Happily Ever After

I've always loved you... ;)

Author's Note:

so bascially. we have no excuse for not updating for a LONG time. ><

this is the last chapter (the epilogue) which is super sad because we'll never be updating again TT____TT

we're really happy that we made friends along the way of making this book as well as reading awesome comments from you guys <3

this is super depressing /sobs/

dont ever forget us ~ so comment one last time to make us happy again ;)


Lots of love from, Nazia, Samirah and Rumana <3


“Mommy! I want to put the star on the tree!”

“No way! It’s my turn! You did it last time!”

“But you got to make cookies with daddy!”


“Boys! You can both put the star on the tree.”

The two boys looked up at their mommy with huge cheeky grins. It was hard to tell them apart since they were both identical twins. They had their mother’s soft curly brown hair but every other feature came from their father. The lips, eyes, ears… even the smile.

The boys jumped onto their mother, expecting her to be able to carry two fully grown 6 year olds at the same time. She stumbled back a bit before regaining her balance, softly chuckling at their eagerness. She held them up high near the Christmas tree, allowing the boys to place the shining star on top of it. They cheered before being put back down on the ground.

The Christmas tree shone bright illuminating the whole living room. Both mother and sons stood there, looking up at the star in awe.

The door bell suddenly rang, making them all jump and squeal in surprise. The two boys raced towards the door, fighting to get there first. But they both failed since their momma had beaten them.

She straightened her apron and tucked a few lose curls behind her ear, thinking that her husband was on the other side of the piece of wood separating them. She flung the door open and jumped into the arms of the man standing there, with her eyes shut in excitement.

She wrapped her arms and legs around the man and squeezed the life out of him. She started feeling up the man before realising, a few seconds too late, that this was not her husband.

This man was too built and muscular to be her husband.

She sat there, wrapped around this stranger feeling a little bit awkward.

“Mommy... what are you doing to Kai uncle?” said her sons in unison.

She looked up, wide-eyed at the muscular man and realised that this dude was actually one of her best friends. Kai was looking down at her with a smirk sketched onto his face. She looked behind him and found GD with a are-you-serious-its-been-six-years-and-youre-still-the-same-look. She gave GD a sheepish grin before jumping off Kai.

“Sorry Kai, I’ll make it up to you. Come inside! Its super cold out here! BOYS! WHY ARE YOU STANDING OUT HERE IN THE COLD? GET BACK INTO THE HOUSE BEFORE I GET MY SPATULA OUT,” she screamed at her two baby boys. They went running back into the house like their butts were on fire. They didn’t want to die.

They all walked quickly back into the house, shivering from the frosty cold outside. As soon as they stepped back in, they went to the fireplace to warm themselves up and the twins saw sparkling eyes from in between GDs legs.

The mum noticed her son’s odd behaviour since they are never usually quiet, until she followed their eyes to also see the eyes peeking out.

She narrowed her eyes and cautiously asked to GD, “babe, who’s that behind you?” GD chuckled nervously at her curiosity, finally deciding to come clean about the situation. GD was about to confess, but he chickened out in the last second. “KAI, YOU EXPLAIN,” he shouted, putting all the attention on him.

Kai groaned, knowing that GD didn’t want to explain the impulsive decision they made. He cleared his throat and gently pulled out the little child that was hiding between GD’s legs.

“This is our daughter.”

Dara fainted.


Dara woke up groggily to feel light little kisses being pecked onto her cheek. She opened her eyes to see one of her sweet baby boy’s peering down at her with a huge toothy grin.

“mommy! Youre awake!” he squealed, as he launched himself onto his mother.

Dara caught him but was still a bit dazed at GD’s and Kai’s sudden confession.

It wasn’t that she was angry at them for bringing another member into the family. She was just shocked at this sudden confession.

She sat there on the ground with a squirming baby on her lap for a few minutes before finally clearing her head. She jumped up into the air and went barrelling into Kai.

“kyaaaaaaaaaa! Im am so happy for you!!!”, she squealed.

