolutely fine the way you are!”

“Why do I have powers then?”

He paused. “You’re special.”

“Special? Me? Is that good?”

“Yes, very special. That’s why we have to protect you and you have to take good care of yourself.”

“Oh…,” she murmured. Then her eyes lit up with a newfound light. “Thank you, Harabeoji!” she pecked him on the cheek and rushed out of the room.

“So—“ I stopped short of my words when I noticed a glowing mark on Seung Hyun’s cheek. “Um… Leader…” I said nervously.


“I think… Err, she Marked you…”

“Oh bother,” he sighed, slumping onto his desk.

Being Marked is a big deal. It’s a gesture of a strong affection and anyone can be Marked as a lover or a close loved one. It appears as a small dot on wherever you were Marked and glows, which can only be seen by vampires. If you’re Marked, the person who marked you can sense your emotions and semi-locate where you are. Your Mark can be taken away if the person re-Marks the same spot.

“Should I… go get her, Leader?”

“No, don’t bother her. Just keep a close look out on her, please.”

“Yes, Leader,” I bowed my head and left the room.

I tasted the air and located Ji Ae in the study room. I chuckled. Looks like Hana got her down there.

“Now, answer these math problems, Ji Ae,” I heard Hana’s commanding voice from the room.

“De,” groaned Ji Ae as I silently entered the room.

I shook quietly from laugher as I stood in the back. Hana gave me her death stare and I waved her off-- I’ll be okay. She rolled her eyes and resumed flipping through her textbook. My eyes wandered over to Ji Ae. She was getting big now and her hair was halfway down her back, flowing long and soft. Her focused eyes and furrowed eyebrows made her look so cute. Truthfully, I was hoping that we could be married once she’s older, but I knew I wasn’t her Bond. To Ji Ae, I’ll always be a father to her; when she’s older, a brother or a caregiver, but nothing more. Someday, I’ll have to watch her get whisked away by her Bond and stay beside her, hurting silently. I couldn’t bear being without her; being by her side would be enough.

“I’m done!” heaved Ji Ae.

“Okay, let me have a look.” Hana skimmed over the scribbles. “All correct! Now it’s time to learn some other stuff.”

“What?! I don’t want to!”

“Sit down and behave,” Hana barked in a stern voice.

Ji Ae stopped whining.

“We’re going to learn about being Marked.”

“Marked?” she repeated in a hushed voice.

“Yes, Ji Ae. Being Marked.” And so Hana explained the power behind the Mark to Ji Ae. After a full lecture on it, Ji Ae mumbled, “Whoops, I think I might have marked Harabeoji…”

“You what?! Ji Ae! That’s—“

“Cool, Ji Ae! You learned something new today!” I piped from the back, distracting the two girls.

“Appa!” she cried, and ran towards me to give me a hug.

I gave her a small squeeze back. “You can go outside and play now. Go ahead and call the idiots.”

“You know we can hear you,” Jong In and Jun Ki muttered as they appeared beside us.

“Yep! I know!” I replied with a smirk. “Go along now, kids. You two be careful of the sun.”

“Yes, Old Man!” sang Jong In.

I rolled my eyes as the trio ran out, gently closing the door behind them.

“So what’s this all about, Jong Dae?”

“Seung Hyun doesn’t want Ji Ae to be troubled about Marking him.”

“But if she realizes it now, she can take it away and the problem will be solved!”

“Then why don’t you go consult with him about it?”

“Fine, I’ll go do that,” she sighed and disappeared in a flash.


The problem was later solved and Seung Hyun’s Mark was taken away, but more trouble ensued when Ji Ae Marked Jong In, Jun Ki, Hana, and me unknowingly. She couldn’t see it, but we could, so we were more cautious around her.

“Ji Ae!” Jun Ki called up to her. “Come down from that tree!”

