Chapter Seven- The Lucky Charm

We're Different But the Same

Bom's POV

Bom and Top headed for school the next day. Bom thought about what Bi Rain had said and she knew he was right. She didn’t like him; in fact she hated his guts! But if she wanted to pass this class she would have to find a way to get along with him.

As Top and Bom got out of the car, Top noticed that Bom wasn’t her talkative self.Top tugged on Bom’s shirt, “Hey missy, what’s up? Looks like you got something on your mind.”

Bom looked to Top with an appreciative smile, “Oh sorry I’m just thinking about stuff. That reminds me… sorry Top I won’t be able to have lunch with you anymore.”

Top acted like he had a dagger in his hands and placed it over his chest, “Ouch! Dang am I getting the boot? Is there another guy in your life I don’t know about,” Top looked at her suspiciously.

Bom waved her hands and shook her head, “No, no, no it’s not like that! It’s far from that. I just have to work on a project with my assigned partner and he can’t do it any other time. But believe me, it’s going to be hard for another guy to fill your shoes,” Bom said smiling at Top.

“Well if you put it like that, I am irreplaceable,” he said proudly.

Bom hit his shoulder laughing, “Of course you are, but don't get too big headed now.”

Top and Bom then went their separate ways. On the way to class there was a pep rally for the men’s basketball team and cheerleaders were passing out flyers for everyone to come to the game this Friday.

Bom tried to avoid the cheerleaders, but one of them found their way to her, “Here you go! Come and support the men’s basketball team this Friday!”

Bom took the flyer from the cheerleader so she would move out the way, “Oh, umm… thanks.” Bom moved around the girl and someone jumped right in front of her. Bom thought it was another person trying to give her a flyer, so she waved it in the air saying, “I have one already. Don’t worry I’ll come…” Bom looked to see who it was and it was none other than Kahi.

Kahi smirked at Bom saying, “Wait a minute, that flyer was given to you by accident.” Kahi said loud and clear for everyone around to hear saying, “Please don’t come you’re bad luck!”

Bom was humiliated when everyone started to laugh at her. She wanted to hide and cry somewhere. Bom quickly turned and was embraced by someone. “I want her there Kahi,” said the familiar voice as he held Bom tighter. “She’s my lucky charm!”Bom looked up at the person telling Kahi off and it was Bi Rain!

Kahi was shocked that Bi Rain was defending her, “C’mon it’s just a joke.” Kahi forced a smile to Bom saying, “Please come to the game this Friday we’d love to have you.” Kahi quickly turned and went about promoting Friday’s basketball game.

Bi Rain lightly pushed Bom away, “Jeez, you’re so annoying!”

For a second Bom was in disbelief that he was defending her. But then his usual self came right back. Bom knew it was too good to be true for Bi Rain to do such a thing, “No one asked you to help me! I can take care of myself thank you.”

Bi Rain laughed at Bom’s last statement saying, “HA! Sure you were handling the situation very well.”

Bom rolled her eyes, “Eh whatever, I don’t wanna argue with you right now I’m going to be late if I do.”

Bom stormed off thinking Wow I almost thought he was a human being for once!

Bi Rain called after her, “Don’t forget, cafeteria at lunch time! Don’t be late!”

Bom nodded to herself. Yeah, yeah I know already.


Bom sat in the cafeteria waiting for Bi Rain. “Don’t be late?!” What the… you’re so late! Bom waited and waited, but there was no Bi Rain. She didn’t want to wait any longer, so she decided to leave.

When Bom was walking out of the cafeteria she heard him yelling after her, “Bom! Bom wait I’m here!”Bom really wanted to ignore him but decided to listen for his reason of being late instead.

“You’re late!”

Bi Rain was trying to catch his breath when he caught up to her, “Sorry, I had to take care of some stuff,” was all he offered as an explanation.

“Hmm… okay. Well you can go back to taking care of SOME STUFF because I’m leaving!” Bom didn’t want to waste her time on someone who obviously didn’t mind wasting her time. She quickly turned and started to walk away.

Bi Rain then grabbed her arm saying, “Okay, okay I’m sorry. Please stay,” Bi Rain begged.

Bom couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She didn’t know what to say, “Umm… okay?”

Bi Rain subconsciously hugged her saying, “THANKS BOM!” Realizing what he had just done, he dropped his arms by his side. “Uh… umm…sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,” he said trying to apologize.

Bom stood there blank not know what to say or do.

