"Chaerin Liar" - CL

Friday Night



Friday, 9am

“Nice .” – Park Sanghyun heard from behind.

Lee Chaerin, of course.
She had this strange talent of appearing out of nowhere, wherever she shouldn’t.  Yoga class, the college library, swimming practice, bedroom…

“Chaerin!” – Sanghyun nearly shouted, covering his chest with a towel -“You shouldn’t be here! What if someone sees you?” – he completed, looking from the intruder to the entrance.

Chaerin entering the gymnasium’s male’s dressing room was no news, and still, Sanghyun would never get used to that. He had to do his best not to give her what she wanted: Him.

“I’ve never been really good at not doing what I shouldn’t…” – Chaerin replied, taking a step closer.

“I’m telling you, Chaerin, any of these days we’ll be caught!” – Sanghyun told her, looking at the door to make sure they wouldn’t be surprised.

“But we’re not doing anything yet…” – Chearin replied, placing a hand on Sanghyun’s wet chest. He had just showered…

“Thunder!” – they heard.
Yang Seungho, one of Sanghyun’s basketball mates.

As fast as a lighting, Sanghyun entered a shower cabin, taking Chaerin along, and locked the door.

“Thunder, are you there?” – they heard Seungho speak again.

“Yeah!” – Sanghyun replied, giving Chaerin a look. The sign she shouldn’t say a word.

“You forgot your back bag at the court.” – Seungho said – “Is Dadoong feeling better?”

Damn it, he really had to start a conversation now?!

“Er…yeah, he’s okay… he NO meows in pain anymore!” – Sanghyun said, from inside of the cabin. He had lost control over his tone when the line Chaerin drew on his chest, with her index finger, went down to his belly.

“Your grammar’s offensive, Sanghyun!” – Seungho laughed. – “I’ll get going, okay? Tell Dadoong to take care.”

As soon as Seungho was gone, the cabin’s door flew open.
“You almost got us in trouble, Chaerin!” – Sanghuyn said, running his fingers through his hair.

“Trouble? But I haven’t done anything yet…” – Chaerin spoke, faking innocence.

Sanghyun didn’t say anything. He simply took his stuff and walked away.
Lee Chaerin was… everything his sister had always told him to stay away from: way too beautiful, way too difficult, way too persuasive and, worst of all, she was his sister’s friend. He would be dead if his sister knew he had ever thought of even flirting with one of her friends.

“You can run, but you can’t hide, Thunder!” – Chaerin spoke, as if Sanghyun would hear.
It was okay if he couldn't... he still had a nice .


“Sorry girls, I’ll work all night ç_ç” – Lee Chaerin read on her cell phone’s screen.

She had spent the whole afternoon in her room, doing nothing but chatting with her friends through her phone.
Chaerin’s laptop had been broken for a day or so, so she didn’t have much to do. Her cell phone was the only companion she had and the only one she wanted.
Going to the movies with her girls would be like the best thing on that miserable day, and now Sandara wouldn’t be there.
It wouldn’t the same without one of the girls.

Chaerin typed a sad face and before pressing the “send” button, the most brilliant idea popped up in her mind.
Sandara wasn’t going to the movies… and she wouldn’t be home either… that meant her hot brother would be there all by himself…

It had been a while Chaerin had developed some… curiosity, shall we say, for Sandara’s brother.
Once, he had driven his sister’s friends to the beach, because they were either broken to pay for the gas (Chaerin and Bom) or had had a mild problem with the driving license (Sandara and Minzy).
At the beach, while the girls played in the sand, under a cloudy sky, Sanghyun refused to take his shirt off… Chaerin had been curious about the material he hid under that shirt, and the fact she had caught him looking at her more than just once, just put fire to her curiosity.
She’s been trying to make a move for ages!

It was just perfect.

She deleted the sad face and typed:
“Aunt alarm! x_x I’ll have to get my aunt at the airport. She hasn’t seen my hair yet. Wish me luck! ;D we catch up with the movies next week >_<”

Maybe "CL" should stand for "Chaerin Liar", instead of "Chaerin Lee".


At this time, Sandara would have most probably already left.

Chaerin took a taxi and headed to her destiny. She dropped a block behind. Sanghyun, just like his sister, had amazing ears. He would hear her car’s engine a planet far.

“Thanks.” - she told the driver

“After the Park boy again?” – was his reply. A smile from ear to ear.

