
The place where I belong



“It’s not that I don’t like Kevin” I say: “It’s just that I don’t know if I can see him any different than a star. Well, you can’t blame me, it’s been like that for a long time.”

Soohyun looks at me with a serious face. He asked me I if I liked Kevin. He sighs.

“So you just see him as an idol? Only that?” he asks. I shake my head and he looks at me confused.

“When I bumped in to that strange guy  and got to know him, I also started to like him. I started to like Sunghyun a lot. And when he turned out to be Kevin, who I have loved for all these years, I was just confused. I still am to be honest” I say. Soohyun nods as he tries to understand my words.

“But I’m afraid that if I give in to this feelings, I would get rejected. Cause it’s foolish to think I’m that much better than all those other fans out there” I continue.

“But you like him” he asks. I look at my feet and get even redder as I was before. Slowly I nod.

“Yes I like him” I say shyly: “I like him a lot.”

I look at Soohyun. He has a giant smile on his face.

“Good” he says. I look at him, my eyes asking him: “What about him?”. Soohyun shakes his head as he comes over and pats my head.

“No, girly, I’m not telling you” he says. I pout.

“Come, we’re going back, everyone will be waiting for their drinks” he continues while grabbing some of the glasses.

“Remember he’s a shy guy sometimes” Soohyun says and before I have time to ask for and explentation, we enter the living room. I look angry at Soohyun and he smiles back.

“I guess I have to figure it all out myself, huh?” I think. I sigh and put down the glasses. My eyes search Kevin. He’s sitting on the end of one of the couches with a cushion on his lap. He’s staring at the cushion. I sit myself down next to him as I place his cup of tea on the table infront of us. I manage putting it down without spilling it. It’s a pretty big cup and Soohyun poured it pretty full. I look at Kevin. It’s like he didn’t notice I’m sitting next to him now. He keeps staring at the cushion. I softly put my hand on his shoulder.

“Kevin, are you ok?” I ask him. He scares a little and looks at me. His normal cheerful eyes look empty and, or is it just my imagination, a little sad. He sends me a soft smile

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asks. I notice he isn’t smiling honestly, he’s just putting up a fake smile.

“I don’t know, you look a little sad” I tell him. He shakes his head.

“I’m ok, don’t worry. I’m probably just a little tired, I guess” he says. I look at the clock. It’s indeed getting pretty late. I’m not really convinced though, he looks more sad than tired. I hope it’s just my imagination and he is indeed just tired. Kevin reaches for his overfull cup of hot tea on the table. I look at Eli, who’s chasing Dongho. The younger one keeps looking teasingly at the older while he safely out of reach of the older one. Dongho swiftly makes a steep turn at the end of the couch we’re sitting. Eli tries doing the same, so he can catch the maknae, but turns to early. He runs into the couch with full speed. Kevin, who just decided to bring his cup back to the table, loses grip on the cup. The cup starts turning and spills some of the hot tea on Kevin. I quickly reach for the cup to prevent it form spilling more on Kevin and maybe even save the cup from breaking. I’m half successful. I somehow manage to knock away the cup, spilling the remaining tea on my hand and arm instead of on Kevin, but I fail to save the cup. It reaches the ground and falls apart in a few dozen pieces. The room, that was lively and energetic until a few moments ago, has gone completely quiet. I quickly look up to Kevin. He reaches for his chest, his partly drenched shirt is sticking to it. It must hurt. Without thinking anymore I grab Kevin’s hand and drag him along to the bathroom.

“We have to watch out, that was some hot tea. It’s possible you got burned” I say. While saying this I rid him of some of his clothing that’s covering his chest. Without thinking I start ing his shirt, it’s only when I’m about halfway and some of his beautiful skin underneath his shirt becomes visible, I notice what I’m doing. I instantly let go of him and put a few steps back. I cover my face and turn around.

“ should do the rest” I tell him. What was I doing? I was stripping him! It was with the best intentions though. I don’t want the tea to leave burn marks on his skin. I suddenly remember that a few days ago I entered his room while he was getting out of that dress he wore on the new year’s show. I saw his body then too.

“Eh, Hyunae, could you help please? I can’t get it off” he says. I slowly turn around and see him struggling. I quickly walk over again and help him out off the shirt, revealing what’s underneath. I can’t stop myself from looking a few moments before I order him to get under the shower and make sure he put enough cold water on it.

“I’ll go searching for something you can wear, kay?” I say. He nods. I quickly glance at him before I leave the bathroom.

“Enough cold water, don’t forget” I say again before I close the door. After I close the door I sigh and lean against it. I remember his beautiful milk skinned chest that I saw just now. Is it possible that it looked better than a few days ago? My cheeks feel like they’re on fire.

“How’s Kevin I hear” Kiseop ask. I look up and see the guys before me with a worried look on their faces.

“Nona, hyung is ok, right?” Dongho asks, clearly feeling guilty even thought it was not directly his fault.

“He’s ok, don’t worry” I tell them: “He just needs to put enough water on it, he’ll be fine.”

Everone sighs in relieve.

“I’m going to get him something to wear” I tell them. After a while I come back with pants from ajussi and a t-shirt of mine that is two sizes too big for me. I also found a big hoodie of mine. I stop before the bathroom.

“Hoon!” I yell when I see him just entering the living room. He pops his head back out. When he sees me he comes over.

“This is what I got for Kevin, but the thing is, I don’t know in wich state Kevin is in there” I tell Hoon, referring to the number of pieces Kevin would be wearing.

“So, I was thinking if you could bring him this” I continue. Hoon laughs and nods understanding.

“Aye, ma’am” he says while he jokingly salutes. I smile back and he enters the bathroom. After a few minutes, Kevin comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed in the clothes I provided. When we all return, the guys decide it’s time they go back to the dorm so me and Chohee accompany the guys to the door. AJ hugs Chohee tightly before moving to the van. Kevin is about to go to the van too, but I grab his arm to stop him. He looks at we wondering why is stopped him. I gather all the courage I have and lean in to give him a kiss on his cheek. It’s nice to have him close like before again. I let go and he looks at me with big eyes.

“Thank you, Kevin” I say. I smiles to me, with an honest smile this time.

“Hyunae, I-“ he starts but gets cut off by Eli.

“Kev, hurry, we don’t have all night” he says. Kevin sighs.

“I have to go, good night” Kevin says. He walks over to the van. Before closing the door, he turns around and waves. Chohee and me see the van drive off into the darkness. We quickly close the door to prevent any more cold wind from entering.

 It’s not long before we’re both in my room and ready to sleep. I turn off the lights.

“It was fun today, huh?” Chohee says.

“Yep it sure was, too bad it had to end like this” I say.

“True” she says: “I hope we can meet them again soon.”

“Me too” I say and we both fall asleep. 

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Chapter 68: Sequel!!! please~~~
Micka_Micka99 #2
Chapter 43: Sequel~~!! Please. Kekeke~
Chapter 70: omooo soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 51: OMOOOOO ANOTHER DVJNsiungiurdngbiudfznUBC
Chapter 1: Wow 70 chapters thats quite long but oh well im only at chapter 1 xD -pokerface-
Chapter 69: I really liked this story.
It was one of the best ones i've read so far :D
Chapter 48: OMG the ferris wheel moment was just PERFECT.
Author-nim, this chapter is perfect.
U love love love it :D
Yesungluver #9
Chapter 56: So sweet cute love the remember hospital sceen
Yesungluver #10
Chapter 39: Daebeak awesome love it at fist doubt now love