Me, Mikki

When You Relize It, It'll Be Too Late


It was a sunny winter morning *Sunny? Is this summer? God, I hate global warming*.


You rubbed your eyes and you sat up from your bright pink and blue king sized bed.


The sight of your bed almost made you puke... again *Ugh, why must my parents buy me colorful, happy stuff. I'm not much of a pink kind of girl, I prefer purple and black*.


You weren't the cutesy girl that your parents wanted, but you didn't care, you were you and only you. You weren't the Suzy that your parents wanted, you were the Mikki that you wanted. You frowned at the name 'Suzy', *I hate that name, why did my parents name me such a girly name?*.


You got out of your bed and headed to the washroom to wash up.


When you were finished, you put on your housecoat and walked back into your room.


Your housecoat stopped just before your knees, only revealing half of your endless legs.


You were a really tall girl. You were 15 years old and 173cm tall.


You walked into your huge closet. You cringed at all the pink. You smirked and walked to the back of the room.


Behind a bunch of dresses on a rack, was your stash of clothes.


Your school had uniforms, but you never wore it. You refused to ware that short skirt.


You got out of that with your power, being the daughter of the riches man in Seoul has it's perks, but the 'no-uniform' thing was the only thing you enjoyed.


You slipped your housecoat off and changed into your outfit of the day, black leggings, a big purple shirt with a skull on it, and a big knitted white hat with a puff ball on the top.


When done, you ran downstairs and grabbed your black Jansport and put it on, you slipped your feet into your black Converse and walked out the door, before the maids could give you breakfast *I really hate those maids. I could do stuff on my own, I'm almost 16!*.


You looked in your wallet and saw 3 crisp $50 bills *I can get something on my way*.


With the rush and the sun, you forgot that it was still winter. You hugged yourself to keep warm *Maybe, I'll eat after*.


Yon continued to walk to school. You had a strange feeling... like you were being followed. You  looked back, but no one was there.


You still felt like you were being followed *Ahh, what is this?!* you turned your head and saw a head with red, curly hair, ducking into the bushes *So, I am being followed*. You picked up your pace and soon began to run to school.




You kept that fast pace. You wouldn't stop until you got in the school.


You raced into the school and you toke deep breathes once inside *I'm safe... for now* you half smiled as you headed to your locker.




You walked up to, and opened your grey locker. Your locker-mate was beside you, you frowned. You hated Junyeon, that player, you wanted to rip his head off. Everyday he would hit on you with one of his stupid pick-up lines. Today, he was one pick-up line from you punching him out.


He turned to you "Hey, gurl! How about you come to my house and play with a trains?". You almost puked *What is that even suppose to mean?!?... Oh wait, I don't want to know*.


You just decided to ignore him today, you still had that/those stalker(s) in your mind. You just got the stuff you needed and walked passed him.


Boy, were you stupid to think he'd let you go so easily. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his arms.


Your eyes widened *WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?!?!?* you screamed in your head. You struggled, but he was too strong for you.


You didn't want to give up, you kept on trying to get out of his tight hug. He just tightened his hold every time to tired to escape. He patted your head and smiled at you *WHAT THE-*.


He kept you in his embrace "Shh, just calm down. You and I both know that I won't let you go so easily". You wanted to yell out for help, but you were independent, you didn't need anyone’s help.


You saw other girls pass you two and stair *What are they looking at? HELP ME!!*, but the girls just pouted "Aww, I wish Junyeon oppa would hug me like that" one said *Feel free to take him*. "She's so lucky the other said *NO I'M NOT!*.


He held you tighter and whispered in your ear "I know you like it, you like me" he had a soft, deep voice. You nearly blushed from the warm air to your ear.


You really hated him now. You needed this to stop. You kneed him in his stomach *Thank god he's short* you exhaled. *Yeah, he's shorter then me, that little kid*.


From the impact of when kneed him, he fell onto the floor. You smirked as you bent over and punched him a couple times in the face.


Unfortunately, the timing of this scene was bad. Once you landed the second punch, you could hear someone yelling "Kim Suzy, go to the principal’s office NOW!" one of the teachers who saw the scene was right in front of you two.


You smirked as you slowly got up from the floor "Forget this, ! I'm untouchable and I'm leaving!" you yelled in the teachers face and you spun on the heels of you shoes and you walked right out the front door.


Junyeon smiled with his bloody face as he watched you leave *That is why I love Kim Mikki* he thought with hearts almost forming out of his eyes.


The teacher just stood there, she couldn't do anything. You were right, you were untouchable.




Is she really 'Untouchable'?

Even if she is, that doesn't mean she's safe.

She must have forgotten about... THEM.


Boring...? I know, but it's just the beginning.

I think this is going well... so far.

Comments? Criticism? Write it down below!

I toke me a couple days to write this and a couple of hours to type it, but I do it all for my subbies. Yeah, I have two subbie now.

Thank you~~ xxisouLxx and FanficsongwriterYou guys are awesome~~!

I'll update ASAP, but I have other stories to update as well.

So, stay tuned for my updates!

Have a nice day~~ :) 

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Dude you seriously need to update. OTL
You're a better writer than me.
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 2: Ohhhh Zico have an evil plan~
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 1: Damn she's goooood lol
I'm so excited! >.<
Update soon~
kemajiba #4
Chapter 1: Wow. You mentioned me (us). Wow. Hehe.
Good job dongsaeng~ :P
Chapter 1: I was like.. Oh! she updated! fansqueled.. then after i read it i saw my name on the subbies.. *sob sob* le cries... Daebak author-nim! XD
Block B~! Update!! Im looking forward to this story~