She started jumping up and down like a kangaroo on drugs before running and grabbing the little girl. She picked her up in the air and twirled her around.

The little girl giggled in delight. Dara fell in love with the little girl instantly. She looked like she was about the same age as her own two boys. Dara cuddled and cooed the little girl, whilst squeezing her chubby cheeks.

“What’s your name princess?” Dara cooed softly.

The little girl replied back shyly, “I’m May.”

Dara cooed some more. She suddenly felt a little tug on her trousers. She looked down to see to pouting little boys. They were jealous of May since she took away their mother’s entire attention away from them.

Dara smiled down at her boys. “Jay, Ty don’t worry. Mommy loves you both too. How about I bake you some—“

Before she could finish her sentence, the fire alarm went off and in the next second everyone was soaking wet (because of the overhead sprinklers that were installed for situations like this) and at that same exact moment, someone knocked on the door.

Dara opened the door and Luhan peered in to see a drenched bunch of weirdos.

He raised his eyebrows with curiosity and blurted out;


Dara giggled at the ridiculous look on Luhan’s face and did not hesitate to throw herself on him. She took her time and inhaled his deep scent, never forgetting that he is the one man who she shall never take granted for.

They both stayed in the same position for a while; travelling into their own little world, slowly becoming oblivious to everything around. A sudden scream brought both Luhan and Dara back into reality. They turned around abruptly to see their two little boys running at them, hurling themselves on to Luhan.

“Daddy, Daddy i missed you.”

“No i missed you more Daddy.”

“No I did”

“No i did”


“Boys... I missed you both equally. Now who’s up for a hug?”

The boys both shrieked as Luhan grabbed both of them, raising them off the ground.

He placed both boys onto each of his shoulders and set off towards what looked like a war zone.

Water washed the living room floor and black smoke wafted its way into the room making it hard to breathe or see. All the windows were widely opened causing the winter’s coldness to enclose the room.

Luhan’s nose died a thousand deaths as he got a whiff of the horrible smell.

“Whatsup bro..... Merry....Christmas”, Kai barked out, trying to divert Luhan’s attention from the miserable scene.

Both Kai and GD looked at Luhan apologetically even though they weren’t in any way at fault.

“It’s not their fault, it’s mom’s”, Ty blurted out.

“She burnt ALL the food”, Jay continued.

Luhan looked back to see Dara shadowed in the corner, smiling innocently.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, it’s just that...”.Dara mumbled on.

Before she could finish Luhan enclosed Dara into a warm embrace.

He missed her innocence and her lack of getting anything right.

Pabo,” he softly said to Dara. Stupid.

Surprisingly Dara didn’t reprimand what Luhan said, but stayed comfortably in his hug.

GD and Kai both looked at each other with loving eyes; slowly interlocking their hands into each other’s.


Ty, Jay and May scram towards the open window, pulling their arms out to allow the little snowflakes to fall on to the palm of their hands.

The streetlights flickered on as the sun fell in the sky, illuminating every single snowflake.

Everyone gathered themselves around the long window and silently watched the snow briskly fall from the sky, settling itself on the ground below.

Luhan pulled everyone towards him, leaving no space unfilled.

“Merry Christmas guys.”



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Chapter 17: This chapter is soooooooooo funny >.< I can't stop laughing.
ooh~ LUDARA! :p
Chapter 24: Awww again im back reading again and again you nice story...i cant believe i again finish your story for the second time...kekekeke thanks nice story u have
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 24: awww.....what a nice story, anyways done reading this one, looove this ^^
Jynroe #5
Chapter 24: hai....
thank you....
kellypot #6
Chapter 24: Aww such a beautiful story. I will miss this fic. Finally one where Luhan actually ends up with Dara! Thank you thank you!!
Chapter 23: Beautiful story authors . thank you !!! ^^,
Chapter 20: best proposal eveeeeeerr!!! *diieeeeesss*
qtpiequennie1 #9
Chapter 22: Thx for Updating!!!! Keep going
krxo35 #10
Chapter 22: Is the next chapter rated? Lol
Tnx for updating ^^