
The place where I belong



It's black. Everything is black around me. I slowly open my eyes. I feel that I'm laying down on a bed. Was it all just a dream? Did I really just go home, go to sleep and dream of meeting Kevin? I guess that has to be it. As I thought, Sunghyun being Kevin is just impossible. I move around under the blanket, trying to find a more comfortable position. I get more aware of the blanket that's covering me and the bed I'm laying on. Wait a minute, this is not my bed! I jump up. Sitting up straight, I pinch my eyes to try and make me environment a little more clearer with the minimum light there is. This is not my room! I haven't even been in this room before, there's nothing familiar whatsoever. I push the blanket away and get out of bed. Only now I notice it's not my own clothes or pajamas I'm wearing. The T-shirt I’m wearing is slightly too big and the pats is way to spacious.  I completely freak out. Where is this? What happened? Why am I not wearing my own clothes? I start running around nervously through the room, knocking something over at the first few steps I take. I lose balance and fall down. The door quickly opens. I look at the door but because of the intense light, I can only make out a man’s silhouette standing in the door. Who is he? What did he do to me? He comes closer. I try to get up, but fail. I want to crawl back, the man is already next to me and grabs my arm. Before I can pull back my arm, I’m already back on my feet. I quickly pull back my arm, push him away from me and take some steps backwards, creating some space between me and the guy.

“What do you want from me? Get away from me!” I scream.

He comes closer again. I try to push him away but he isn’t surprised anymore by my actions. He dodges my hands and succeeds in coming very close. He pulls me close to him and wraps his arms tightly around me. I scream.

“Hyunae! Hyunae, it’s ok. It’s me. You don’t have to be afraid. Everything is alright” I hear Sunghyun say with his soft, warm voice. His voice, his warmth, his smell, it’s all Sunghyun. It calms me down. Thick tears start falling down. I was so scared, I didn’t know what to do. Softly, I start sobbing. There are still a lot of things that confuse me, but being here with Sunghyun calms me down a great deal. He softly rocks me back and forth. I clamp his T-shirt, trying to make my tears stop falling. He holds me really tight. It feels warm and safe.

“”Hyung, are you ok?” someone says while nearing the room.

“Oh, it’s still dark here” that person says, now standing in the doorway. He turns on the lights. I stoped crying and calmed down a bit, Sugnhyun loosens his grip. When he takes a little step backwards, I can see the boy that was standing in the doorway walking towards us. Is that….

“Dongho?” I ask while looking at the boy with big eyes. I look at Sunghyun.


I take a few steps back to look at them again. I don’t understand, so it wasn’t a dream? Or was it? I don’t understand. As I walk backwards, I slip on the bag I knocked over before. A strong arm catches me before I go down and pulls me close. Once again, I can sense his body heat.

“Are you alright?” Kevin asks. I blush and nod.

“Maybe you should sit down a bit” he says. I laugh.

“You said the same thing before as well” I tell him.

“I did?” he asks: “I’m so glad you’re better.”

That’s right. He said it before as well. So it wasn’t a dream? I bring my hands to my head to support it.

“Sorry for confusing you” Kevin says.

“Come to the living room” he says: “I’ll explain everything.”

I nod and follow him as he turns around and leads the way to the living room. Suddenly I stop, remembering I’m not wearing my own clothes. He turns around an looks at me surprised. I tug at the T-shirt I’m wearing.

“Who…..who changed my clothes?” I ask, slightly blushing. His eyes widen and his face gets bright red. He averts his face. What does this mean?

“Your whole back was wet and….. and I was afraid you might get sick if you kept wearing that” he says, getting even redder. What does this mean? Did he look at me? Did he see everything. Dongho walks up to me and pokes my shoulder. I look at him.

“Hyung forced me to blindfold him” he says very serious: “He forbid me or any of us to enter the room even though we heard him fall down all the time because he couldn’t see anything.”

“Dongho!” Kevin yells.

“What? Otherwise she would have thought you were a ert. You can’t make a girl feel insecure, you know” Dongho says. Kevin can’t say anything in return and pouts. I can’t help but smile at the scene.

“Hey, what’s taking you guys?” Eli says before appearing in the doorway. What? There are more members here? I somewhat accepted Kevin and Dongho being here, but now Eli too? Eli turns around.

“They’re on their way, I guess” he says. He’s obviously not talking to air, which means there are more people in the living room. More members of U-KISS. I feel like I’m pinned to the floor, unable to move. Kevin sees I’m uneasy and takes my hand. I look at him surprised.

“It’s ok” he says and leads the way to the living room, not letting go of my hand.



End note: They finally 'really' met ^w^ sorry for those who've been waiting for this ^^'  But the story is starting for real now!! Enjoy :3

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Chapter 68: Sequel!!! please~~~
Micka_Micka99 #2
Chapter 43: Sequel~~!! Please. Kekeke~
Chapter 70: omooo soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 51: OMOOOOO ANOTHER DVJNsiungiurdngbiudfznUBC
Chapter 1: Wow 70 chapters thats quite long but oh well im only at chapter 1 xD -pokerface-
Chapter 69: I really liked this story.
It was one of the best ones i've read so far :D
Chapter 48: OMG the ferris wheel moment was just PERFECT.
Author-nim, this chapter is perfect.
U love love love it :D
Yesungluver #9
Chapter 56: So sweet cute love the remember hospital sceen
Yesungluver #10
Chapter 39: Daebeak awesome love it at fist doubt now love