I need to go now

P L E A S E don't call me a liar...

Taemin is coming closer to my lips. With his hand he caresses my cheek. He pulls me closer to his body and says… “Sunny, it’s already eight o’clock! You need to hurry! Or you’ll be too late for school!” Mom is staring at me.

“Mom! I had a fantastic dream about me and Taemin, he was going to kiss me and now you screwed it!” “You always with your stupid fantasies about you and that silly idol…” “He isn’t silly! Once I’ll marry him!” I answer. “You? You’re dreaming way too much. You should better focus on your studies, marrying an idol is not even possible!” Why does she always need to be like that… I hate it!

As fast as I can I put my clothes on and get ready for breakfast. “Good morning.”  My father smiles kind to me. My mom comes downstairs. “She was dreaming again about that idol of her.” “Oh darling let her dream...” Mother ignores dad. “A week long no Korean drama’s, Korean movies, Korean music videos, or whatever concerns Koreans! You need to study for the final exams!” I look mad in her eyes. “Ough, why are you always like this!” Mad I leave the house without eating.

I take my bag and as fast as I can I ride to my school. I throw the door of my classroom open. “Hello Sunny, why are you that late? Problems at home?” my teacher asks kind. “Sunny isn’t looking that sunny today!” a fellow student mocks. “I had problems with my bike…” I take a seat and open my book on page twelve.

After school I grab my bike and sprint home. I open the door and without saying anything I’m going upstairs. I feel really bad, and if my day wasn’t bad enough my mom enters my room again. “What does this mean Sunny, who’s Thomas? Is he your boyfriend?” “Eum, yes so, what’s the problem?

Wait, you’ve been reading my messages! How could you do that!” Mom is looking really mad… “Yes I did but I just can’t trust you, that boy is four years older than you and he is Korean!” I stand up.”What’s your problem, because your life , doesn't mean that you always need to screw mine! And what’s the point if he’s Korean?!”

She smashes my cell phone on the ground. “Now it’s enough, I don’t want to hear it anymore! You may not see that ert ever again! No food for you tonight !” “He’s not a ert!” She smashes the door… Aish, I just can’t take this anymore. I take a bag and put clothes, my wallet, my teddy bear and other important stuff in it. I open the door quietly and go slowly to my mom's and dad’s room, I open the second slide of my mom’s nightstand. I take ten thousand cash out of it. Once I’ll pay them back but for now I won’t. I know once I’ll regret of all this, but I just need to go.

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happiestdayofmylife #1
You're awesome!! :D
ilabya5 #2
baekhyunblah #3
(y) !! <3 !!
Please update soon ! I really like this story! :) x
Chapter 4: <3..update soon!!
YoungHyuan #6
I love it!! Amazing idea!! Upload soon please :D <3