


    “That was great, guys!” CL grinned. The four girls shared congratulatory remarks with each other, the staff, and the dancers. The Inkigayo performance had just been wrapped up and the dressing rooms and backstage was pumped up. Like Chaerin said, everything went smoothly. What they were truly happy about, though, was that they were going to have a rather lenient schedule for the next few days.

    Minzy grinned happily as she gathered her belongings and waited for the rest of 2ne1 in the hallway. She’d be able to sleep in and do whatever she wanted to do tomorrow. I’ll go for a walk in the park with Dougie. And then go to the cafe. Then call my parents. Then...

    “Hey, Minzy!” She turned to come face-to-face with Young Deuk. She took a step back, annoyed. He took a small step forward. “You coming?”

    It was common for Minzy to hang out with the Hi-Tech dancers after shows like this. Before she could reply, Dara and CL burst out of the 2ne1 dressing room. “Minzy! Let’s watch a movie! We can have a slumber party in our dorm,” Dara said excitedly.

    Minzy clasped her hands in front of her a little awkwardly. “Uh, actually, unnie, I’d love to, but I’m already doing something else...” She shifted to look at Deukkie, who was grinning at her answer. “Both of you...I’ve kind of already got plans.” Deukkie dropped his grin.

    “Hmm, what might you be doing, then?” CL teased. But of course, all of them were curious about why she was declining so awkwardly.

    Minzy rubbed the back of her neck. “Well...I guess I should have told you earlier, but you know those guys from B1A4?” CL and Dara nodded. “They invited me to celebrate after the show.”

    It was quiet for a good ten seconds.

           “WAIT WHAT?”

           “Ohmygosh WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL UNNIE ABOUT THIS?!”

           “Oh okay, go have fun.” Naturally, CL was the only one who sounded borderline calm. Suddenly, Bom’s head poked out of 2ne1’s dressing room. 

“Ey...what’s the noise about? Are you excluding me from something?” Bom pouted, but Dara walked over and shoved her inside.


Dara followed Bom in and closed the door after creepily reminding Minzy to tell her “each and every detail, down to the tremble of a finger”. The remaining three in the hall stood in silence; the only sound was Dara’s muffled squealing to Bom about Minzy and B1A4.


CL stared at the dressing room door for a while, then walked away in the other direction. “Have fun, Minzy.” Then, she stopped walking and looked back. “Don’t stay out all night. I might go crazy with those two and their ‘slumber party.’” 


Minzy chuckled and nodded as CL walked off. She looked down at her watch. “Well, I should go meet them now!”


Deukkie stared at her before tsking. “Well, you’re going to miss out on all the fun, then.”  Minzy scoffed.


“What fun? You’re the one who’s gonna miss all the fun!”




Minzy swung the bag that held her belongings back and forth. She blew out imaginary puffs of smoke. She made clicking sounds with her tongue. It had been quite some time--she had been waiting outside B1A4’s dressing room for several minutes now. She had contemplated the possibility of knocking on the door, but the idea brought back the embarrassing memory of the last time she had entered their room. So she waited. And waited. And waited.


Minzy took a deep breath and gathered her patience. She understood that sometimes people needed some time to undress and recuperate after shows. Another minute ticked by. Oh hell no. She stood up and left, telepathically sending all her sassy and unmistakably rude comments to the dear, sweet members B1A4.


The path back to her dressing room was long, and she walked purposefully, in case Dara and Bom were going to leave soon. Hopefully they hadn’t left already.


After what seemed like an hour, Minzy turned into the final hallway that she need to go through. Her forehead promptly collided with a rock. Or, by more scientific terms, someone’s shoulder. Minzy shut her eyes and put her forehead in her hands. “Aiiishh.......Yah, why do you have to stand in the way?! And your shoulder...why are you so tall?!”


She heard the offender chuckle, and she chastised them more before they could say anything. “Do you think this is funny?! Is this what you do for a living?? Do you stand here with your shoulder faced at exactly the right angle and wait for people to come and get a free concussion?!”


This didn’t really have the desired effect. Actually, it had the opposite effect of what Minzy was trying to achieve. The guy literally lost it. His laughter echoed through the hallway. Actually, it sounded like there were multiple sources of laughter resounding through the hallway. Minzy opened her eyes and looked up abruptly.


“EH???” She completely forgot her forehead. Gongchan was standing right in front of her, hugging his stomach and shaking with laughter. And scattered behind him was the rest of B1A4. Unlike Gongchan, they weren’t just standing there laughing in her face. No, they were actually sprawled across the tile floor, tears being messily wiped, fists being pounded against the floor, and stomachs trembling.


Minzy stood there watching them laugh for a while, then tilted her head up and sighed dramatically. “Aish how long can you do this for?”


         After they finished their laughing, which took far too long, Minzy squinted her eyes at them and spoke up. “That’s not even that funny! And I waited outside your dressing room for like, ten minutes, and you weren’t there.”

        “Actually, we came here looking for you. Isn’t that kind of obvious? Why do you think we’re in this hall, pabo?” you want to die? Before Minzy could issue a death sentence on CNU, she felt a hand lightly brush her forehead. She went rigid.

           “Mianhe...I didn’t mean to hurt you...or laugh at you, but I couldn’t help it,” Gongchan said.

Minzy relaxed and grinned. “It’s okay. Did you guys wait here this whole time?”


“Yea,” Baro replied, “actually, that guy...what was his name? Young Dong or something? The guy we met that time when you...yea. Anyway, he told us you were still in the dressing room, so we decided to just wait here. He must not have seen you leave.”


Minzy scoffed. “Jinjja? That guy?” I’m going to have to start a kill list. First two targets: Deukkie; CNU.


“Okay okay, we’ve lost enough time! Let’s go have fun now!” Sandeul piped up. Everyone agreed. Sandeul led the group out of the building, then spun around. “Where to?”


Gongchan held up his hand. “Ooh, I know!” Sandeul nodded at him.


            “Lotte World!”

Wow I feel like it took me a while to update //90 degree bow~~

And somehow I still have what feels like the shortest chapter ever orz

I also wanted to say thanks for subscribing and commenting TTvTT it makes me unexplainably flustered

Also I am still freaking out over Infinite (don't watch ranking king unless you are prepared for maximum feelings override)

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omomomo guys I've finished writing the other fic so I'M OFFICIALLY WORKING ON THIS AGAIN~ (lol it's not really important till I update though is it OTL)


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BlackJack2NE1Otaku #1
Chapter 5: Update please xd
I wonder who the couple is actually. Sort of hoping for Gongchan because of his and Minzy's little first meeting and all and ugh it's too cute
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 4: can you update this story again soon?
i really love this, couldn't wait for the nect chappy :)
heartattackblackjack #4
aww so cute *.* update soon ^^
ereshkigal #5
ereshkigal #6
Chapter 3: this fic is so cute (or more like b1a4 is so cute hehe) 。◕‿◕。 Looking forward to the next chapters!
Chapter 3: LOL So cute kekeke nice update :D
Chapter 2: I want to be hugged by Sandeul too lol >.<
animefreak858 #9
Chapter 2: minzy is soooo lucy!!!!!!
Chapter 1: what's next ??? *o*