“Mind your business, Daesung” – Chaerin answered smiling, exiting the vehicle.

She walked, a step at a time, enjoying the night breeze.

While walking towards her prey, Chaerin would greet the neighbors, who’d greet her with warm smiles; she would spend a second or two, petting a pet and another, as any living creature seemed to be attracted by her aura.

Chaerin’s smile turned into a grin when she saw a familiar cat. She would recognize that leash anywhere.

“Hey, Dadoong…” – she greeted, taking the cat in her arms. – “Would you do me a favor?”


“Do not change the channel! Scooby-Doo marathon will be right back!” – said the voice, coming from the TV.

“Thought I’d miss this!” – Park Sanghyun cheered, throwing himself on the sofa.

The movie took a little more than promised to come back. A technical problem on the channel was to blame for it.

Shaggy had just said his most famous line when a noise was heard from the front yard.

Sanghyun turned the TV off instantly. If there was someone trying to invade the house, the brat wouldn’t have a chance. He had practiced wrestling since he was fourteen-years-old, which had earned him the nickname "Thunder". 

Cautiously getting up from couch, Sanghyun took a step on the front door’s direction.
One step after another, he reached the small corridor, that connected the front door to the living room.
It was then that he saw Sandara’s plastic Egyptian cat on the floor. Next to it, there was Dadoong, with the most innocent expression a cat could put on.

“Ah…hey, Dadoong.” – Sanghyun greeted, caressing the cat’s head – “I won’t tell Dara about it.” – he comforted, heading back to the living room.

He turned the TV on again, and there was Scooby, running away from a ghost. But Sanghyun had not had time to laugh. His attention was taken away by Dandoong.
The cat meowed, jumping on his lap, hitting his face with its tail.

“Dadoong, please…” – Sanghyun said, not giving the cat much attention.

Another meow.

“You’re hungry, aren’t you?!” – Sanghyun asked, as if the cat would actually answer.
Taking Dadoong in his arms, he headed to the kitchen.
He took a can of tuna, opened it and put its content in Dadoong’s bowl.

“Eat well.” – he said, as the cat devoured its meal.
It took Dadoong less than five minutes to finish it.

“You’re welcome” – Sanghyun smiled to himself when the cat meowed, leaving the kitchen.
He took the bowl to put it in the sink.
He had turned around just to turn again.

“Just the two of us now…” – he heard from behind. That voice… it wasn’t Dadoong!

“Chaerin!” – Sanghyun nearly shouted – “What are you doing here? How-how did you get in?”

“Sorry for that…” – Chaerin replied, taking a step closer to him.

“Chaerin…” – Sanghyun started. Was that fear on his voice?

‘CL!” –  the girl corrected, taking another step closer.

She was close enough to count Thunder’s eyelashes.
He was pale, as if Devil himself had put a hand on his chest instead of Chaerin.

“Can i…drink some water?” – Chaerin finally spoke, making sure her tone was y enough to make Sanghyun’s knees week.

“S-sure…” – he managed to reply, walking away from Chaerin, close to the fridge.
He handed her a glass of water and she took it, not taking her eyes off of him.

Chaerin drank the water in slow motion.
A gulp, a heartbeat…a gulp, a heartbeat.

Sanghyun’s mouth was dry.
It only got worse when he noticed a drop of water slipped from Chaerin’s lips.

He had followed that one drop’s path…from Chaerin’s lips to her chin…then to her neck, going down into her shirt. That was…how can that be put that into words…a deliciously breath taking temptation.

While watching that drop, Sanghyun couldn’t help but wonder where it would go. If it would reach Chaerin’s belly, if it felt cold, if it… He was dead jealous of that drop.

And of course, Lee Chaerin is indeed Lee Chaerin. She noticed Sanghyun’s eyes traveling through her body, following the drop of water she had perhaps let fall on purpose…

“Are you curious?” – Chaerin teased.

Sanghyun just turned away, pretending not to know what she was talking about.
His heart almost exploded upon felling Chaerin’s hand on his bare arm.
“You’ve been working out, haven’t you…?” – she teased again, making sure her voice would reach Thunder’s ear as y as possible.

“NO!” – Thunder replied way too loud. – “I mean…yeah, a little.” – he completed, heading to the living room.
Chaerin on his tail.
She was determined to seduce him, yeah, she was.

“Do you want to watch some TV?” – Sanghyun spoke, turning the TV on.

“I had other plans…” – Chaerin teased, caressing Thunder’s face.

