Bye Bye Duhan

I've always loved you... ;)

Silence filled the solitude cell.

A body lay there, frozen from head to toe.

Nothing was right.

The inspector frowned in disbelieve at the sight.

“That stupid b*****d”, he thought to himself.

“GET UP”, he yelled.


He tired a second time round. This time the body flinched and the man steadily rose from his position, faintly pausing for a second to let all the anguish escape his body.

The inspector did not feel a bit of sympathy for the guy. He deserved it, after what he had done.

“Get him”, the inspector commanded. The two body guards instantly followed their leader’s instructions.

“Yes inspector Tao”


Two pairs of eyes pierced in to each other, neither of them blinked.

“You’ll answer the questions…simple enough” Tao asked, scoffing at his lasts words. Even though Tao was young he got the role of chief commander instantaneously because of his high level of skill, especially in interrogating people and Kung Fu, it was all needed. (A.N. Romantic AB style Kung Fu Panda: P)

Not a word left the guy’s mouth.

Tao grew impatient at the guy. He wanted to just kick his and send him into jail, but there was much to find out. He carried on.

“So...Duhan…if I may call you that.  Who are you?...and why were you trying to act as Luhan?”

Duhan stayed rigid in his chair. His arms and legs bounded by cuffs. Sweat trickled down his face, his face red and his body sweltering hot from the lamp directly positioned in front of him.

“I’ll shall ask you one more time…WHO…ARE…YOU, simple enough”, Tao asked inevitably with a sarcastic tone.

This time Duhan sat up and moved his head in forward.

“Do you really want to know…officer”, Duhan knew well enough that two people could play at this game.

Toa had to be restrained from directly punching the bloody life out of Duhan.

“Well listen up”

This is when the unimaginable happened. Duhan’s story left Tao in dismay. He’d never heard a story like Duhan’s, EVER.

Duhan knew there was no way out of this so he decided to tell his story detail by detail making sure not one bit of information was left out.

“To start off with, officer, I’m Luhan’s brother, twin brother precisely. My name is Rae. Now you must surely be wondering why I’m here, well I’m just about to tell you.”

And the story began.

“Luhan was always my beloved parents’ favourite child. May God curse them both. He was the one with all the supreme talent, singing, dancing and sports. What did I know how to do. Nothing, according to my parents. But they would soon find which son of theirs would become the most powerful and well known. Luhan was just a stupid little spoilt brat who made girls fall on their knees for him. He was my parents little angel, who ventured out into South Korea to follow his dreams. Well my dreams were a hell lot bigger. He just left me, left me in Beijing for his stupid little dream. What I became was attainable, not even Luhan could reach. I became Hans. The famous villain of China. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. No one could beat me. I became everyone and no one and now it was time for me take away Luhan’s life. IT’S MY TURN TO TASTE THE FORTUNE. I DESERVE IT MORE THAN ANYONE”

And with that, Duhan was left panting in his seat; a smile drawn on his face. He looked possessed somehow. Possessed by greed and want. It was perfectly fine to have a bit of competition between family but Duhan took sibling rivalry to the extreme.

Even though Duhan felt angry and jealous over his brother, what he mostly felt deep inside was hurt and betrayal. Hurt because his family instantly went against him and his dreams and betrayed because Luhan went to pursue his dreams without him. They had always ambitioned to stay together and achieve their dream together. But obviously, that was a lie.

Now, everyone believed that Duhan was the bad guy. Duhan didn’t really care. He was never loved in his life before and no-one ever listened to him so why should he care now? He had learnt how to harden out his heart a long time ago so nobody could hurt him like how his family did.

He became a cold-blooded monster and he didn’t even care. Now that he was caught, he didn’t know what to do. It was part of his plan. All he wanted was to feel loved and be accepted but since that would never happen, all he wanted now was to die a peaceful death. Maybe God would love me and look after me in heaven...

“Take him away. Put him in one of the cells while i decided what to do with him”, muttered Tao. He needed time to think over everything that Du--, Rae had just said.

Tao had wanted to punish Rae severely but after hearing Rae’s perspective, everything seemed to make more sense. Tao wasn’t the sort of police that would imprison a man for his crimes without hearing the criminal’s point of view. Tao was a fair and non-judgmental person. So he did what he had to do.

He called in Luhan and Rae’s father to come and make peace with his forgotten son.


Chanyeol stared in disgust while Baekhyun mimicked vomiting noises.   

Luhan’s mansion was a mess.

