Chapter 3

Becoming a High School's Kingka's Slave

After school, the three boys went on their separate ways home. Minwoo just continued to walk and walk. He took out his camera and took pictures of anything that seemed to be beautiful to him. Minwoo looked at the pictures and smiled. He shoved his camera inside his bag as he continued to walk home. Minwoo stopped his tracks when he saw a familiar cafe. He grinned before he enter. Minwoo ordered his drinks before sitting down at a random table. He picked up the newspaper and read it.

Top Daily News

Are Top High School's owners Mr. Kim, Mr. Jo, Mr. Woo, and Mr. Lee are searching for a lover for their sons?

It is said that the four founders of Top High are searching for a lover for their sons. Is that true? Yes, it is. The four men said they want their sons to find someone they really love and that person loves them back. Also, they don't care if their sons' lovers are boys or not; just as long as they're in love. The men wanted their sons' lovers to be someone who can deal with their 'bad-boy' attitude. Not someone who are s and so on. Like they said, gender doesn't matter. Which four students get to be the chosen ones?

By: Ahn Daniel

Minwoo just stared at the article. He already knew who the four sons are. Minwoo was really curious about this article. He wouldn't be surprised if Niel wrote it. After all, Niel is the press of the school. Lucky him. Oh yeah, forgot to say that this cafe is also part of the school property. Only students who attended Top High may enter. Yeah, the school is pretty big.

A lady came up to Minwoo and gave him his drink.

"Hey, Minwoo. Long time no see, kiddo." She greeted him.

"Soyou, I'm older than you, remember?" Minwoo chuckled.

"Yeah, but you look younger than I do." Soyou replied.

"Did you read the papers?" She asked.

"Yeah. Barely. I'm not surprised at all. I'm sure it would be hard to find those lucky four students." Minwoo replied as he took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, you're right." Soyou said.

The bell rang, it means someone had entered. Soyou left to serve the customers as Minwoo just continued to drink his drink. Minwoo just kept on looking through the paper when he came across an interesting ad. Cheerleading? Minwoo rose an eyebrow. He started to read it as he was drinking his drink.


Interested in joining the team? Then, go to the gym after school for the meeting. For more information, contact Kim Chanyong, who is the president of the cheerleading team.

Minwoo spit out his drink. He now remembered why Chanyong wanted him to bring his stuff to the gym after school. Wait. After school? Minwoo looked at his phone. It was fifteen minutes passed the time they were released. Minwoo cursed as grabbed his drink and the paper and ran out the cafe and towards Chanyong's locker. He entered the combination before grabbing out his bag and shut it before running towards the gym.

Minwoo didn't stop running until he reached the gym. When he arrived, he saw Chanyong standing there while staring at him. Minwoo walked towards him.

"You. Are. Late." Chanyong said.

"Sorry. I kind of forgot." Minwoo admitted.

"Tsk. Now, you made our meeting late. Guess what?" Chanyong asked.

"What?" Minwoo asked.

"You have to stay here until the meeting is over." Chanyong replied.

"How long is the meeting?" Minwoo asked.

"1 hour." Chanyong smirked before grabbing the bag and leave.

Minwoo's jaws dropped as he stared at Chanyong. He sighed before following him.

Rokhyun was just walking to the library. When he entered, he sat down at a random table. He started to do his homework. Rokhyun always stay after school to finish his homework before going to a club meeting then go home. After he was done, he packed up all of his stuff before leaving the library. He walked towards his locker and threw his backpack in there and grabbed out another bag. He shut the locker then left.

Rokhyun was one of the people who are always early so he just sat at a random seat. He glanced at the clock and realized the meeting is not going to start until about half an hour later. Rokhyun sighed before pulling out his ear buds and listen to some ballad songs. He didn't dare to sing. Although, he loved to but he is too shy to do it in front of others. He only lip sync.

Rokhyun looked up to see the president of the club coming in so he took off his ear buds and put them away. The president was waiting for eveyone to seated before he continued.

"Guys, we're going to have another new student. Please be nice to him okay?" He asked.

"Nae!" Everyone replied.

A boy entered the room. He stood by the door frame and scanned the class before walking towards he front. Rokhyun, the boy who was always excited when someone new was joining, was too tired to even look. He just rested his head against his arms. Rokhyun is not sleeping but he just closed his eyes. He was just tired for some reason. Although, his eyes are shut but he was still listening.

"Okay, you all should know who he is, right?" The president asked the other students.

Rokhyun wondered why they were squealing so much. He wanted to know but he was too tired right now. Rokhyun presumed it was some good-looking popular guy. He just sighed at this.

"Okay, go sit anywhere you want." The president told the boy.

The boy scanned the classroom again before smirking as his eyes landed on Rokhyun. He walked towards the empty seat and sat there and stared at Rokhyun. Rokhyun felt a presence next to him and someone staring at him. He, slowly, lifted his head to see who it was. Rokhyun thought he was dreaming when he saw Jonghwan sitting next to him with a smirk on his face.

All Rokhyun could do was stare at him. Jonghwan cocked his head to the side but that smirk never left. Jonghwan? What the? When was he here? What is he doing here? Is he stalking me? Huh? Why is he seated next to me? What the-aish! I'm confused now!

"Okay, kids. I want you guys to work with the person next to you and together, you two prepare a short performance. You and your partner are going to perform it next Thursday. Okay, start working." The president said.

Rokhyun's jaws dropped. Him working with Jonghwan? No way. He must be dreaming. Wait. If he is working with Jonghwan, then he'll have to do all of the work. Rokhyun really hate this day.

"So, what song should we do, partner?" Jonghwan asked.

"Whatever you want. I'm not in the mood." Rokhyun replied.

"Alright but you better know how to sing." Jonghwan said.

Hyukjin was just walking home. He didn't have any club meetings after school. Hyukjin just continued to walk when he stepped on something. He stopped his tracks and picked up the item. It was a black wallet. Hyukjin opened the wallet and read the identification card. It belongs to Woo Changbum. Hyukjin cocked his head to the side, wondering what to do.

Suddenly, someone put one of their hand on his shoulder and jumped while screaming like a girl. Hyukjin turned around and realized it was Changbum.

"Whoa. You even scream like a girl too." Changbum said.

"So? What do you want, anyway?" Hyukjin glared at him.

"Why were you looking into my wallet? Were you trying to steal my money?" Changbum asked.

"No! Why would I? The reason I looked in it was because I wanted to know who the wallet belongs to so I can return it back. Well now since you're here, have it back." Hyukjin said as he threw Changbum's wallet at him before walking away.

"Yah! Where do think you're going?" Changbum asked.

"Home." Hyukjin replied as he walked away.


Another long chapter~!!!! Enjoy~!!!! Okay bye~!!!! X)

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Chapter 3: I really hope you update this fanfic. I love the plot! You're a fantastic writer!
Chapter 3: Awww~It's great ! This fanfic it's on my favourite top 10. I don't know but your fanfics are very very special. Please Dear Author keep update your fanfics. Please *aegyo*
MishaRen #3
Chapter 3: Please update!
Chapter 3: >< this chapter is cute! :3 aww~ i dunno what else should i comment... because i love it ^3^ i'll wait for the next update~ author-nim fighting! *^*
Chapter 2: KYA!! i think you should get more readers for this!!! AH! DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! >< AWW AWW! crossdress part so cute! *Q* haha xD anyways, i really can't wait for the next update! update soon dear author-nim! FIGHTING!! ^3^