Chapter Forty-three- We're Different But the Same

We're Different But the Same

Minzy’s POV

“Hey Minho what do you mean by that? What’s going on,” Minzy asked.“Hold on, you’re going way too fast! Take a deep breath. Good, now slowly tell me what’s going on,” Minzy said trying to understand what was going on. Minzy’s eyes grew so huge; it looked like they were going to pop out the socket! She was speechless to what Minho had just said. She went quiet as she zoned out. She finally came to her senses when Minho kept calling her name through the phone. She finally spoke, “Alright, I’ll be right there!”



“Show Luo, what did you just text me,” CL asked right when Show Luo picked up. Show Luo didn’t say a word and CL said, “HELLO?! Show Luo, what’s with this weird text message?”Show Luo finally answered and CL patiently listened to his explanation. She kept nodding her head, “Uhuh, okay,” to let him know she was listening. At the end of his explanation, CL was in total shock and she dropped her phone. She couldn’t believe what Show Luo had just told her.


Dara’s POV

Daesung finally picked up the phone, “Daesung, what’s with the weird text message?” Dara tried to understand what he was saying, but everything sounded like gibberish. “Hold on Daesung, you are not making any sense! What did you mean and where are we going?” Daesung slowly explained everything to Dara again. Daesung still had a hard time explaining things to Dara. So Dara said, “Daesung just tell me where we’re going and why.” Dae Sung did what he was told and it finally clicked in Dara’s head. She quickly agreed and hung up the phone. She had to rush and get ready!


Bom’s POV

“Bi Rain, what’s this nonsense you’re sending me,” Bom asked.

Bi Rain laughed, “What, what’s wrong with what I texted you?”

Bom quickly replied, “You’re kidding me right? What did you mean in the text?”

“What did what mean,“ Bi Rain countered.

Bom sighed, “Bi Rain! Are you going to tell me what it means or not?!”

Bi Rain laughed, “It’s for me to know and you to find out!”

Bom gave up, “Fine, whatever! I’ll figure it out on my own.”

“That’s my girl! I can’t wait to hear what you come up with,” Bi Rain said and then he started to laugh.

Bom frowned to herself, “What’s so funny?! Just you wait I’mma find out what it means!”

Okay, how about we make a bet,” Bi Rain said calming down from all the laughter.

Bom paused and then continued, “Hmm…what’s the bet?”

“Well, if you can’t find out what that text message means by the championship basketball game, you have to do whatever I ask. But if you do, then I have to do whatever you ask. How does that sound?”

Bom thought about it, “This thing we get to ask, is there a limit to it? Like, could I ask if you could supply me with a life time supply of corn?”

Bi Rain bursted out in laughter to Bom’s example. But Bom stood serious waiting for his answer. After a few more laughs Bi Rain finally answered, “Anything goes, even your life supply of corn! Oh Bom, you know how to brighten my day.”

Bom smiled, “Aww, thank you.”

Bi Rain then added on, “Oh yeah, and we can’t back down from what we are asked to do okay. So say if I lose and you still want that corn…” He stopped to chuckle and then continued, “I have to get you the life time supply of corn. No buts about it, a promise is a promise. Deal?”

Bom was starting to like the idea of getting the corn, “DEAL!”

“Alright then, it’s settled. Good luck with cracking the text message,” Bi Rain said as he hung up.

Bom hung the phone up and smiled to herself. She instantly went to the text message he sent and read it.

We’re different but the same. –Bi Rain

Bom kept reading over the text message and thought that this sentence would be a piece of cake to figure out! Bom tried her hardest to find out what that sentence meant. Bom figured that it had to be about her and Bi Rain, but what was he trying to say? Does he want to break up, Bom thought. But then she shook the thought off because she knew that was the last thing on his mind. So what was it? It was the night before Bi Rain’s championship game and she was still stuck at the fact that it had to deal with both her and him! She felt so stupid and grew scared of what Bi Rain might ask her to do. But she brushed off the thoughts and decided she was going to text her best friends for help. She sent them all a text message asking for help and the girls replied back to her. Bom forwarded the text message from Bi Rain to the girls and explained her problem. The best friends couldn’t find an answer that made any sense. So Bom reluctantly gave in and decided to sleep on it.

As she lie in bed she kept repeating the text message to herself, “We’re different but the same. We’re different but the same.”

When Bom awoke the next morning, she was so bummed that she couldn’t find the hidden message in that text from Bi Rain. She became scared to what Bi Rain would ask of her. What if he asks me to be his slave for the rest of his life? Or what if he tries to make me do something scandalous with him, Bom thought to herself. Bom pinched herself for thinking such things. She finally gave in and decided that she would do whatever he asked of her. But she hoped that the punishment wouldn’t be too bad.

