Chapter 1

Becoming a High School's Kingka's Slave

While the three boys were in their classes, their mind weren't on the lessons the teachers were teaching them but instead it was on what happened earlier. They were wondering is they are really slaves to the kingkas; their crushes.

Minwoo was thinking that is he really was a slave to Chanyong. Rokhyun was thinking about how does Jonghwan knows where he lives. Hyukjin was thinking about how he would dressed up as a girl to the dance next Friday night.

After class, it was time to go home. The three met by the table they sat at during lunch. Minwoo buried his face into the palms of his hands. Rokhyun just started to do Jonghwan's homework. Hyukjin started to think how is he going to dress as a girl to the dance.

"Aish. Guys, guess what?" Minwoo asked.

Rokhyun looked up from doing Jonghwan's homework and Hyukjin broke out of his thoughts and asked, "What?"

"Kim Chanyong told me I'm his slave since I ran into him. I apologized to him but he said he only accepts me being his slave as an apology." Minwoo replied.

"Aish. Hyung, do you think I'm worse than you? Jo Jonghwan told me I have to be his slave or else he'll go to my house and tell my parents I like him." Rokhyun said.

"Eh? You guys think you're worse? I'm more worse. I have to dress up as a girl to be Woo Changbum's date during the dance Friday night." Hyukjin said.

"Eh? Wait. Did you just say that you have to dress as a girl?" Rokhyun asked.

"Yeah, why?" Hyukjin asked.

"Yah, I can do your hair and dress you up for you!" Rokhyun replied.

"Really? You would do that?" Hyukjin's face light up.

"Oh. You bet I would. Guarantee, you're going to be so pretty!" Rokhyun clapped.

"Um, do I really have to be pretty?" Hyukjin asked.

"Aish, you innocent child. Yes, you do. Show that crush of yours how pretty you are." Rokhyun replied.

"Um, okay. Eh? Hyung, I thought you already finished your homework?" Hyukjin asked.

Rokhyun glanced at it before rolling his eyes.

"What do you think? It belongs to Jo Jonghwan." He replied.

"Wow. At least you got to do his homework. I rather do that than dressing up as a girl." Hyukjin crossed his arms.

"Don't worry about the dressing up as a girl thing. Me and Minwoo hyung will help you." Rokhyun patted his back before going back to finish Jonghwan's homework.

After Rokhyun was finished, they all headed towards the mall. The reason? Is to buy Hyukjin a dress. Rokhyun was the one who was dragging him. He kept on grabbing different dresses and put them in front of Hyukjin to see if it fits him or not.

That continued until Rokhyun finally found a perfect dress that its Hyukjin perfectly. It has the colors blue and yellow on it. It was their school color.

"Perfect." Rokhyun smiled.

"I agree." Minwoo nodded in agreement.

"Is this all?" Hyukjin asked.

"Nope. You would look better with it with a headband a these shoes." Rokhyun replied as he grabbed a headband and some shoes.

"So, what do you want me to do with these?" Hyukjin asked.

"What else? Go in the fitting room and try these on." Rokhyun replied as he placed the clothes onto Hyukjin's hands and pushed him into the fitting room.

Hyukjin huffed before slipping the clothes on. Who would've thought the four kingkas would also go there. Chanyong spotted Minwoo and Jonghwan spotted  Rokhyun. Both Minwoo and Rokhyun were still choosing more dresses for Hyukjin to try on. The four just continued to stare at them.

"I wonder what are they doing here." Sanghun said.

Hyukjin exited the fitting room and looked at his reflection in the mirror and frowned.

"Hyung, what is this?" He asked as he turned around.

It shocked the four kingkas because he was really pretty. Rokhyun and Minwoo gasped.

"Omo! So pretty!" They shouted in unison.

Hyukjin gave them a glare.

"Aish. I really hate this!" He shouted in frustration.

"Oh, don't worry. Just wear a wig and put on some make-up and you're ready." Rokhyun said.

"Oh, I've got to take pictures of this." Minwoo said as he grabbed his camera and took a bunch of pictures of Hyukjin.

Hyukjin just rolled his eyes before looking at his reflection in the mirror again. He sighed before entering the fitting room again to change to his regular clothes before exiting while holding onto the clothes.

"Alright. We'll take these and these." Rokhyun said as he grabbed the outfit and a couple more dresses and left.

"Aigoo. Why do I even have to dress as a girl?" Hyukjin asked Minwoo.

"I don't know. You said you have to do it because Changbum told you so." Minwoo shrugged before leaving.

Hyukjin scratched the back of his head before following him. All three of the guys turned to stare at Changbum. Changbum had his eyes on Hyukjin the whole time. It left him when Hyukjin was out of his sight.

"What?" He asked as noticed all of the stares he was receiving.

"You really told Hyukjin to dress as a girl?" Jonghwan asked.

"You heard them." Changbum shrugged.

"Why did you tell him to do that?" Chanyong asked.

"I want him to dress as s girl to be my so-called girlfriend at the dance next Friday night." Changbum replied.

"Why him of all the people? And most of all, a guy." Sanghun asked.

"I was thinking about who should come with me to the dance when he ran into me so I told him to go with me." Changbum replied.

"Hm, that sure is coincidental. To be honest, I think Hyukjin looks pretty in that dress." Sanghun said.

Chanyong and Jonghwan nodded in agreement. All three of them stared at Changbum. Changbum just shrugged before leaving. The other three grinned before following him.


Hope you guys enjoy the beginning~!!!! ^^

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Chapter 3: I really hope you update this fanfic. I love the plot! You're a fantastic writer!
Chapter 3: Awww~It's great ! This fanfic it's on my favourite top 10. I don't know but your fanfics are very very special. Please Dear Author keep update your fanfics. Please *aegyo*
MishaRen #3
Chapter 3: Please update!
Chapter 3: >< this chapter is cute! :3 aww~ i dunno what else should i comment... because i love it ^3^ i'll wait for the next update~ author-nim fighting! *^*
Chapter 2: KYA!! i think you should get more readers for this!!! AH! DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! >< AWW AWW! crossdress part so cute! *Q* haha xD anyways, i really can't wait for the next update! update soon dear author-nim! FIGHTING!! ^3^