
No Den to Hide a Rogue



What Myungsoo knows about Sungjong isn't much. He knows that Sungjong is an aspiring actor becoming famous for his pretty face and sincerity on camera. That apparently he dated Hoya. He dated Hoya and left him for fame. That wouldn't even bother Myungsoo too much, but his stomach rolls when he wakes up the morning after the hospital and sees Sungjong's pictures plastered all over Hoya's room. Myungsoo feels like both his mind and body have been wrung out and suddenly Sungjong’s sweet, attractive face- that had made his insides flutter happily at just a glance before- infuriates him now. There’s a crumbled newspaper with the initial wedding announcement. The paper is worn though, like it's been crumpled and smoothed out again and again. Myungsoo can't look at it; he can't stand the thought that his stupid romantic of a big brother had been so hung up on this gold-digger. He can't stand it.


Sungyeol is thrilled when Myungsoo announces that he's gotten a job. The three of them get by fine the way they are. None of them are too lazy to work, but it seems hard for any of them to keep a job with their reputations. Naeun's soup shop keeps their friends fed and money in their pockets and Myungsoo and Sungyeol take odd jobs constantly. Sungyeol beams proudly at Myungsoo’s suit though.


"Being a bodyguard is just about the most kickass job you can find!" he boasts to their friends.


Naeun is happy about it too. She tells him how handsome he looks in his uniform, but she levels him with a look that he understands without words-- that she will support whatever he decides to do. He can tell she thinks the job is helping him cope with Hoya, though, and they've both cursed Lee Sungjong, but something keeps Myungsoo from mentioning his plan to them. He wants it to himself. He doesn't want to know whether they approve or not.


"If you decide you don't like the suit and tie lifestyle you can always come back to my gym!" Dongwoo tells him when he drives Myungsoo to meet his new boss.


Dongwoo is a good friend to him; he gave Myungsoo an outlet for his violent urges with his gym. Dongwoo introduced Myungsoo to boxing and it'd kept Myungsoo out of trouble more times than he could count. So Myungsoo almost equates Dongwoo with opportunity, and Dongwoo doesn't let him down when he uses his connections to get Myungsoo in as the new bodyguard to the fiancé of an heiress .


"Thanks, man." Myungsoo tells him. He has no plans to go back though, not until he's finished with Sungjong.


Of course, he already knows that Sungjong is gorgeous when he makes his plans. Sungjong is beautiful. But Myungsoo doesn't count on the thud his heart makes when they meet. He doesn't expect for Sungjong’s sad, wide eyes to slow him down. What he wants is to kill the kid for ing up his brother's life and he needs to remember it.


"Wake up, Myungsoo." he tells himself when Sungjong's clear eyes look up at him and he asks scared, but almost acceptingly "Are you here to kill me?"


Myungsoo almost answers yes.


He has to admit that Sungjong is strange. He looks empty. He looks broken. Honestly it pisses Myungsoo off. Sympathy leaks out of Myungsoo when he catches Sungjong's sad eyes in the mirror and Myungsoo beats it back violently. It enrages him that his first instinct is to want to help Sungjong.


"Haven't you been through enough? Who is this kid to treat your brother this way? Who is this kid to act heartbroken after what he'd done?" Myungsoo scolds himself. He can't stand Sungjong, but then all Sungjong has to do is look at him all doe eyed again it dampens his anger. Myungsoo hates him more for it.


"I don't need a bodyguard." Sungjong tells him listlessly, "So if you're not an assassin, you can leave."


It's the empty look that Myungsoo can't stand the most in the beginning, but when Sungjong begs to be hit Myungsoo feels his chest ache. He'd like to hit Sungjong. He really would. But he won't. So Sungjong hits him instead, like he thinks he will anger Myungsoo into action. For the last time in his life Myungsoo lets himself be hit. He has to be patient for this plan to work. No pissy diva is going to ruin this for him. For the last time in his life Myungsoo will be patient.



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JuleeCassie #1
Chapter 7: I really love your fic but, did you abandonned it ? It's been a year since the last update T_T
andaeriel #2
Chapter 7: omg.. just found this..and so heartbreaking and tear jerking both for myungsoo and jongie.. i want them to be last.. you say its a happy ending right? for myungjong..
Chapter 7: omg, why is myungsoo having emotional constipation here again? this dude omg ;_;
even my heart is hurting for him..he was stupid aigoo

((and oenni, ha! I will stalk you 7ever...i sound like a creep =u=))
Chapter 7: Wow, great update! I like being unsure about the direction a story will take, and I am REALLY unsure about what's going to happen next in THIS story!
Thank you so much for this chapter. I really enjoyed reading it.
He is alive, thank heavens thank you. But aren't planning a anytime soon are you? I wonder who Sungjong loves now - Myungsoo or Hoya or maybe both...
AznDuckies #6
Chapter 7: Wait I thought sungjong likes Myungsoo... I hope it's Myungsoo and not Hoya lol not hat I don't like Hoya I just ship Myungjong more
HappyMonster #7
Chapter 6: Omgd,I am so in love with this story<3 so incredibly sad and I feel like crying;;-;; but I'm so addicted
Chapter 5: *sob* Myungsoo you cruel ____!