Ji Ae stood on one of the tall, sturdy branches of the oak tree. This kid was seriously a monkey, climbing trees and swinging down and around everyday with Jong In and Jun Ki. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had monkey genes!

“Shiro!” and she resumed gazing at the vast landscape from her height.

“Boo!” whispered Jong In as he teleported behind her and covered her eyes with his hands.

“Ack!” she cried and fell off her branch, but swiftly clutched a hand onto another branch.

“Oops! Sorry, Brat! Here give me your hand!” he replied sheepishly with a grin.

“Aish! Not cool!” she huffed angrily as Jong In swung her up and settled her on to his lap.

“See, isn’t this more comfortable?”

“Eh, I guess,” shrugged Ji Ae without a care.

“You’re supposed to say, ‘Yes’!” whined Jong In.


“I’m hurt,” he pouted. “Why—“

“Ji Ae! Hyung! Come down before we get in trouble!” shouted Jun Ki.

“Nah! Let’s have some more fun!” Jong In he suggested mischievously with a grin. “Ji Ae climb onto my back and hold tightly, ok?”

“Ok!” she answered happily, ignoring the objections of Jun Ki.

Jong In thus proceeded to climb higher and higher, finally reaching the very top of the oak tree; they popped their heads out of the leaves, sending bits of twigs and leaves flying.

“Wow! This is sooo cool! Thanks, Kai!” she gasped as she looked at the scenery.

“I told you so!”

They stood admiring together, comfortable in each other’s presence.

I think Jong In liked Ji Ae, but he was just trying too hard, making her see him only as a brother.

“Kids, get down now!” ordered Hana from below.

“De…” and they started the trek downward slowly.

Before reaching the bottom, Ji Ae said, “I got this, Kai! Watch me!”

She climbed off of Jong In’s back and swung from the lowest tree branch onto the ground.

“See!?” she cried, putting her hands into the air.

“Jong Dae!!” screamed Hana as she snatched Ji Ae into her arms, holding onto her for fear of Ji Ae’s life.

One of Ji Ae’s hands was bleeding by a single small gash, which she did not notice. Jun Ki and Jong In’s eyes turned red and their fangs elongated.

“Guys, remember. This is Ji Ae. If you hurt her, you’ll be hurt too.”

Jun Ki’s eyes flickered from black to red and he clutched his head, trying to get a hold of himself.

“Jong Dae!! Where are you!!!”

“I’m here!” I yelled as I arrived at the scene. I leaped towards Jong In, tackling him to the ground.

Hana took down Jun Ki quickly and both blood-thirsty vampires ceased struggling once the scent of blood disappeared. Their eyes returned back to black; they got up with shame and guilt written across their faces.

“I-I’m fine…” Ji Ae’s small voice mumbled from behind the tree. She held up her hand with no trace of a wound. She healed herself.

“It’s ok, Ji Ae, Appa’s here,” I cooed, picking her up into my arms and carrying her back inside, leaving Hana to scold the two. Her small body was trembling from shock and I wrapped a blanket around her, settling her comfortably on the couch in the living room.

“Stay here, Appa’s gonna make some warm stuff for you, ok?” I hastily made some hot chocolate and came back with the warm mug.

“Here, you go, baby girl,” I handed her the mug. She shook her head and I placed it on the coffee table.

“I—I felt something,” she said in a quavering voice as I sat down next to her. “I felt weird like I was feeling a bunch of stuff. And I felt really sick, my tummy was like mushing stuff around. I remember feeling confused and angry, but I don’t know why.”

“Aw, Ji Ae,” I pulled her close, hugging her tightly. “It’s ok. Don’t worry about that. That’s why you have to be absolutely careful next time, ok?”

“Ok,” she hiccupped, burrowing her head into my chest.

We suddenly heard a noise and looked up, seeing two very sorry-looking vampires standing at the front door.

“Ji Ae, I’m sorry,” murmured Jong In.

“I’m sorry for scaring you, Ji Ae,” Jun Ki said with remorse.

