The Parents

When You Relize It, It'll Be Too Late

You lied down in your bed thinking about your day.

You smirked at the thought of the day *I really kicked Junyeon , hehe. That'll show him!*.

You smiled and thought about the more positiveness of the day *That was some damn good food! I will go back!!!!* you hopped off your bed, but stopped *Wait, I can't go back now, if I do, I'll look like a complete weirdo, I'll go there tomorrow for sure!* you smiled and remembered the food that tasted like heaven.

You saddened *I'll have to go back to school tomorrow. How will I face the bloody and bruised Junyeon. That's too ugly to see*.

You smiled again, thinking about the tasty food that you'd taste tomorrow.

You slowly laid back down.

You closed your eyes and steadied your breathes.

You soon drifted into dream land, the place where theres no thoughts. Just nothing, like a blank piece of paper. The day erased as you were asleep.


You woke up to the noices of yelling, you were forced to wake up.

You saw two blurry figures, you couldn't tell who they were because your vision was still half asleep.

You rubbed you eye to see the people.

The people that were on each side of your bed was none other then the people that you hated the most. The people who gave you this horrible life. The people who didn't acknowledge your existence since you rebelled against there rules, rules of being A LADY!! The people who you haven't seen in about a year. Those people you despised the most were your parents. No, they were the people who claimed to be your parents, you refused to believe it.

You wanted to go back to sleep, but your mother's whiny voice was too annoying to sleep with.

You wanted to sit up, but they would notice you're up and talk to you, UGH!

You just sat up quickly and walked to the washroom, like you didn't notice the two people who were at each side of your bed, starring at the path that you have just walked by.

You were in the washroom, ripping your hair out of your head *Why do THEY have to be here and ruin everything? I HATE THEM!!!*. 

You made a plan, you were gonna pretend that they were not there, ignore them.

You coolly walked out the washroom and into your closet. Your parents not speaking a word.

You finished changing and you were just about to leave your room, that's when your parents spook up.

"Suzy-ah~,..." that name made you cringe "...Suzy`ah~, we need to talk" your mother said in that whiny, witchy voice.

You stuck to your plan and walked right out the door. Your parents looked at each other, very confused.


You were out of breathe by the time you were in the school *Why must I have to run and live in fear everyday? Who am I, 'Sissy Suzy'?* you bonked yourself on the head for being a wimp.

You walked over to your locker and leaning against your locker was a bloody faced, smirking confident Junyeon.

You frowned at him *How can a guy be so confident? Does he need another smack in the face?!?* you thought as you clenched your fists.

You walked up to him and just about when you were gonna knock some sence into him, he yells "Mom!!!" and a women, that looks like she's in her late 30s, came running in.

You face palmed yourself *He called in HIS MOTHER? WHAT THE HELL? How old is this guy?* you sighed deeply.

"Umm, mommy..." Junyeon started with a little innocent face plastered on "...this is the girl I told you about..." he continued, your eyes widened *Wait, Junyeon's mom will know that I beat him up... and I'll never get to do it again* your face lost all color as you looked at the older women.

She smiled brightly at you, which made you blink in confusion *Isn't she suppose to be... I don't know MAD AT ME?*, but you weren't complaining. You gave back a slightly smile to the women, as a show of respect.

The women quickly walked to you and brought you into a tight embrace, you blinked some more *What's with this family and HUGGING ME!?*. The women smiles at you and pulled back from the hug.

She couldn't take the grin off her face "So... you're Junyeon's girlfriend!", she said it as a statement, not a question. Junyeon quickly looked away from you, because he knew you'd flash him a death glare.

...Which is exactly what you did, then you looked back at the women, who was still smiling brightly as ever. "And, he even told me about yesterday, when bullies were beating him up, you came to his rescue!" she exclaimed. 

You blinked a lot more *Great, so now I'm a bully*. The next thing you knew, Junyeon sneakily wrapped his arm around your waist and smiled at his mother "Yep yep, isn't she the best! And, she's so cute, right mom~" he leaned over and you felt soft lips on your cheek, you didn't see, but you knew who's lips they belonged to, yet you wished it was a baboon's lips other then Junyeon's.

His mother fangirled and took out her phone and snapped a few pictures of you two together. Oh, how much you wanted to take this small guy out, kick his . But, you knew his mother was RIGHT there watching, so you couldn't do anything about the situation.

His mother then grabbed your hand and pulls you closer to her, Junyeon trailing with you. She smiled at both of you "Hey, we should go out and eat something, so I can learn more about Mikki." Your ears perked up *Did she just say 'Mikki'...? FINALLY AN ADULT CALLS ME BY THAT!!*.

You quickly remembered what you were suppose to do today "Hey.. yeah, that's a great idea... and, I know the perfect place. Their food... is wonderful...!" a smile crept on your face.

Junyeon looked at you, looked at that smile and he, himself, smiled wide *She is so perfect...*. His mother caught him staring at you lovingly and giggles like a schoolgirl.

He saw his mom and blushed a bit and turns around "L-let's go!" he ran, still with his arm around your waist.

You widened your eyes a bit as you glanced back, seeing his mother just stand there. She winked at you and waved and your eyes widened a bit *So... I'm stuck with him alone...? Wait.. should I beat him up?.. hmm* thoughts raced through your head as he dragged you out the school.






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Dude you seriously need to update. OTL
You're a better writer than me.
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 2: Ohhhh Zico have an evil plan~
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 1: Damn she's goooood lol
I'm so excited! >.<
Update soon~
kemajiba #4
Chapter 1: Wow. You mentioned me (us). Wow. Hehe.
Good job dongsaeng~ :P
Chapter 1: I was like.. Oh! she updated! fansqueled.. then after i read it i saw my name on the subbies.. *sob sob* le cries... Daebak author-nim! XD
Block B~! Update!! Im looking forward to this story~