

Minzy’s laughter echoed through the stadium. 2ne1 was at the Inkigayo stadium for rehearsals, and they milled about the stage, waiting for their music to start and the lights to brighten. The Kwon twins stood in front of Minzy, all three of them doubled over in laughter.


“Minzy, what’s so funny,” Bom called across the stage. She pouted and strutted over to the three giggling fools. “You three are always spilling your guts out--how can you still have something to laugh about?”


Minzy straightened up, grinning. “Well, unnie--”


The lights suddenly brightened. “Places!”


Minzy stuck her tongue out and skipped to her place, while Bom squinted and shuffled over as well.




“What’s taking so long?” Onew leaned back in his chair. He was incredibly sleepy. He glanced up at the screen on the wall. “2ne1 is still up there. How long have they been up there? Like, an hour?”


“Actually, hyung, it’s only been ten minutes. We should probably get out there, since we’re next.” Taemin pulled Onew out of his chair and out the door, the rest of Shinee following suit. Taemin stopped in the hall, looking left and right. Key pushed ahead.“Come on.”


They made it to the doors of backstage, but before Key could pull on the handle, the door was pushed open, and they were face to face with another group.


    “Oh, I’m sorry sunbaes,” one of the five strangers said, bowing rapidly. Taemin’s head tilted. Sunbae? His confusion was quickly noticed, and the boy spoke quickly: “We’re B1A4! I’m Jinyoung.” He proceeded to introduce the rest of B1A4. “This is Sandeul, and this is Baro, and this is Gongchan, and, last but not least, CNU!” Each of the members greeted Shinee with a bow and their own version of a goofy smile. Shinee greeted back, then the two groups parted ways.

    A worker met them as they filed into the backstage area. “Shinee? Wait right here; you’re on in just a moment.”



I think I’m ugly,

and nobody wants to love me.

Just like her, I wanna be pretty

I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face, telling me I’m pretty.

    The chorus to 2ne1’s Ugly rang through the stadium. It was the final song to rehearse before they could exit the stage, and Minzy gave her all to avoid having to run through it again. However, that wasn’t the only reason that she poured her energy into this song. She did it because this song really spoke to her. Minzy knew that she was considered as just a little less pretty than other girls, and sometimes she let it get to her too much.

I’m all alone

All alone


Dara’s angelic voice stilled the air. Then, it was time for the final chorus. All four of the girls burst into a frenzy of singing--no--screaming and furious dancing across the stage. Minzy smiled in delight.




“I think this is their last song,” Minho whispered to Taemin. Taemin nodded in response. He was handed a microphone. Thank god, he thought, those head mics always get messed up once I start dancing. Plus, it was rehearsal, which meant that he would be giving next to no effort this time. He looked out across the stage at the flurry of 2ne1 and their backup dancers.


I think I’m ugly,

and nobody wants to love me.

Just like her, I wanna be pretty

I wanna be pretty

Don’t lie to my face, cause I know I’m ugly.


    He smiled. This song had an interesting concept. That beautiful girls would think that they were ugly when, really, the insecurity of it seems simply ridiculous. Perhaps it was because of this quality to their songs that 2ne1 was relatively popular compared to other groups in the industry. Taemin eyed each of the girls.

    Dara. He knew Dara the best, technically, since Shinee had collaborated with her before to promote Etude products. She was both adorable and gorgeous at the same time. Minho is probably staring at her right now... Taemin looked up at his hyung. Sure enough, Minho’s gaze was vacantly locked on Dara. Taemin chuckled to himself. He went back to scanning through the members.

    CL. Taemin admired CL for her strength and versatility. She was, for lack of a better word, hot. Like Key umma, she could both sing and rap. Plus, she was the leader of 2ne1, despite being the second youngest of the group. She was a fantastic dancer and entertainer, and if he had met her a few years ago, Taemin probably would have been extremely nervous to interact with her. But I’m more confident now...he shifted his gaze away from her.

    Bom. There was something infinitely charming about her demeanor and her little movements as she sang. Her long hair flicked and flowed and her eyes squinted and widened. Her beautiful voice and emotion reminded Taemin of Jonghyun. He grinned at the thought and looked for the last member.

