Why Me?

What's So Fun About Halloween?


"Ooh~ I'm a ghost...Here to haunt you...Leave the premises immediately or you shall face the wrath, of a thousand spir-"
"Junmyeon...What are you trying to do?" I groaned, rubbing the nape of my neck. If this was his idea of trying to 'scare' me...Then he's as cold as Antarctica. He had what looked like an alabaster sheet draped around him, with a small hole for his head. His face was also a pale white and smudged with some black eye makeup. It would've looked fine if it wasn't for the terrible voice he was using and the 'terrifying' threats.
"I-I have no idea who this Junmyeon is...But I heard he's a fine fellow...Good leadership skills and dashing good lo-"
"Oh my god Junmyeon! You're not fooling anybody with that costume of yours. And I'm trying really h-hard not to l-laugh in your face right now, please stop." I managed to choke out, desperately trying to hold in my laughter. Junmyeon can take anything and turn it into something hilarious. He once dubbed over the voice of a silent movie...He wasn't very good at voices but he got the Baekyeol couple to stop arguing with each other. The whole group was being affected and nothing we tried helped. Making them talk, having team building exercises...Tying Chanyeol up and trapping him in a room with Baekhyun for an hour. But all it took was an old silent movie and some pretty ridiculous voices for them to forgive each other. It was times like that that makes me glad I have him as co-leader.

"W-Wha- How dare you insult me! You have crossed the line mortals...Prepare to face my wrath!! ARGHH!!" He roared, jumping on me and making derp scary faces. AND it was times like this that makes me wonder why I got stuck on the crazy boat.

"Oh please, give it up. We all know is you. Even Kai knows it's you, and he's practically making out with the couch!" I yelled exasperatedly. The said maknae shot a glare at me from the now drooled stained couch and stuck his tongue out at me. How cute immature.

Junmyeon frowned and puffed out his cheeks. "Aw you're no fun. Fine! I'll stop...but I can't say the same for the others." He chirped, trailing off suspiciously.

"What are you talking ab- GAH!" I could feel something heavy fall on top of me. I saw a flash of pink before something clamped over my eyes and obstructed my view. Whoops and cheers erupted from the others but were quickly muffled by a loud - and fairly obnoxious - laugh.

"MUHAHAHA!! I got you! Now you are under my control." I squirmed beneath his grasp but he only tightened his hold. "Beg all you will mortal. Just know that it shall be of no use." Since my cries were only met with a mouth full of fur, I decided to relax. Stilling my body, I stopped all of my movements and held my breath. He seemed surprised at my sudden lack of movement; His grip loosened and he gasped. "Kris? Yo Krease...You okay?"

"Oh my god you killed him!! Let him go Chanyeol! He needs to breathe!" Junmyeon shrieked frantically. Ah... So it's Chanyeol. I should've known. That deep voice and annoying laugh, it couldn't have been anybody else. Guess I'll play dead for a little longer...

"Oh no!" Chanyeol quickly released me and started to shake me violently. "Ah! Don't die on me man! Ugh...guess I have no choice then." He laid me down flat on the floor and pinched my nose. What's he up to?

He took a deep breath and leaned down. Is he dong what I think he's doing...? I twitched a little, but he didn't seem to notice. Once I felt his hot breath near my face I realized he was serious. Quickly shooting up, I push him away and frantically scrambled towards Junmyeon. Chanyeol gaped at me with his jaw slack and eyes bulging. Junmyeon just laughed and helped me up from the floor. Baekhyun and Xiumin giggled from their spots, pointing at the very confused Chanyeol on the ground. Tao, being the caring maknae he was, only smiled before pulling Chanyeol up from the floor. "Are you alright Chanyeol? You seem a bit frazzled." He asked, raising an eyebrow.

The tall Derp only shook his head and grinned. "I'm fine. Just surprised that's all. You shouldn't have scared us like that Kris." He scolded, smacking me on the .

