
The place where I belong



Quietly, I try to enter the door of Kevin and my room. To my big surprise, the lights are still on. He really worked hard today, I thought he would have been tired and wanted to sleep, apparently I was wrong.

“I’m back” I say as I take off my shoes and coat. There’s no answer. It’s weird, the lights are on but no one is answering.

“Kevin?” I say and walk further into the room. At first glance, it seems empty but when my eyes reach the couch, it gets clear why I didn’t get any answer. Kevin is lying curled up on the couch, tightly hugging a pillow. I drop my bag on my side of the bed, move over to the couch and I crouch down besides Kevin’s sleeping figure. He sleeping so soundly.

“Hi Kevin” I say as I wipe some stray strands of hair out of his face. Even when he’s sleeping, he still looks so cute and beautiful. I think it’s really amazing how he can switch between his cute, cheerful and natural self and his serious and hot image. It’s like he has a switch somewhere that he can easily turn. I softly pat his head and notice his cheeks are quite red, I hope he isn’t getting sick again. If he stays like this, sleeping here, he will. I have to get him to sleep in the bed. Alone it’s never going to work, I’ll have to wake him up. I put my hand on his shoulder and softly shake him.

“Kevin, wake up” I say. He softly moans, he murmurs something but just sleeps on.

“Really, falling asleep like this” I softly say and smile, thinking how he looks like a cute little kid.

“Hyunae” I hear Kevin say with a low voice. He’s looking at me with his eyes only half open.

“Yes” I say and smile. He slowly sits up an rubs his eyes with one hand, while still holding the pillow close to him with his other hand.

“Am I still dreaming?” he softly murmurs. I shake my head.

“Nope, you’re very much awake” I tell him. He throws the pillow away and he lets himself slide down the couch, glomping me. This makes me, who was still crouching down next to the couch, lose balance and fall backwards. Luckily, I’m still able to put my hands behind me so that I don’t fall down completely. He has pulled me into a tight hug and I can feel his warm breath on my neck. It makes my heart race.

“Kevin, is something wrong?” I aks him.

“Hyunae! Welcome back” he mumbles against my skin: “I waited for you to return.”

A faint smell of alcohol reaches my nose.

“Kevin, did you drink something?” I ask him. I feel a soft nod against my shoulder.

“Sorry” he mumbles and buries his face in my neck. It makes my heart skip a beat. His breath now directly touches my skin. Like I have nothing to say about it, the hand that I don’t use to keep myself from falling backwards, finds its way to Kevin’s back and I return the hug he still tightly holds me into. After a bit, he lets go and I take the chance to sit up straight so that I don’t have to use my hands anymore to keep myself from falling on my back. I look at Kevin again and I see him looking straight at me. It’s like his eyes are piercing through me. If my heart wasn’t racing before, it sure is now.

“Neh, Hyunae… I… I… you know, what I want to say is that I… I…” he stutters. His face gets clouded and he looks down. I’m shocked when I see a few tears fall down on his lap. I immediately put my both hands on his face, trying to wipe away some of the tears, but they keep coming to fast.

“Kevin, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” I ask him, very worried.

“I can’t, I want to but I can’t. I tried to say it but I can’t” he sobs. Not knowing what he’s talking about, I tilt his head back up so that he looks at me. In an attempt to calm him down I press my forehead against his. I’m happy to notice it’s working. After a bit I pull back and smile at him. He lifts up his hand an cups my face. He’s looking at me with a  kind of look on his face that I haven’t seen before. It feels warm. Both my cheeks have gone completely red a little while ago and I didn’t need any alcohol for that to happen. Kevin moves a bit closer. What is he going to do? Is he going to… kiss me? My head starts to feel lighter. Is he going to give me the kiss I have always secretly longed for? He gets closer little by little. Is this really what I want? He’s drunk isn’t he? Does that make this a real kiss?

“No” I say and I tilt my head downwards. I want him to kiss me more than anything, but not like how he is now. If I let him kiss me now, it might be something he’ll regret later and I don’t want that.

“Sorry, it’s just that... that you are drunk and..and I don’t know if-“ I stutter but I get cut of by Kevin who places his hand, that was cupping my face before, on my lips. Surprised, I look up but before I can register what’s happening, he presses his lips against his hand. Even thought his hand is between his lips and mine, I can still feel his warmth. It’s driving me insane. Overtaken by the feeling, I close my eyes a little. After a bit, he pulls back and stands up.

“I’m sorry to have bothered you, I won’t do it again” he says sounding extremely sober. It almost scares me. Even though I was wishing he wasn’t drunk just a minute ago, now I don’t want him to sound this sober. Does that mean he wasn’t drunk? It seems my worries were unnecessary when I see him trying to walk to the bed. Because he’s not paying attention, he almost tilts over. I quickly get up and help him to the bed. I’m kind of happy he is already in sleep gear. He lays himself down on his side of the bed and I pull the covers over him.

“Good night, Kevin” I say but it seems he’s already fallen asleep. I quickly change into my pajama and lay down next to Kevin. I have a hard time falling asleep. Our near kiss keeps playing in my head. It’s like my brain is determined not to let me sleep and put that part on replay, making that one feeling inside me go crazy.



AN: >////< I'm killing myself here XD I hope you guys are having fun too >:3 Sorry it's just a short one but more will be comming soon ^w^ Today is 0330 :D the performance on Immortal song was so cute and funny >u< Well anyway, enjoy :3

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Chapter 68: Sequel!!! please~~~
Micka_Micka99 #2
Chapter 43: Sequel~~!! Please. Kekeke~
Chapter 70: omooo soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 51: OMOOOOO ANOTHER DVJNsiungiurdngbiudfznUBC
Chapter 1: Wow 70 chapters thats quite long but oh well im only at chapter 1 xD -pokerface-
Chapter 69: I really liked this story.
It was one of the best ones i've read so far :D
Chapter 48: OMG the ferris wheel moment was just PERFECT.
Author-nim, this chapter is perfect.
U love love love it :D
Yesungluver #9
Chapter 56: So sweet cute love the remember hospital sceen
Yesungluver #10
Chapter 39: Daebeak awesome love it at fist doubt now love