    Minzy. Taemin had once collaborated with her and a few other artists. He wasn’t  exactly distant with her--she had been friendly and fun with all of the guys. However, there weren’t many rehearsals, so Taemin didn’t really have a chance to truly get to know her. Taemin wished that the dance and rehearsals would have been longer so he would’ve had the chance to dance with her longer.

He watched her dance on stage, fully aware that she was well-known for her dancing. Unlike Taemin had been planning to do, Minzy was dancing her hardest. She looked strong and edgy as she lost herself in the song. He watched her until the song ended. Then, along with 2ne1, she walked towards backstage.


He blinked when he saw them approaching, then smiled, quickly greeting them with Shinee. The four girls greeted them, then walked away, followed by their dancers. A voice from the crowd of dancers rose from the rest of their chatter. “Minzy!” A guy weaved ahead of the crowd to reach Minzy. Taemin briefly wondered what the guy might want, then entered the stage with Shinee.




Minzy turned and found Young Deuk coming to reach her. She paused for a moment, then abruptly stuck out her tongue. “Mehrong~!” And with that, she sprinted far ahead. Young Deuk stumbled in surprise, then ran after.


“Minzy!” Dara puffed out her cheeks, then fanned herself dramatically, “Aah, what will we ever do with our daughter?”


Bom tsked. “We need to take disciplinary action! When she gets back, I won’t give her any of my corn!” Bom nodded sadly to herself. “I’m sorry it had to be this way, Minzy. I’ll have to eat your share of corn for you.”


Dara smacked Bom. “Hey! That’s not even a punishment! Taking away corn is only a punishment for you.” Bom smacked her back, and they got into a slap fight.


“Unnies! Minzy is fine. I’m more worried about you two, actually...” CL cut in. The two bickering girls pouted.



Meanwhile, Minzy was running out of options. She had begun running as just a joke, but when Deukkie started after her, it became something of a contest. She was too stubborn to lose, so she wasn’t going to let Deukkie catch her so easily. She turned down a hallway, looking back quickly. Her heart leaped in her chest. He was right on her tail.


She turned to face front again, sprinting as hard as she could, then noticed something. Someone was standing ahead, staring right at her. Her eyes widened. Young Don. He smirked at her, knowing she was cornered. As she neared him, she spat curses at him, only making him laugh. Before the twins could sandwich her, she picked a random door and whipped it open, slamming it behind her. The brothers walked up to the door and stared at each other in shock.


Inside, Minzy locked the door and leaned her forehead against it, taking in deep breaths. Hah, they can’t get me now. How will they get into some random closet? They’ll just have to leave. Wait...why is it so bright? Minzy stiffened. She heard an awkward cough. She slowly turned around, her eyes wide.



It wasn’t a closet.


Ahhpffhf okay there's the first chapter!! I'll be updating soon, since I have a head start on the next part already~

I think I got a little carried away with the amount of characters I'm sorry *bows rapidly*

Hopefully in the future I'll write a fanfic involving BtoB or BAP, because those rookies are really up there on my list right now *w*''

also, I recently started listening to Infinite! AAah it's unfair how good looking korean boys can have some sungyeol ;v;

all the gifs or pictures I post in the author section aren't mine (I wish they were OTL)


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omomomo guys I've finished writing the other fic so I'M OFFICIALLY WORKING ON THIS AGAIN~ (lol it's not really important till I update though is it OTL)


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BlackJack2NE1Otaku #1
Chapter 5: Update please xd
I wonder who the couple is actually. Sort of hoping for Gongchan because of his and Minzy's little first meeting and all and ugh it's too cute
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 4: can you update this story again soon?
i really love this, couldn't wait for the nect chappy :)
heartattackblackjack #4
aww so cute *.* update soon ^^
ereshkigal #5
ereshkigal #6
Chapter 3: this fic is so cute (or more like b1a4 is so cute hehe) 。◕‿◕。 Looking forward to the next chapters!
Chapter 3: LOL So cute kekeke nice update :D
Chapter 2: I want to be hugged by Sandeul too lol >.<
animefreak858 #9
Chapter 2: minzy is soooo lucy!!!!!!
Chapter 1: what's next ??? *o*