Pigeons were flying and walking everywhere whilst takes a little poop. Feathers flew from every corner, landing on both Baekhyun and Chanyeol; there was also still some oil flowing down the stairs.

“This is an absolute filth”, Chanyeol said out loud, Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

“Where’s Dara when you need her?”, Baekhyun said chuckling but there was solemness in his tone.

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other, their thoughts both corresponding each other.

“She’ll be alright, she always is,” Chanyeol answered, this rose the tension from the atmosphere.

A bird flew over Baekhyun’s head, making Baekhyun shriek in fear and jump into Chanyeol’s arm. (A.N. Baekyeol :D)

“What the hell do you think you’re doing dude”, Chanyeol said, shouting whilst letting go of Baekhyun immediately.

“Sorry dude…I was checking your… reflex…hehe… yeah…its good”, Baekhyun laughed nervously leaving a good few meters between him and Chanyeol.

“You ready to begin”, Chanyeol asked.

“Not really”, Baekhyun whimpered standing in the middle of a group of pecking birds.

Chanyeol walked over to Baekhyun making all the birds fly away instantly. All Baekhyun could do was smile.

Chanyeol chucked over a mop to Baekhyun.

“You start on the stairs; I’ll start catching the birds”

“Catch the birds? More like running away from them”, Chanyeol whispered to himself.

“What did you say?” Baekhyun retorted back.

Chanyeol looked over in disbelief.

This guy seriously heard m.

“Nothing”, Chanyeol answered back and quickly started doing his job.

Weirdo Baekhyun thought to himself as he was walked towards the stairs.

Baekhyun didn’t realise the huge spillage of oil at the bottom of the stairs and slipped, letting out a huge scream, closing eye in terror of what would happen to him.


He fell into something soft and warm.

Baekhyun opened his eyes to see he was once again in Chanyeol’s arms.

This is gonna be a long day Chanyeol thought to himself.


Luhan’s father, Lee, had been reluctant at coming to Korea at first because he was in no mood to travel after his wife’s death. But after hearing officer Tao’s urgent tone through the phone, he knew that it was something important, so he flew into Korea with a private jet on that same day.

He arrived at the police station and was greeted by an expressionless Tao. Tao led Lee towards one of the interrogation rooms where Rae was already at. As soon as Lee entered the room, Rae instantly pushed his chair back as started growling at Lee. Rae had no idea that he’d be meeting his ‘father’ otherwise he would have opposed to the idea a long time ago.

Rae was instantly able to recognise Lee but sadly, Lee didn’t recognise Rae; his son.

And that hurt Rae more than anything. Rae had been hurt a lot of times before; both physical and mental pain but when his father didn’t even recognise him, it tore his heart into two.

All the fight, anger and resentment in Rae left him so he just sat back down on his chair tiredly. His head hung low resignedly and his chained up wrists were sore but he felt numb. He didn’t care anymore.

Lee looked at the man chained up in front of him; he looked familiar. That’s when it hit him; it was Luhan. Lee rushed up to ‘Luhan’ and started hugging him and showering him with love. Lee started yelling at the officers to unchain Luhan because he was an innocent person.

Lee looked up at Lee and sighed deeply and said, “Im not Luhan. Im Rae. Your other son. Can you not touch me?”

Lee instantly let go of his gold around Rae as if his hands were caught on fire.

Rae? It can’t be! Thought Lee shocked.

“where have you been all this time? why did you leave so suddenly?” Lee said to Rae, getting angrier as he spoke.

Rae knew that Lee wouldn’t really care about where he was so he just shrugged the question off.

“why do you care? Since when have you ever cared? It was always about Luhan. Luhan this, Luhan that,” Rae said tiredly.

“What? Of course we cared! Who do you think paid for your education?”, retorted back Lee snottily.

“actually i did. I got a scholarship into school so my schooling was paid in advance,” replied back Rae. Rae was actually a super smart kid. It was his mental and family issues that had made him fall down the wrong path.

“answer me this father. When was the date that i finally runaway left the house?”

“it uhh..”

“did you know that i won 3 science fair awards in high school?”

“of course i--“

“did you know that i was valedictorian of my year?”

“no. That was Luhan.”

“no. That was me. One last question. If you get this wrong then i will hate you forever and disown you as my father. When is my birthday?”

The silence that followed after Rae’s question was enough of an answer for him.

“Take me back to my cell officer.”

Rae walked by his father and glanced at him one last time.

A single tear drop fell from Rae’s eyes.

“i hate you so much father.”


Luhan clasped his hands tightly around Dara’s. Her hands felt weak and cold but gave Luhan reassurance and energy.