"Hey! It was the only way! Another minute and you wouldve strangl-" I stopped abruptly, too horrified by the sight in front of me to continue. "C-Ch-Chanyeol...What on EARTH are you wearing?!" I screamed, shakily pointing at the horrendous outfit he had on. The main rapper of EXO-K, destroyer of many fangirls ovaries, y rapper that could make anyone faint with a simple wink...Yes, him. Had on a full sized, pink, bunny costume. That's right.

Bunny. Costume. And it's pink. 

I can practically see the stylist noona's petrified face if she saw this. Or anybody else's face for that matter.

Chanyeol tilted his head and raised a questioning eyebrow. The words were still caught in my throat so I flailed my arms around to showcase my point. It took him a moment to finally register my question and give me a proper answer. "What, this? Aren't you scared by it? I remember you once said you were scared of pink bunnies. So here I am!" Grinning, he spread his arms out like a star and hopped up and down.

I would've face palmed right there if I wasn't still recovering from shock. Tao and Junmyeon snickered from behind me and Baekhyun snorted. Xiumin was literally rolling like a buffalo on the floor as his laughter came out in unattractive guffaws. Even Kai let out a few muffled chuckles from the couch. That brat... He was awake the whole time?

"Really gege? You're scared of pink bunnies?" Tao asked, putting a hand on his hip and looking like a true diva. His question finally snapped me from my shocked state and I quickly denied.

"W-What? N-No...Of course not!" Dammit. Why did you have to stutter? Everyone's eyes landed on me and I could just see the disbelief in them.

Chanyeol huffed and glared at me accusingly. "You're lying! I specifically remember you saying that you were terrified of pink bunnies!"

I sighed, might as well confess now. "Alright alright, it's true." Once the words left my mouth, gasps and cheers emitted from everyone. "Hey hey hey, I wasn't finished! I'm saying that I was scared of them. When I was five okay? I had a bad experience with an Easter bunny in the past and I don't wanna talk about it. Just know that I'm no longer afraid of them." Everybody's excitement clearly died down but there were still some disbelieving looks. Chanyeol pouted and crossed his arms.

"Aw really?! You mean I bought this for nothing?! Do you have any idea how hard it was to buy this at the store? The clerk looked at me like I was crazy!" He yelled exasperatedly. I chuckled, sounds just like Chanyeol to do something like that. Making my way over to him, I casually slung an arm over his shoulder.

"It's okay buddy. Better luck next time I guess?" He sighed, but nodded in agreement.

"Okay guys! The food's ready~!!" Kyungsoo and Lay cried from the kitchen. Everyone froze for a second before bolting towards the kitchen. Even Kai who seemed like a zombie just a second ago had jumped off the couch and sprinted ahead of everyone else. I rolled my eyes, being the only sane one who walked into the kitchen calmly. Why do I have to be stuck with the weird ones?

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NadoSarang #1
Chapter 5: sooo cute!!! asdfghjkl~ feels!
Chapter 3: Cute. So cute. :'3

But may I suggest something? Try to end the story with a more climatic, hanging ending. It leaves the leader anticipating for the next.

Other than that, very well-written! You went from one topic to another and it flowed well. It gave the story a sense of realism (because in real life people tend to get off-topic in most convos). Good job! :)
Chapter 2: Nice building to what I expect to be an unexpected twist of event. I still haven't gotten to the 'OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING' part yet though (not sure if the last line foretells that but I was just imagining Suho in a ridiculous Halloween costume). Anyway, I look forward to reading what comes next! :)
Chapter 1: It's a good opening :) It's not that thrilling yet (I don't know if it's supposed to bethrilling and all) but it's pleasant to read, good flow :D So yeah, you're doing good! I assume it's going to revolve around Kris? You amde his character skeptic of halloween, so i assume you will work further on that :) for now i don't know what the plot will be, hope oyu will show that soon, but in sum, good thus far!

Good luck with it!