Meet The Lee

How To Be A Gangster

Shu Qi POV:


Being the oldest child is not an easy task, specially when your family is involved in.. how should i put this nicely, let's just say that my family are not a fan of following the law. Or anything that have rules in it.. Since i was a kid I had been raised to be independent, to be the tough one and most of all.. to be a leader. Since I was the first born, its my responsibilities to lead and protect our group and.. My family.


I'm Lee Shu Qi.. the first daughter in the Lee family. I have a younger sister, Lee Zhao Wei. I called her my other half, cause she always seems to have a time to bother my life. My sister and I grow up with our dad and the rest of the Lee group member.. therefor learning martial arts and playing with the weapons is just like our daily routine.


There is one more person that I forgot to tell.. I guess I have a new little sister who I just knew about. Amber Liu. Its suppose to be Lee, her family name that is.. but after she got adopt, I guess her new family decided to change her last name to.. Liu.






After reviewing all the informations that uncle Wu give us, I've decided to have a talk with him at his office.. regarding this new, "Founding".


"Uncle Wu.." I called him.


"Oh, Shu Qi.. Come in." Uncle Wu said to me after he sees me standing infront of his office door. I walking into the office and sit on a chair infront of him.. "So I guess you have read the file?" He ask me after he realise I haven't said anything for the past 5 minutes.


"The information that I've give you girls is true.. When your mom part her ways with your dad, she was 2 months pregnant. And your dad didn't know anything bout it. Sadly,your mom past away after she give birth to your sister.." I just keep looked at him while he was trying to explained it all to me.


"Before your mom died, she already make a will.. if something happened to her, she wants her baby to be raised by her best friend family. That is Emma Liu. That's why even your father didn't know everything about this before. He just knew bout it last week, when a friend of him came from the US with the real birth certificate. Today he was on his way to see your sister.. but as you know, that didn't happened." Uncle Wu keep explained it to me, and all the time I just keep my mouth shut and just listen to him.


"Shu Qi.." he said, but before he can get any further I just cut his words.. "Where is she? Where is my sister now??" He looked at me with a smile on his face. He then take out something on his drawer. A file. He give it to me and said..






"The Flight To Seoul South Korea Will Be Boarding In 15 Minutes.. All The Passengers Please Be On The Arrival Gates, Thank You.."


"Sis.." I was so lost in my own thought, I didn't even realise that my sis had been calling me. "Sis!"  "Huh?? Yeah..?" See what I mean..


"Its time to go.." she said, without wasting anytime I grab my bag and started walking with my sister to the ariival gates.


"How should we do this again??" My sis suddenly ask, I just looking at her without saying anything.. "She didn't even know us, and you want her to come with us.. I mean can we just said 'Hey, Amber.. We are your sister, welcome to the family.'?? She will freak out.. we are strangers to her." she said to me.


"I have another idea.." I said to my sister with a smirk in my face.. "What is it..?" she ask me back with a raised eyebrows







p/s: remember RED is for chinese.. And please let me know your opinion bout this second chap with you COMMENTS.



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randrew1215 #1
Chapter 4: when will this update again
Chapter 4: please update, this is so awesome
Chapter 4: Gotta love the sisters they're so cute~!! Amber is officially kidnapped! I wonder Krystal is going to save her or just let her die.
Chapter 3: I can't wait for the kidnap scene~!! I have a feeling it would be an epic scene, don't know why though.
Chapter 3: ;0 kryber moments in da van? ;)
great update!
Chapter 2: Lololol, kidnapping amber!!xD
Great chapter.
Jason17 #7
Chapter 2: Lol this is so interesting xD I can't wait till Amber get the shock of her life Trololol kidnapping Hahahaha x3
Chapter 2: Isn't kidnapping a serious crime? Oh wait, you don't follow the laws so it doesn't really matter. LOL. Kidnapping right off the bad is going to give off a bad first impression. Still looking forward to it thought. :)
Chapter 1: Woa! it was great :D
VERY interesting.
Update soon willya!
Chapter 1: interesting chapter :) i bet amber will be the inheritor if her dad passes away