He threw himself sat at the sofa; his eyes stuck to the television’s screen.
Chaerin just had a sit close to him.
She would have to plan her moves very well.

The hunter must be patient, not to miss the best opportunity of attacking.


“Do you wanna watch another movie? Or the news… I heard there’ll be a blackout…” – Thunder finally spoke, at the end of Scooby-Doo Monster Inc. 2.

“No… but there’s something else I’d like to do…” – Chaerin answered, moving two inches closer. – “Do you know what it is?” – she whispered close to Sanghyun’s ear.

It tickled when her lips touched his ear. Sanghyun had goosebumps all over his body.
“I…er…don’t you want to check the news?” – Thunder managed to ask, moving two inches away Chaerin.

But you see, Lee Chaerin is indeed Lee Chaerin.
“You know what I want…” – she said, looking into his eyes, moving closer to him.

“I’m dead… if my sister sees us…” – Thunder spoke, moving another inch away.

“Promise you’ll regret nothing…” – Chaerin replied, sensually biting Thunder’s lower lip.

“I…shouldn’t…” – Sanghyun managed to say. His entire body reacting to Chaerin’s.

“I didn’t come all the way here for nothing, Thunder…” – Chaerin whispered. Her sensual tone driving Sanghyun crazy. – “I’ll make you mine…” – she whispered, making sure her lips would slightly touch his.

Pushing Sanghyun lay in the couch, Chaerin placed herself on top of him.
Sanghyun was trapped between her legs. He wouldn’t be able to escape even if he wanted to.

Chaerin had her prey where she wanted.
She leant down to touch his lips, but the doorbell spoiled everything.

“Who is it?” – Chaerin asked Sanghyun. It seemed like that was the first time she was taking things serious.

“I’ll check. It might be just a neighbor…to talk about the blackout…” – Sanghyun spoke, staring at Chaerin, whose body remained over his.

She moved, realizing the situation, and Sanghyun rushed to the door. God bless whoever it was!
The Park’s house had three bedrooms; two toilets, one in the suite (a.k.a. “mom’s area”); the kitchen, the living room, and a small saccade that connected the living room and the front yard.

Sanghyun opened the door.
“DARA?!” – he nearly shouted upon seeing his sister standing in front of their house.

“Were you waiting for somebody else?” – she replied, entering the house.

Sanghyun’s heart stopped beating.
The moment his sister entered the living room, she’d see Chaerin, and that would not end well.

He held his breath, waiting for Dara’s reaction, but it never came.

He rushed to the living room.
Maybe his sister had already killed Chaerin and he’d be next, but at least he’d know what had happened.

She was standing close to the couch, taking her shoes off. Was that mud on her clothes and hair?

“Do not say a thing.” – she told him. –“As you see, I had a problem at work and had to come home.” – she said.

Sanghyun looked from his sister to the window, then to the arm chair and to his sister again.
Where was CL? Just a minute ago she was there…wasn’t she? He couldn’t have just imagined that…that’s impossible! He could still even feel her lips on his …her hands on his chest…the way she said his name…

“Ring, ring I’m calling you!!” – an annoying robotic voice came from Sandara’s cell phone, awakening Thunder from his thoughts.

He looked at his sister, waiting for her to get her phone, but she didn’t do anything but stare at him.

“Won’t you get it?” – Thunder asked, after almost a minute. That song as getting on his nerves!

“Yeah…” – she answered, not taking her eyes off of him.

Though Sandara had said she had the intention of getting that call, she did not do it.
Another sixty seconds of that annoying voice…

“I’ll go to bed.” – Thunder spoke. Damn ring tone was driving him crazy – “Goodnight.” – He completed, heading upstairs, leaving his sister behind.

Sanghyun entered his room and closed the door behind him. It was pitch dark, but he knew the way to his bed.
A good night of sleep would make him forget about all that craziness…
Laying, he tried to find an explanation for that… first, how had CL got into the house? Second, how had she left? Maybe it had been just his imagination. Sanghyun knew he had no difficulties at imagining things… he just didn’t know he could imagine such curves!

He closed his eyes, trying to sleep, but was soon interrupted by a light weight on his belly.
“Dadoong, haven’t you eaten already?” – he asked calmly, as if the cat would actually answer.

“Bet you thought you’d escape.”

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Chocobunnies #1
Chapter 4: Hello! Just wanted to say that this is hillarious but all 4 stories did not "end". :(