"Intention makes you guilty" - Sandara Park

Friday Night



Friday, 6pm

Sandara Park lazily laid on the sofa, on her house’s living room.
The TV was on, but her attention was only for her laptop.

“Mom just called.” – Sanghyun, Sandara’s twenty-two years old baby brother said, entering the living room, disturbing her peaceful moment by having a sit at the sofa, next to his sister, putting his feet on the small coffee table.

“Feet…” – Sandara scolded on auto mode, cuffing her brother’s head. Her eyes stuck on her laptop’s screen.

“Won’t you ask what she said?” – Sanghyun spoke, looking at his sister.

“Who?” – Sandara finally looked at him. A thousand question marks flying over her head.

“Mom!” – Sanghyun answered, rolling his eyes – “She just called and said she’ll be home on Sunday, not tomorrow”

While Sanghyun seemed to be slightly sad that his mother would be far for one more day, duo to her trip to China, Sandara had a neutral expression.
God knows what was in her mind…

The Park family was composed by Mrs. Park, Sandara (28) and Sanghyun (22). The Park kids, were both adults, but that wouldn’t be an excuse for them to do whatever they wanted. Mrs. Park was not a very strict mother, not now that her kids were grown ups.
They had simple, common rules, and among Mrs. Park rules, there was just one the kids should never, ever break: can’t bring boyfriend/girlfriend over to spend the night.
“My castle, my rules.” – she’d say.  

Now, Mrs. Park was not home... and you know what they say: “far from the eyes, far from the heart.”

After winning a mental battle against herself, Sandara finally devoted her full attention to her laptop screen.
“Guava Castle,10pm. My place’s tonight’s love nest” – she typed.

Sandara had a date. More than that, she had a boyfriend. A secret boyfriend.
Nobody knew, and nobody would know.
They had first met at a party, about a year ago.
Sandara was the experienced DJ and he was the cute rookie.
A song, a kiss, and they had spent the night together.
They had become a serious couple after a couple months, and because it would be embarrassing to tell her mother who she’d spend the night with (and more, that she had a boyfriend, and would usually spend the night at his apartment or another place), because Mrs. Park would instantly assume what she’d be doing, Sandara would rather keep it quiet.

“Who do you chat with all day?” – Sanghyun spoke, way too curious about his sister’s personal life. Such a protective younger brother…but Sandara did not appreciate that.

“Mind your business, dog poopie.” – she replied, not taking her eyes off of the laptop screen, using the adorable nickname she had given her brother when they were both kids.

“Just asking…” – Sanghyun defended – “What do you want for dinner? It’s spaghetti day, but I could prepare something different.” – he completed smiling.

It was just then that Sandara gave him attention. It was Friday, she had almost forgotten it.
Friday was spaghetti day with the family, and movies day with the girls.

“I…” – She had to be fast, and think of an excuse. That night, after almost a month apart, she would meet her other half…her potencial future husband!
“I’ll be working.” – Sandara managed to think of an excuse.

“What time will you be back?” – Sanghyun asked, getting up from the couch. It was almost time for Dadoong’s, their cat, daily walk.

“Er…I’ll spend the night at Bom’s place.” – Sandara lied. She was so convincing…- “I’ll be home tomorrow by 8am, I guess.”

“Ok, I’ll take Dadoong out, then.” – Sanghyun simply said, politely bowing before leaving.

“I’ll work all night T-T” – Sandara typed on the chat room, for her friends.


Guava Castle was a nice place. It wasn’t an average club, not at all! They had DJs battles, pizza, paintball, and the one reason Sandara had chosen that place was because it had a special meaning. It had been there that they had first met.

“G-Dragon says bye and goodnight.” – the DJ announced on his microphone – “Make love and don’t take drugs, fellows.”

Sandara felt uneasy.
She was so nervous…her heart was beating dangerously fast.
That was him. G-Dragon, her boyfriend.
She watched as he gave room to the next DJ, who’d be performing that night.
When G-Dragon took his back bag and walked down stairs from the DJs arena, she approached:
“Make love and don’t take drugs?” – she said – “Will you credit me for that?”

G-Dragon looked at her with wide open eyes. It was nine-something, they were supposed to meet at 10pm!

“Da…ra – he managed to say, looking at her from head to toes. He had missed her so much…
G-Dragon had spent the past month in Taiwan, taking a DJ course.

“GD…” – Sandara spoke. She was a bit nervous for finally meeting him.
“Dara.. – G-Dragon repeated, still astonished.

“Where’s the swag you had?” – Sandara teased, walking closer to her boyfriend.

“Dara!” – G-Dragon held her – “I missed you so much, Sandara, you have no idea!” – he said between a kiss and another. – “You know, we just learn the meaning of love when we’re far from it!”

Sandara blushed.
“Let’s get something to drink, Jiyoung.” – she managed to say, taking her boyfriend by the hand.
Goosebumps when their hands touched.


“Nah! You didn’t do it!” – Sandara laughed, at the bar’s balcony.

“I’m serious, Dara!” –G-Dragon affirmed whatever he had said – “I live with my mom, and it’s pretty much like that.”

“So, why don’t we get out of here?” – Sandara changed the subject way too suddenly.

“I…I don’t know…” – G-Dragon answered, way too embarrassedly.

“Don’t worry.” – Sandara comforted – “The boss’s out.” – She smiled, taking his hand.