Bi Rain then walked over to one of the tables saying, “Umm, how about we brain storm some ideas of what to do for our project,” he said trying to change the awkward atmosphere.

Bom sat down without a word while Bi Rain talked away. As Bom sat listening to him talk and she started to relax. He took out a piece of paper and started writing down different ideas of what they could do, while Bom nodded to everything he said. Bom couldn’t really concentrate on anything he was saying. What is going on here? He didn’t hug me once, but TWICE! As she tried to understand the things that had happened today, she stared at Bi Rain talking away. Wow he is cute when he smiles. Bom then froze at the thought that popped in her. What?! OMG I didn’t just think that. Bom shook off the thought and forced herself to participate in the brain storming.

Bi Rain looked at his watch and then said, “We did a pretty good job brain storming today don’t you think? Well I have to go; I have practice in a little bit. I’ll see you tomorrow same time same place?”

Bom nodded in agreement, “Yeah we did. Alright then, see you tomorrow!”


Bom and Bi Rain met every day that week discussing and planning things to do for their project. Bom started to see a different side to Bi Rain. When they met for their project, Bi Rain was really nice and joked around with her. But when they were at work, he would turn into his old self.

Bi Rain came to lunch dressed in his basketball sweats.“Hey Bom, can we cut this meeting a little short? I have to be at the game a little early,” he asked as he sat at their usual table.

“Oh sure! We’ll just go over a view of these questions I had and you can go,” Bom said as she pointed to her notes she took throughout the week.

Bi Rain looked at her raising an eyebrow, “What are you planning on doing today,” he asked.

Bom thought about it and didn’t really know what he was asking, “Umm… going out with Top I guess. Why?”

Bi Rain asked again, “What are you planning on doing today?”

Bom was confused, was she forgetting something, “Umm… I don’t know you tell me.”

Bi Rain shook his head saying, “I see you have short term memory. You’re SUPPOSE to be at the basketball game!”

Bom remembered what happened earlier on that week. “Oh that, thanks for backing me up. But I don’t really wanna go. Thanks anyways!”

“Nope you’re coming! I saved you, now you gotta save me. You have to come or you’ll be the first girl to blow me off,” Bi Rain said.

Bom was a little hesitant, “I don’t know. I’m not into sports and I don’t understand basketball.”

“So this is how you’re going to thank me, by leaving me hanging?!” Bi Rain said with pleading eyes.

Bom felt bad, “Fine. I’ll go, but I won’t understand what’s going on,” she said giving in.

“Just applaud when everyone from our school does and cheer when everyone else cheers. It’s easy!” Bi Rain assured her.

Bom and Bi Rain skimmed through the notes and walked together to the gym. Bom was a little nervous because she had never watched a basketball game in her life. Bom then pulled out her phone and text Top to meet her at the basketball game.

“Who are you texting, your boyfriend Top,” Bi Rain asked.

Bom smiled at the thought of Top being her boyfriend. She had learned to deal with Bi Rain’s constant teasing as she would text Top during their lunch meetings, “He’s not my boyfriend! He’s just a really close friend.” Bom hoped that wouldn’t be for long. She really wanted Top to ask her out, but she figured they were clos enough so it seemed like they were dating.

“Uhuh, sure! Just make sure you two aren’t making out during the game or it would hurt my image. Remember you’re supposed to be MY lucky charm not his,” he said grinning to her.

Bom felt a little out of place when he said that she was his lucky charm. “Umm… don’t worry we won’t make out,” she said ignoring his last comment.

She looked away and heard Top call her.“Bom over here! I didn’t know you were into basketball,” Top smiled walking to them. He looked Bi Rain up and down, “So you must be Big Pain… I mean Bi Rain. Nice to meet you I’m Top.”

Bi Rain looked to Bom, “Big Pain?!” Before he could say anymore his teammates called for him to hurry up. So he took off shaking his head. BIG PAIN?!

Bom hit Top on his arm, “Top!”“Ouch! What was that for,” Top rubbed his arm.

“I can’t believe you just said that. That was supposed to stay between you and me,” Bom said scolding Top.'

Top raised his arms giving in, “Okay, okay! Sorry it just slipped my bad, it won’t happen again.”Top and Bom both walked in the gym and she was amazed at what she saw.

Music was blasting from every direction and it was filling up quick.“I found great seats over here,” Top said as he walked towards the front bleachers of the student section.

Bom stopped at the sound of an annoying voice, “Well look who decided to show up,” it was Kahi with a group of cheerleaders.

