Too little, too late

The place where I belong



Today of all days, they had to reschedule the dance practice to today? Really? It’s Christmas for crying out loud, don’t we deserve a break? And in the evening of all times. It’s 6 pm now. I’m sitting pouting in my room. I don’t want to go to the dance practice. I can’t go. Hyunae will wait for me in the park at 8, I can’t possibly go to practice now.

“Kevin, are you almost ready? We’re all waiting for you!” I hear Soohyun yell from the living room. I don’t want to tell them I’m going to meet Hyunae. I can’t tell them. They might tell me I shouldn’t go. They might tell me I can’t see her. I won’t let them stop me, but I’m running out of time.

“I’m coming, hyung” I yell back. I’ll just go with them and sneak out when they’re not looking, or something. I won’t let them stop me.

“We don’t have all day” he says. I jump up from my bed, quickly grab some stuff I’ll be needing for practice. I put my scarf and my hat on the bottom of my bag and put my practice stuff on top so they won’t suspect anything. Before I run out of my room, I stop at my drawer. I can’t possibly forget this. I put the little decorated box I take out of my drawer, into the pocket of my jacket. Now I’m ready to go out.

“You’re worse than a girl if it comes to getting ready” Soohyun says. I put on my shoes and we leave the dorm.


“Kevin, you’re not concentrating!” Eli screams. I look at him.

“Is something the matter? Are you feeling sick?” he asks with a calmer voice now. I sigh.

“I’m ok, it’s nothing” I say.

“Hyung, you are acting a little weird today, are you sure you are ok?” Dongho asks.

“Eh? I guess it’s because I have a headache”  I lie. I hate lying to them like this, but I can’t let them get in the way of this, not today.

“Hyung headache?” Dongho asks while doing loads of aegyo and looking at me with those bug puppy eyes. Why does he have to make it harder to lie?! I nod.

“Yes, I have a headache” I say. I quickly glance at the clock. It’s almost 7:45 pm. I have to get out of here soon. I won’t be in time anymore, but I can’t make her wait too long.

“Maybe we should rest a bit, we’ll continue in a bit” Soohyun says. This is my chance! I can say I have to go to the toilet and get out of here. Just when I want to say I’m going to the bathroom, the door opens.

“Hi boys! Oh I see you guys are taking a break, perfect! I’m here to discuss some things about the upcoming shows you guys will do” our manager says while walking in the room. I can’t get out of this one, I hope he’ll keep it short.


I should have known it. Leave it to the manager to keep things short. It took him almost 45 minutes to discuss one little point. Seeing that we weren’t really making progress, he told us we’ll continue talking about this later. It’s almost 8:30 pm. I’m already half an hour late and I haven’t even left the building! I’m freaking out inside.

“Ok, boys. I’ll be leaving for now. Don’t slack, kay?” the manager says and leaves the room. Finally! I get up and move to the door.

“My headache got worse, I’m going to grab a painkiller in the dressing room” I tell the members. They say it’s ok and tell me to hurry up. I nod and leave the room.

“I’m sorry guys’ I whisper. In the dressing room, I quickly put on my shoes, take my scarf and my hat and put on my coat. I quickly check if the little box is still in my pocket. It’s still there. I take a deep breath and leave the dressing room. I run towards the exit of the building. Once outside, I think of the shortest way to get to the park. I figure it out and start running. I run as fast as I can, wishing she’s still there. Wishing even though I’m late, she’ll still be there. I trip and fall on my face, I ignore it and get up as fast as I can and start to run again. I have to get there before she leaves, I just have to.


The park is empty. There is no one around, there’s even no sound. Am I too late? I wanted to call Hyunae before, but I noticed to late I had left my phone in the practice room. She’s really gone? Did I really miss my chance? Suddenly, I hear a soft squeaking sound. It’s a very familiar sound. I move to the playground next to the park. There is someone sitting on the swings. As I quietly move closer, the silhouette gets clearer. It’s Hyunae! She didn’t leave! As I get a little closer, I hear she’s crying. She’s sobbing softly. My chest hurts. It’s like I only make her suffer. One moment, I think of leaving. She’s probably better off without me, but I’m too selfish to leave. She’s finally within my reach, I’m not letting her go again. I softly move closer until I’m right behind here. She hasn’t noticed my yet. Her sobbing really breaks my heart. I lean in and softly but my hands around her. She scares at this sudden change in her environment.

“Guess who” I say. She laughs between her sobbing. Softly, she stops crying and wipes away her tears.

“Santa, I thought you would never come” she says, smiling softly. My face is almost next to hers, but she hasn’t looked yet.

“Beebee, wrong answer, try again.” I say. She laughs.

“Then you’re the tooth fairy!” she says full of confidence.

“Close, but still wrong. Sorry, you blow all your chances. To bad” I say.

“I demand a third guess, it’s only fair” she says. I laugh. She’s so cute.

“Ok, because it’s you, I’ll give you one more chance” I say.

“You’re that idiot Sunghyun that is almost an hour late” she says.

“Completely correct” I say and I let her go. She stands up. I feel my heart beating in my throat. What will her reaction be? Will she accept me? Will she hate me? Oh please, she can be angry at me all she wants, but don’t let her hate me.

I hold my breath as she slowly turns around.



End note: oooh, what will happen next? >u< enjoy :3

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Chapter 68: Sequel!!! please~~~
Micka_Micka99 #2
Chapter 43: Sequel~~!! Please. Kekeke~
Chapter 70: omooo soooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 51: OMOOOOO ANOTHER DVJNsiungiurdngbiudfznUBC
Chapter 1: Wow 70 chapters thats quite long but oh well im only at chapter 1 xD -pokerface-
Chapter 69: I really liked this story.
It was one of the best ones i've read so far :D
Chapter 48: OMG the ferris wheel moment was just PERFECT.
Author-nim, this chapter is perfect.
U love love love it :D
Yesungluver #9
Chapter 56: So sweet cute love the remember hospital sceen
Yesungluver #10
Chapter 39: Daebeak awesome love it at fist doubt now love