They slowly started approaching us and Ji Ae began crying and shaking, cowering in my arms. The boys sighed sadly and trumped upstairs to their room.


“I’ll sleep with you tonight, Ji Ae.”

“Like you always do?”

“Yes, like I always do,” I assured her as I lay next to her in bed.

“I’m sorry for crying…”

“What? You shouldn’t be sorry for crying!”

“No, I felt sad and I started to cry…”

Oh the trouble with being Marked.

“Now I feel bothered,” muttered Ji Ae, slinking under the blankets until her head was covered. “I feel that YOU’RE bothered, Appa.”

I sighed as I pulled her back up on her pillow. “Ji Ae, let’s go to sleep, uh?”

“Ok… Goodnight, Jongie Appa.”

“Goodnight, baby girl.”


The smell of breakfast wafted through the room, waking me from my deep, dark slumber. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light of the room. I sniffed the air. No one ever made breakfast. I turned my head and peered down at Ji Ae; she was still sleeping.

“Ji Ae, c’mon looks like there’s breakfast,” I murmured as I gently shook her.

“Mmm?” she groaned tiredly, rubbing her swollen eyes. She took a whiff of the delicious-smelling air and jolted up, wide awake.

“Breakfast!” she cheered and raced downstairs. I chuckled and reached the kitchen before her, already sitting in one of the chairs.

“Ji Ae,” called Jong In.

Hearing his voice, she stopped abruptly in her tracks at the kitchen entrance.

“Ji Ae, we’re sorry, can you forgive us?”

She ran up to me and I picked her up, sitting her on the seat next to me.

“We’re so sorry…”

She sat on the seat, looking down, not replying. After a long while, she mumbled, “I… I forgive you.”

“Yay!!! Party time!!!” they shouted happily and danced a happy dance. As she looked up, her face broke out into a wide grin.

“We made pancakes for you~”

“I hope it’s not poison,” I scoffed, crossing my arms in disbelief. “You guys have no cooking skills at all!”

“Hana helped us!”

“Well it’s all thanks to HANA, not you guys!”

“This tastes yummy!” interrupted Ji Ae, munching on the fluffy, warm cakes.

We stopped bickering and laughed together, the tensions of yesterday dissipating with smiles and laughter.

The two sat across from us, looking at Ji Ae with a warm, affectionate gaze. Vampires don’t eat human food, but we could.

Ji Ae peered up closely at Jong In’s face.

“What? Is there something on my face?”

“Are those… fangs?” she asked in a quiet voice.

A fork dropped.


“Can I see?”

“Ji Ae,” I cautioned. “It’s dangerous.”

“I wanna see,” she insisted.

Jong In came around the table and bent down in front of Ji Ae. He opened his mouth and his fangs eased out slightly. Taking her finger she touched the fang, awed by its smoothness. She came closer to the sharp end of the fang, but Jong In slid it back in.

“Nu uh!” he tsked, ruffling her hair. “You might get hurt again.”

“It’s cool!” she protested.

He looked at her with incredulous eyes. “It’s.. cool?”

“Yea!” she piped.

“Ji Ae, come look at mine then!” Jun Ki added.

I sighed. The morning was left with Ji Ae comparing their fangs.

“Do I have fangs too?” she wondered.

“Take a look in the mirror,” Jong In suggested, pretending to be curious.

They ran to the closest mirror and she looked closely at her teeth.

“I do! I do!” cried Ji Ae excitedly.

“Bwo?!” they gasped in fake surprise.

“Look, look!” she pointed to two small fangs.

“Whoa, you do!”

“Touch it! Mine is like yours!”

Jun Ki bent down to gently poke at one of her fangs. He grinned. “Yea, just like ours!”

 “Let’s go play!”

“Alright!” they cheered and ran out to the garden.



A long chapter for my dear readers! :)

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Parkilla #1
Chapter 2: This is nice... Update soon!