


“Omo! It’s Minzy from 2ne1! Uh...nice to meet you?” Jinyoung stared up at Minzy from his seat. As embarrassed as she was, Minzy managed to recall their name. B1A4.


“Ah...aha..ha...B1A4? I-I’m really sorry, I thought this was a closet...uh...sorry...” There was a moment of silent comprehension, or maybe confusion. Minzy rubbed her arm awkwardly. “Oh! And...nice to meet you too. I’ll just-”


Minzy was interrupted when she heard knocking at the door. It sounded too polite, too hesitant. She looked down dumbly. Deukkie and Donny must have realized that it’s actually a dressing room. Why didn’t I think to check the sign on the door?! Stupid!


The B1A4 boys and their stylists stared at her. She was still standing right in front of the door. CNU stood up. “Uh, should I get that?” he asked, walking over to her. Minzy blinked rapidly and stepped aside. He looked at her weirdly then twisted the knob. Something suddenly came over Minzy and she dove to the nearest hiding spot with a squeak. She was crouched behind a chair, which she held onto the back of for dear life.


CNU swung the door open. “Hello, we’re B1A4. Can I help you?” Minzy peeked out from behind the chair in air rapidly as she saw Young Deuk standing in the door frame. His eyes found hers before she could duck behind the chair again. He was probably smirking now.


“Do you mind if we come in? I’m Young Deuk and this is Young Don. We’re dancers performing here. We’re big fans of yours!” CNU hesitated, then shrugged. “Why not! Nice to meet you, Young Deuk. Come on in.”


Deukkie and Donny walked in. Minzy felt miserable, huddling in her hiding place. They must have been playing at something, because they went to the opposite side of the room, starting a conversation with Baro. Either way, she sighed in relief. “Hey, are you hiding from them?” A voice whispered right next to Minzy’s ear. She flinched in surprise, turning to see Gongchan’s face right next to hers. Oh right, this is his chair...


Not wanting to speak, Minzy nodded. She hoped he wouldn’t give her away. At her confirmation, Gongchan actually looked a bit concerned. Omo, he’s really cute. Minzy waved away the thought. “Are they giving you any trouble?” Minzy could have swooned at his worried expression, but she was an idol, and she had learned how to deal with plenty of pretty people.


This time, she dared whisper back. “No, they’re friends. It’s...a game. I can’t let them find me.” Gongchan nodded slowly and gave her a small grin. Minzy smiled back goofily despite her nervous situation.


“Yah, Channie. Are you kissing Minzy back there?” Leave it to CNU to ruin everything. Gongchan quickly turned away and stood up stiffly.  Minzy stayed on the ground behind the chair, smashing her face into her hands.


“A-aniyo, hyung!” She could hear the embarrassment in his voice. “I wasn’t!” Deukkie and Donny looked up at him in suspicion. “She was just telling me why she was hiding!” Gongchan, with his hurried explanations, was quickly ruining any cover she might have had. She sunk her face lower until she formed a little ball on the ground.


Donny moved towards the chair. Minzy tensed up as she heard his footsteps. He stopped in front of the chair. “So, Minzy. Why were you hiding?”


She peeked up out of her ball. Her eyes widened when she found that everyone in the room had edged towards her spot. Everyone was staring at her. She shuddered, but stayed in a tight ball. She hid her face in her hands once again. “Well I,” she squeaked, “you were-”


Suddenly someone landed on top of her in an embrace. Minzy grunted in surprise, “eh?”


“Oh my gosh, you are too cute! I couldn’t resist! Aaah~” Sandeul cuddled her. He clearly wasn’t afraid to hug a stranger. There was a pause.


“Hey, me too!”


“Okay I’m coming in!”


“Make space for me!”


“Wait guys...don’t make me the last one!”


Before she knew it, Minzy was being crushed by all five members of B1A4. So it’s true. B1A4 really is one of the most carefree groups...


Deukkie and Donny shared the same astounded expression. Finally, one of the stylist noonas began to pry each of the members off of Minzy. “Okay, that’s enough. Sorry about that.” Minzy sat up. The boys pouted at the stylist, but they looked at Minzy apologetically.


Minzy grinned at their goofy actions. “It’s alright! You guys seem really fun.” They smiled back.


“You seem fun, too, Minzy,” Jinyoung said, offering his hand to her. “We should get together again sometime.” Minzy accepted his help and stood up.


“Yeah! That sounds like a good idea,” Minzy said. Before they could talk any more, Deukkie grabbed her arm.


“Minzy, we should go now.”


She frowned at him but didn’t pull her arm away. “Okay, bye you guys. I bet I’ll see you tomorrow!” They all said their goodbyes, then Deukkie pulled her out, followed by Donny.



    “Yah! Taemin!” Taemin turned his head to see Key’s piercing death-stare. Taemin automatically ducked his head to avoid whatever sick consequences might come from staring Key back in the eye.

    “Look at me when I’m talking to you!” Well, so much for that. Taemin blinked up at Key, attempting to appear somewhat innocent. It didn’t seem to have much of an effect as Key stomped over to him. “Do you even realize that you’ve made more than five mistakes now? What’s wrong with you?”

    Key seemed more concerned than angry, now. Taemin shifted his weight, trying to figure out the answer to Key’s question. They were practicing Hello and Taemin had indeed made more than five mistakes. While no one expected him to perform full-out, they at least expected him to perform correctly.

    Key watched Taemin patiently. They were taking a break, and the other three members were getting something to drink. Taemin pondered Key’s question. Is it just an off day for me? What was I even thinking? He racked his mind, but found no answer.

    “I think I was daydreaming...” Taemin’s less than sufficient answer didn’t really satisfy the question, but Key let it go.
    “All right, whatever. Just focus, okay?” Key sighed and put a hand on Taemin’s shoulder. Taemin nodded. The actual performance was soon, and they had to put on a good show for the audience. And impress the other groups.

Oh this chapter's really short...//feels lame...But I've got an idea for the next chapter uwu**

Also, I said I would update soon, and then I realized I had no idea what I meant by "soon" LOL 

So I've been listening to Infinite, and aaah I'm in love with every single member of the group ;_; OH and last week, I don't think I mentioned this so now it's UBER LATE to say this, but BAP's "Rain Sound"??? It's too beautiful augh TvT

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omomomo guys I've finished writing the other fic so I'M OFFICIALLY WORKING ON THIS AGAIN~ (lol it's not really important till I update though is it OTL)


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BlackJack2NE1Otaku #1
Chapter 5: Update please xd
I wonder who the couple is actually. Sort of hoping for Gongchan because of his and Minzy's little first meeting and all and ugh it's too cute
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 4: can you update this story again soon?
i really love this, couldn't wait for the nect chappy :)
heartattackblackjack #4
aww so cute *.* update soon ^^
ereshkigal #5
ereshkigal #6
Chapter 3: this fic is so cute (or more like b1a4 is so cute hehe) 。◕‿◕。 Looking forward to the next chapters!
Chapter 3: LOL So cute kekeke nice update :D
Chapter 2: I want to be hugged by Sandeul too lol >.<
animefreak858 #9
Chapter 2: minzy is soooo lucy!!!!!!
Chapter 1: what's next ??? *o*