Dara was the only person Luhan had left in his life.

His one and only love.

Luhan’s mum had passed away a few week ago and now he wasn’t ready to let Dara slip away too.

He would fight for her till the very end.

Thoughts of Luhan’s mum made tears appear in Luhan’s eye but he fought them away quickly.

Luhan looked up to see Dara see motionless, her body only rising and falling to her constant breathing.

A strand of hair fell gently down gently down Dara’s face.

Luhan got up and brushed it up away, still not letting go of her hand.

She even looks beautiful when she’s sleeping, Luhan thought to himself.

“Dara there so many things I wanna tell you……… many things I need to say sorry for, would you just wake up ”, Luhan whispered into Dara’s ear.

Dara didn’t move.

Luhan sighed and sat down back onto his chair.

Still not letting go of Dara’s hand.


A soft tug brought Luhan out of his sleep.

He looked drowsily up and saw Dara looking down at him.

Her face was carved with tiredness, yet she smiled wholeheartedly at Luhan, making his heart beat 1000 times faster.

“You are gonna budge up a bit now, I’ve been sitting here for ages.”

Dara missed the selfish Luhan.

She budged up allowing Luhan to crawl into the bed.

“Happy?”, Dara asked weakly.

Luhan nodded vigorously like a child.

Both of them sat in silence together.

No one saying a word.

They both felt their happiest like this, side by side without anyone in the world to disturb them.

“Dara, listen I got something to say.”

Dara looked up into Luhan’s eyes. Her eyes were vulnerable. Luhan never wanted to leave her side or hurt her... again.

He leaned in forward, their faces only a few centimetres apart.

“Dara I always wanna be by your side and…..”

“Luhan”, Dara said softly.

“Listen”, Luhan said placing his finger on her lips. (A.N so damn cheesy trolololol. Im totally laughing here. Wbu?)

“I always wanna be by your side and don’t want to hurt you ever again. I’m sorry….but….I love you”

Tears filled Dara’s eyes.

Their hands finally fell apart.

Luhan moved in forward and placed his lips on Dara’s.

This is how they remained for a while until...


The heart monitor attached to Dara suddenly beeped meaning that there was no heart rate.

Dara had died.

~ The End ~












(A.N. Lol joke.)

Luhan quickly pulled his lips away from Dara, realising that he was cutting off Dara’s breathing. He just promised Dara that he would always protect her and now here he was, on the verge of killing her!

He wanted to do first aid, mouth to mouth, on her but the heart monitor started beeping again. She was alive... again.

Dara opened her closed eyes and burst out laughing. She couldn’t believe that Luhan had unconsciously tried to kill her by kissing her too hard. Whenever she envisioned this very moment of Luhan expressing his feels for her, she expected something way more romantic... more memorable. This current situation was sooo much more memorable than the one she has envisioned.

“i love you too”, whispered Dara to Luhan after she had calmed down from her laughing.

“I’ve always loved you”, they whispered to each other before drifting back to a peaceful sleep; the best sleep they’ve ever had.





hey guys! first time that the author's note is at the bottom :P

you guys got scared huh? ;) i bet you all thought Dara died... mwahahaha. >:) we love trolling. 

this was Samirah's chapter but Nazia contributed on the emotional Duhan (or shall i say Rae) parts.

so basically, thats the end of Duhan sadly. he will appear in the next chapter for like 5 seconds though :3

sorry this chapter took so long... SAMIRAH'S FAULT.

we hope that the Duhan story line is cleaned up properly for you so if you still dont understand some parts, just comment below or tweet us and we'll expain ^^

the story hasnt finished yet... a few more chapters left ;)

so keep commenting, subscribing and voting <3

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Chapter 17: This chapter is soooooooooo funny >.< I can't stop laughing.
ooh~ LUDARA! :p
Chapter 24: Awww again im back reading again and again you nice story...i cant believe i again finish your story for the second time...kekekeke thanks nice story u have
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 24: awww.....what a nice story, anyways done reading this one, looove this ^^
Jynroe #5
Chapter 24: hai....
thank you....
kellypot #6
Chapter 24: Aww such a beautiful story. I will miss this fic. Finally one where Luhan actually ends up with Dara! Thank you thank you!!
Chapter 23: Beautiful story authors . thank you !!! ^^,
Chapter 20: best proposal eveeeeeerr!!! *diieeeeesss*
qtpiequennie1 #9
Chapter 22: Thx for Updating!!!! Keep going
krxo35 #10
Chapter 22: Is the next chapter rated? Lol
Tnx for updating ^^