Top turned around with Bom asking, “Bom do you know her?”

Kahi couldn’t believe that Bom was with such an attractive guy. She rushed over and extended her hand out to Top, “Hi! My name is Kahi I’m a friend of Bom’s.”

Bom rolled her eyes at Kahi. “More like a friend from hell! Let’s go Top.” Bom dragged Top away from the evil cheerleader.

“Whoa Bom, hold up. Our seats are right here,” Top pulled her the opposite way.

“Oh sorry, that girl just gets under my skin sometimes,” Bom said releasing her grip from Top.

“Don’t let her get to you. She’s probably a really insecure girl that doesn’t know any better,” Top suggested.

“Yeah whatever, she’s still annoying,” Bom mumbled sitting down.

Minutes later the crowd was up on their feet and gymnasium became so loud that Bom couldn’t even hear herself talk out loud. “What is going on,” Bom mouthed to Top.

Top laughed saying, “The games about to start now,” as he pointed to the basketball court.

Bom stood with everyone in the crowd and watched as one by one each player from their school came out. Everyone was applauding each player and Bom followed along. But when the announcer started to say Bi Rain’s name everyone in the crowd went crazy. Bom was amazed to see so many people cheering him on. When Bi Rain came out he pointed to the crowd and then looked to Bom and winked at her. Bom looked around and then pointed to herself. He laughed and nodded his head and winked again at her then ran to meet with his team.

“Wow that guy’s a real flirt! Are you sure he doesn’t like you or something,” Top asked when the crowd calmed down.

Bom didn’t know what was going on either. What’s going on here? He didn’t just do that, it must be another joke of his. Bom brushed aside his flirtatious actions and tried to learn the game of basketball through Top. The crowd rose to its feet as the last minutes was on the clock. University of Hawaii was winning by one shot. When there was a minute left on the clock the opposing team stole the ball, ran to their hoop, and scored. The score was tied and there was seconds left. The crowd held their breath as Bi Rain ran the ball down the court. He then positioned himself and took his shot. Just as the buzzer went off and Bi Rain’s shot went in! The team and crowd went crazy.

Everyone flooded the court in celebration of the victorious win. Top grabbed Bom’s arm and followed the crowd. When they were on the court everyone was jumping around and screaming. Bom had lost Top in the crowd and tried to find.

But someone grabbed her hand and pulled her to the center.“Hey everyone, I told you that she was my lucky charm,” Bi Rain said raising her hand in the air.The crowd cheered and lifted her in the air with Bi Rain. She was a little scared, but then she got into it when she saw that everyone was cheering for her. When everything started to settle down Bom went look for Top and found him talking to Kahi.

Kahi handed Top her number saying, “Call me ANY time,” she walked away seeing Bom and smirked at her.

“Top!” Bom shouted at him.

“Why are you talking to her,” she asked him frowing.

“Aww c’mon Bom, why can’t we be friends? You make it sound like we’re dating,” Top said.

Bom was hurt, “Oh I see,” she then turned to walk away before Top could see her tears.

Top ran up to her grabbing her arm, “Hey, where are you going, what’s wrong?!”

Bom pushed Top’s hands off, “What are we dating,” Bom snapped at him.

“Whoa okay what’s…” Top started to say.

Bom waved her hand to stop him, “Don’t worry about it I’m fine,” she said as she left Top standing alone on the basketball court.

Bom quickly walked to her car when she heard someone call her.“Hey Bom where you going, you ain’t going to congratulate me,” Bi Rain called as he approached her.

Bom wiped her eyes and turned to him saying, “Oh yeah, congrats! Well I’m gonna go now I’m a little tired,” Bom said faking a yawn.

Bi Rain looked at her and he could tell she had been crying, “Umm, okay... if you need to talk I’m always here,” he said in a softer tone.

“I’m fine, really! Just a little tired. See you for work tomorrow,” Bom hopped in the car before he could ask her anymore questions.

“Alright, see you tomorrow then,” Bi Rain waved.

Bom was relieved that he didn’t stop her from leaving. That night she ignored all of Top’s calls and texts. She didn’t want to talk to no one that night. She lay in bed crying, she kept thinking back to what Top had said. What was I thinking? I should have played it off! Bom couldn’t find it in her to face Top or Bi Rain. She wanted to stay locked in her room, but knew she couldn’t. Bom toughen up and get some sleep, you're going to need all your strength to hold yourself together. It’s going to be you against the world!     

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3