"Two words" - Minzy

Friday Night



Friday, 2pm

Minzy entered her room.
Her parents had just excitedly told her aunt about the scholarship their little girl had been offered. They were so proud…

Laying on her bed, Minzy looked at her karate brown belt, right beside her.
One year until she took the examination for the black belt, 1st dan…

But she had been unsure this past year.
Karate had always been a passion, and now, that she was eighteen, it could be much more. It could be her ticket to a foreign university.
And that’s exactly what made Minzy unsure. Studying abroad is indeed a great opportunity, but… it’s not as simple as TV shows make it seem. 

“What should I do?” – she said, looking at the poster on the room’s door. It showed a young man, smiling while proudly holding a black belt.
Kang Daesung was a senior at the karate gymnasiums.
He had been offered a scholarship after winning the first prize in a karate competition when he was Minzy’s age, about four years ago; he had graduated abroad; he had traveled the world, he had everything, and still, he was so humble… he even worked as a taxi driver in his mother’s company.
Daesung was Minzy’s idol, someone she looked up to.
That night he would be going to China, for a competition. He would be there representing South Korea.
There would be a good luck party(-ish), and everyone had been invited, but because Minzy always keeps her word, she would not be going.
Friday was girl’s day.


“Sorry, i’ll work all night ç_ç” – said the message Minzy had just received on her phone.

If Dara was going to work all night, she wouldn’t be going to the movies…

“Aunt alarm! x_x I’ll have to get my aunt at the airport. She hasn’t seen my hair yet. Wish me luck! ;D we catch up with the movies next week >_<”
That had been CL.

“T-T boss just threw a hundred files on my table. Can’t go today :/”
Now it had been Bom.

None of them would be going to the movies. It meant Minzy had no reason togo to the movies.
It meant she could go wish Daesung good luck, maybe even ask for advice…
He probably didn’t even know her name, but that didn’t matter.

She remembered he had once said “that girl got potential” after watching one of her group’s presentations. He could have referred to anyone, but Minzy was the only “she” in the group.


The gymnasium was not as crowded as it should be, Minzy thought. Daesung was the nation’s hero! But that was alright. It’d be easier for her to talk to him.
He had not yet arrived though.

It had not taken long for Minzy to feel that thing on her heart: Guilt.
Out of the four, she was the only that would be spending her Friday night delighted in selfishness.

Dara and Bom would be working, so she had decided to call Chaerin.
It was about 11:15pm by then.

“Minzy? What’s the matter?” – Chaerin answered her phone matter of factly.

“I…er…I’m calling because… I… wanted to check if you and your aunt are alright” – Minzy lied, walking among people she had never seen before.

“…Yeah, we’re fine…stuck in traffic, you know...” – Chaerin answered. Minzy could swear she had heard a door being shut.

“This Friday was a flop, yeah?” – Minzy continued the conversation – “Just hope we’re not jinx!” – she faked a laughter when a waiter offered a beverage.

“My luck might be changing tonight.” – Chaerin replied almost laughing. Minzy could swear she had heard a cat mewing.

“Okay…so, see you tomorrow.” – Minzy hung up without waiting for a response. She had seen the reason she was there, the hope she had been looking for.
If she got to talk to him, even if just a simple “hello”, she would be sure there wouldn’t be a single thing she couldn’t do!

“Congratulations, Daesung!” – she heard everyone praising. He was really there!

Minzy had always admired him. He had always proved to be a great example of loyalty and discipline.

Her first attempt had been, like many other’s that came later, frustrated.
Someone had been very smart to make champagne bombs, and Minzy had accidentally been hit by one, which caused her to bump into a hige guy, who dropped his huge popcorn bucket on her. The others just had not been as fun, therefore not worthy being told.

But Daesung was still there.
While walking, receiving his mates’ praises, he had accidentally dropped his black belt, and Minzy had been the lucky one to find that.
Her night had been a living nightmare. There was champagne and soda on her shirt, popcorn on her hair, and her toe ached like hell.
Daesung’s black belt would mean eternal luck, but Minzy had to do what she had to do.
She took the belt and boldly spoke:
“Daesung senior, your belt…” – she said, managing to touch his shoulder, even if lightly.

The young man turned around in slow motion. He looked at Minzy straight in the eyes, and he said those words. Those two words.

Two words were just enough to make Minzy’s night worth it:

“Thanks, Minzy.”


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Chocobunnies #1
Chapter 4: Hello! Just wanted to say that this is hillarious but all 4 stories did not "end". :(