The Nillili Mambo & Block B

When You Relize It, It'll Be Too Late

You walked down the streets and you stopped for a second. You cupped your ear *Did I just hear something, or no?*. You just shrugged it out and began to walk again. Another noise was heard, this time more obvious *Okay, I'm sure I just heard something*. You darted your head side to side *Ahh, it's probably nothing. Why should I care?*.

Right then is when it hit you. A vision of a red, curly hair ran across your mind. You were confused for a second and you stopped walking again *What is this?*.

You started to feel cold of the winter and you hugged yourself. You remembered this strange feeling you had before. At that moment you remember it, your eyes widened as big as pizzas and you mentally slapped yourself *How could I be so stupid and forget about the creepy stalker?!?* you scolded yourself.

*I need to go somewhere safe, indoors, and NOW!* you quickly decided to go out and eat some food, because you skipped breakfast and you were really, really hungry.


You tried to find a good food place, but you weren't too picky, considering the position that you were in. You hopped into the first decent looking place you saw.

A tall guy with long, bleached blonde hair in a ponytail, walked up to you. You figured he was one of the workers because he had the same outfit as the other workers in the restaurant. And you, you were the only customer in there.

"Hello, welcome to the Nillili Mambo, what would you like?" the tall guy asked you.

"Umm, just give me anything" you lazily said.

"Okay, anything coming right up!" he said in a cheerful voice.

You rested your head on your hand and you waited patiently *How long can it take? I'm the only one in here!* you sighed *Well, I came here to get away from those... people*. you closed your eyes and toke a deep breathe.

You heard a jingle of a bell, singling that someone was coming into the restaurant. You were curious of what kind of people came to this place. You came here by accident and the was NO ONE THERE! So, you wanted to know what type of people come here. You stretched your head to see who just came in the door.

You first saw a guy with thick blonde dreads *Weird hair style, dude* you commented in your mind.

The workers greeted him "Ahh, Zico! What's up?" one of the workers said *I guess weird hair guy is Zico...*.

"Ahh, nothing" that 'Zico' guy said back.

"Where is Kyung?" the tall guy, who asked you what you wanted to eat about a half an hour ago!!!

"He's still looking for that girl" he replied. Your ears automatically tuned in to their conversation as soon as you heard the word 'girl'. You couldn't help but think that you needed to know what they were talking about.

You keep your head down, but your ears open, trying to hear what they had to say. But, you couldn't hear anything *Did they leave to another room? WHAT ABOUT MY FOOD?!?*. You slowly lifted you head and saw that 'Zico' guy starring at you, with a excited/surprised expression.

You tilted your head *What...?* you wanted to say it out loud, but you were kind of scared. That 'Zico" guy had scary looking eyes.

You and Zico kept starring at each other, until Zico left, and walked to another room, with the rest of the workers following him *HEY, MY FOOD!!*.



"What wrong with you? Why did you stair at her for so long? You probably scared the cute girl off. You do look kind of scary" P.O said.

"That's the girl that me and Kyung have been following all around town, while all of you work at an empty restaurant!!!" Zico, the leader yelled.

"Well, we found her" U-Kwon solidly said, and the rest of them nodded.

"Oh, whatever! Just get her food before she leaves this place!" he ordered.

"Yes, sir" P.O saluted, as he walked out the door with a plate of... some kind of food.


You saw the tall guy walked out of a room... WITH FOOD *FINALLY!*.

He came and sat the plate of food in front of you "Enjoy" he sweetly said.

"Thank you..." you said in a small quiet voice.

The guy heard that and smiled widely "YOUR WELCOME BEAUTIFUL~!!" he yelled out, which made you blush crazily and laugh at the same time.

You tasted the food, it was HEAVEN!! IT WAS THE GREATEST FOOD THAT YOU HAVE EVER TASTED. You enjoyed each and every bit "Mmm, that's good, mmm!" you really loved this food. *How can this place be so empty when the food is amazing?!*.

You kept having a feeling like you were being watched, you would look up from your food, but it was to damn good.

Sadly the meal didn't last forever, even though you wished that the plate was magical and endless. After it was done you called over someone so you could pay. The guy who served you before was about to walk to you, but Zico pushed him out of the way and walked to me instead.

"How may I help you?" Zico said, attempting to have a sweet voice, though you toke it as creepy.

"U-umm, I need to pay now..." you slowly whispered, as you didn't look up from your empty plate.

"No, you don't" he simply stated.

"What?!?" you shouted as you looked up, into his eyes, those scary eyes.

"You don't need to pay and you don't have to shout. Come again please" he calmly said with a smile, even though any sane person would yell at you for shouting.

"Umm, okay..." you said back, feeling awkward now, you walked out.


"Why did you tell her not to pay? That was our first customer and we don't even get money?" P.O whined.

"Don't worry, she'll be back. I have the perfect plan. I can tell that she's in love with the food here, so if we don't charge her, she will be back within a week" Zico explained.

"And once she's here again, Kyung can deal with it!" Taeil stated.

"Yes, yes" Zico confirmed.

"Speaking of Kyung, where is he?" Jaehyo asked Zico.

"He should be back in..." "I'm here!!" Kyung cut off Zico the second he stepped into the Nillili Mambo.

"Kyung!!" everyone yelled.

"Hey, Kyung. We found the mpfptmfpt" P.O was stopped by Zico.

"What he means is we found the... first customer... for this place" Zico technically didn't lie.

"Someone actually came into this dump? What a miracle!" Kyung commented.

"So, hows the search for the girl?" B-Bomb asked.

"I lost her... for now" he sat down on a chair, tierd after a long day of stalking.

"Don't worry, we'll get her soon, soon enough" Zico evilly smirked.





What's the plan for?

Why can't Kyung know?

What will happen to you?



It , huh?

You get to see a new side of Mikki, a food loving side.

Comment! Comment! Comment!

OMG I'm going crazy!!

4 subbies already!!!

You guys are awesome~!!

My two new subbies: kpopstories4u & ZJianbixD

Have a nice day~!!




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Dude you seriously need to update. OTL
You're a better writer than me.
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 2: Ohhhh Zico have an evil plan~
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 1: Damn she's goooood lol
I'm so excited! >.<
Update soon~
kemajiba #4
Chapter 1: Wow. You mentioned me (us). Wow. Hehe.
Good job dongsaeng~ :P
Chapter 1: I was like.. Oh! she updated! fansqueled.. then after i read it i saw my name on the subbies.. *sob sob* le cries... Daebak author-nim! XD
Block B~! Update!! Im looking forward to this story~