They went out from the club and walked around, talking, holding hands, laughing… Sandara had even revealed the details of the letters she had written for her beloved boyfriend, but had not had the courage to send.
G-Dragon spoke about the trip and how much he had missed her and how much he loved her…not forgetting to mention the amount of girls that tried to get him, but love’s stronger than anything else!

They walked, talked, and enjoyed each others presence and…

“TOP, YOU SON OF A GUN!” – G-Dragon cursed the man on the motorbike, who had passed faster than necessary, making sure all the water from one huge puddle would get the couple soaked.

“You know him?!” – Sandara asked. A mix of disgust and anger in her voice. Those sneakers were new!

“Yeah, he’s a friend…” – G-Dragon spoke, looking at her – “He’ll be dead by tomorrow. Are you okay?”

“Yeah…never mind…” – Sandara replied, checking herself. There was mud on her hair and her clothes were completely soaked.

“You take a taxi, and go home.” – G-Dragon said. He sounded worried, for Sandara’s amusement.

“Taxi?” – she questioned – “we’ll never get a taxi here. They stop by the other…”

A taxi’s blowing horn interrupted.

“Daesung, please drive the lady to her place before you go to your party.” – Sandara heard her boyfriend talk to the driver.

“No, what about…” – Sandara started.

“Call me when you get home. I’ll be there before you spell my name.” – G-Dragon cut her, closing the case with a kiss on his girlfriend’s lips.


“Thanks, Daesung!” – Sandara said, exiting the purple taxi.

She crossed the street and opened her house’s front door.
No, she tried to.
It was locked, of course.
She tried to use her keys, but it didn’t work either.
Sanghyun might have locked it and forgotten the keys there.
She rang the doorbell.

It didn’t take long for her brother to get it.
“DARA?!” – he nearly shouted. Was she that bad?

“Were you waiting for someone else?” – Sandara said, rushing through the door. She had to change, and Jiyoung would be there soon…

She took her sneakers off, putting them together, close to the sofa.
Her brother staring at her with such a weird expression…

“Do not say a thing.” – she told him. –“As you see, I had a problem at work and had to come home.” – she lied.

Sanghyun didn’t say anything though. He just stared at his sister.

Sandara noticed her brother’s unusual paleness. She opened , probably to ask if he was okay, but was interrupted before she could.

“Ring, ring I’m calling you!!” – a robotic voice came from Sandara’s  phone.

She stared at her brother. If there had been a competition of who looked more paled, the judges would have a hard time.

“Won’t you get it?” – Sanghyun finally spoke. He had never liked robotic voices…

“Yeah…” – Sandara answered, not taking her eyes off of her brother, not getting the phone.

Another sixty seconds of that annoying voice…

“I’ll go to bed.” – Sanghyun spoke - “Goodnight.”  - he completed going upstairs, to his room.

Sandara didn’t move until she heard her brother close his bedroom door.
She took her phone and dialed a number in a heartbeat.

“Dara, why didn’t you get the phone?! I was getting worried!” – G-Dragon got the call.

“My brother was here. I’ll open the window for you.” – she said, going upstairs, to her bedroom.

“I’ll be there in a couple minutes.” – G-Dragon said, before hanging up.

As promised, it had not taken long for G-Dragon to arrive at Sandara’s place. It had been enough time for her to bath and change.
As she opened her bedroom’s window, for her knight in shinning armor to enter, Sandara couldn’t help but feel guilty, and excited at the same time. She was breaking the rules, and she knew that was wrong.

“Hey…” – G-Dragon spoke, entering the room through the window.

Sandara felt goosebumps.
“Geez, I’m not a teenager anymore!” – she said, holding her boyfriend, who held her tight.
“Even when you’re stressed, you’re so beautiful!” – he said, smiling.

Sandara liked that. It felt good to be with him…but it just felt terribly wrong to be there with him…
But she wanted that. And just like she knew her mother was, Sandara was the kind that loved danger.

She let go of her boyfriend, to look at him.
They smiled at each other.

G-Dragon made the first move.
He gently placed his hands on Sandara’s waist, leaning to kiss her.

Sandara put her arms around his neck as they kissed.
It felt good, it felt right…
She took his jacket; he kissed her neck lightly.
She leaded him to the bed, her lips still on his.

“Dara…” – he started, kissing her neck again.

“ Nanananana…” – his ringing phone interrupted.

“Ignore it.” – Sandara said, kissing her boyfriend’s lips.

“Nanananana” – his phone rang again.

G-Dragon got up from the bed.
Sandara disapproved.
“I can’t speak now.” – he got the phone.

His expression went from frustrated to nearly shocked.
Sandara watched, sat on her bed, her arms crossed.

“I see…I’m not sure…c’mon! I didn’t know!” – she heard her boyfriend say.

“I’ll be there in a couple  minutes…” – he spoke again, looking at his girlfriend, silently apologizing.

“Sorry, babe” – G-Dragon told his girlfriend, who was not amused by the situation. – “A friend had a problem and she needs my help.”


“Is she just a friend?” – Sandara asked, not looking at him. Her Friday night had just been spoiled.

“Of course she is!” – G-Dragon answered, giving her a tight hug. – “You’re the one that I want, you are the one I want!” – he quoted playfully.

Sandara almost smiled.
“See you tomorrow then.” – she spoke, giving G-Dragon a light peck on the cheek.

He went out through the window, climbing down the tree.
Sandara smiled, watching as her boyfriend ran street up.

“You’re dead if your mother finds out, Sandara…” – she told herself, still smiling.


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Chocobunnies #1
Chapter 4: Hello! Just wanted to say that this is hillarious but all 4 stories did not "end". :(