ert --'

P L E A S E don't call me a liar...

“Hey, Sunny are you awake it’s four am, it’s a quarter driving but I think you maybe want to clean yourself a bit before you leave." I open my eyes, Jolien is sitting next to me. “Oh you’re awake… Because I won’t see you for a long time, I’ve putted a set of nice clothes for you on my bed.” “Omo, it’s beautiful! Thank you unnie! I stretch out and stand up. Over a quarter I’m ready for my flight. Jolien ‘s older brother enters the room… “She’s ready!” “Ssst don’t talk that loud, our parents cannot hear us, if they do, they will send Sunny back to her home.” We’re leaving the house quietly. Jolien looks sad to me. “There’s only one more thing you need to take with you… This is the address of Pablo, send him a letter he’ll give it to me.” I give her a big hug. “I’ll miss you my friend!” “I promise we’ll meet again soon!” I step on the motor and grab Daniel's middle.  After a while we enter the airport. I’ll do it all by myself from here on. “Don’t forget your bag!” Fast I take my bag and enter the airport. It doesn’t take a while till I find the right airplane. But first I need to check in. There’s a long row in front of the ballie.

Right on this moment another ballie opens. I’m lucky that I’m young and fast so I’m the first one who is running to it. I give the woman my papers. Tha madam looks weird to me… “You look really young… Here is standing that you are Korean but…” Damn what should I say. “My parents are European!” “Okay, can I see your passport, please?” Hope this will work. I grab my pass out of my purse and give it the her. “Okay it’s clean! Are you going to hold your bag with you or… !” “I’m going to hold it next to me.” Thank goodness, she believes me. “Have a nice flight!” I take a seat on the left side on the window.

“May I sit next to you?” The man looks twenty years old. He takes the seat next to me. “Hello, how are you?” I’m looking right to his face “Eum, I’m fine and you? Thanks for asking!” “He put he’s hand on my leg. “You’re a really beautiful woman , you know?” To change the subject I’m asking a question: “So you’re going to South Korea, why?” “I’m going to visit an old friend. And you?” “Eum… Business, you know…” Hesitates I. “How old are you, I mean how young are you?” He rubs with his hand over my leg. What is he doing! “I’m sixt… I mean nineteen and you?” “Twenty…” He rubs with his hand a bit under my dress. “Could you please stop that sir!” I push his hand of my leg. Who do he think he is… What for a ert! He turns his head and wink the woman on the seat next to us. Unbelievable… That man makes me sick. I take my diary and begin with writing. “What are you doing?” Asks the ert kind. “Well, I’m writing in my diary do my friends can read all my adventures.” “Cool!” He push his leg to mine, but this time I pull my leg immediately away. In big letters I’m writing: ‘Next to me there is sitting a ert which can’t get his hand of me…’ “I’m not a ert!” I turn around and try to sleep. “Hello Madam? Do you and your husband wants something to eat?” Before I can say something the ert answers. “For me a hamburger and for my lady a sandwich.” The woman gives us our food and leaves. This time I’ll just shut up, it won’t make things easier… He laughs. “Our first night together, did you enjoy it, darling?” “ert! I’m not your darling!” “My name isn’t ert it’s Aster…” “Aish, just shut up…” I look at my watch. It’s already four pm. Still one hour and I can leave this weird man… “Are you doing something this evening?” “Eum I actually have a big meeting…” What about tomorrow?” “Busy, for my work.” “Do you have a cell phone?” “No… I lost it…” After an hour listen to Aster the airplane finally lands.

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happiestdayofmylife #1
You're awesome!! :D
ilabya5 #2
baekhyunblah #3
(y) !! <3 !!
Please update soon ! I really like this story! :) x
Chapter 4: <3..update soon!!
YoungHyuan #6
I love it!! Amazing idea!! Upload soon please :D <3