As Bom was getting ready for the championship game that night, she received a text message from Bi Rain. He had text her and asked if she had figured out what the sentence meant. She reluctantly told him the truth that she wasn’t able to find out what it meant. Within seconds Bi Rain was calling her phone. Bom rolled her eyes and was hesitant to answer the phone.

“Hello,” Bom said as she finally answered. “Hey Bom, I see you haven’t been able to find out what it means right,” Bi Rain asked.

“Well...,” Bom started to say, thinking of what to say back to Bi Rain. "Well one things for sure, I know it’s about you and me. Or is it,” Bom asked herself out loud.

Bi Rain laughed into the phone, “Well what did you come up with?”

“Well, I got the first part down,” Bom said.

“Really, and what’s that,” Bi Rain asked.

“We’re is you and I right,” Bom asked.

“Uhuh, and…” Bi Rain said, for her to continue.

“That’s it,” Bom said.

“What’s it,” Bi Rain asked a little confused.

“That’s all I have down,” Bom said slowly.

Bi Rain bursted into laughter and Bom frowned to herself thinking that she did a pretty good job at her guessing. Bi Rain calmed down and said, “Well then I clearly win!”

Bom was scared to ask what came next, “Umm…so what does that mean?”

He laughed, “You gotta do whatever I ask you remember?”

“Oh yeah,” Bom said hoping that he would forget that part.

“Yeah, so…” Bi Rain started to say.

“Wait! I hope you’re going to be reasonable with whatever you are going to have me do, because I don’t wanna live in chains for the rest of my life,” Bom said cutting in.

“Live in chains,” Bi Rain asked.

“Yeah, I don’t know if I can be your slave for the rest of my life,” Bom replied.

Bi Rain bursted into laughter, “Wow Bom you’re funny! Maybe that’s what I should have you do!”

“Well…that’s okay. We can stick to what you were thinking of having me do,” Bom said. “What do you want me to do then?”

Bi Rain paused and then said, “You’ll find out later! You’ll know when the time is right!”

Bom repeated what he said and then sighed, “Bi Rain, why do you keep speaking in riddles to me! Just tell me already!”

“I can’t right now Bom. I have to go get ready for my game. Are you coming still,” he asked.

Bom couldn’t believe he would ask such a question, “Bi Rain, why would you ask such a question! Of course I’m going to be there! Where else would I be?!”

Bi Rain smiled to himself, “Alright Bom, I’ll see you then!”

“Okay, see you at the game,” Bom said before hanging up.

When she clicked the phone she remembered that Bi Rain hadn’t told her what he wanted her to do or what the text message meant! “Hey, wait a minute,” Bom said picking up the phone. But then she put it back down thinking that he would be too busy to answer his phone. So she promised herself to find those things out after the game.


She walked into the huge stadium and was amazed at how big it was. She thought that her school stadium was big, but this, this was three times bigger! Luckily, Bi Rain was able to get her a seat close to their team. As she waited for the game to start, there were people pouring in from every direction. She also saw cameras and reporters coming in. Bi Rain had told her that the game would be televised world wide. She became more excited to be at the game and thought that she would text her friends to watch Bi Rain play. They all texted her back, letting her know that they would watch the game either on the tv or on the internet. Bom was so grateful for now a days technology. They get to see how great my man is at playing basketball, Bom thought to herself.

Bom sat excited for the game and imagined that her friends were there with her to cheer for Bi Rain. She saw the cheerleaders come in and Kahi led them out. When Kahi came out, she looked right at Bom. Bom looked back at her to see what she would do. Kahi opened to say something, but then she shook her head and turned back around to prepare for the basketball team to come out.

“Hmm…that was weird,” Bom said to herself.

Within seconds the announcer came on and everyone was up on their feet. Bom followed along cheering and shouting for her school. After the opposing team came out, it was the University of Hawaii’s turn to come out. The cheering was so loud that it was deafening. But Bom didn’t care, she was just too excited.

One by one each player came out and Bom’s heart started to beat faster. When it came down to the person, Bom knew all to well who it would be.“Bi Rain,” the announcer shouted and Bom shouted to the top of her lungs for him. She watched as he ran out smiling and he looked her direction. He winked at her and she winked back, but this time sticking her tongue out to him to make him laugh. He laughed and went to high five the rest of the players.

The game was so intense; Bom was getting scared for the University of Hawaii. The ball kept going back and forth, keeping the score neck and neck to each other. Bom looked to the time and saw that there was only thirty seconds left on the clock and Bi Rain had the ball. She stood on her feet cheering him on and watched as she dribbled the ball down the court. One of the players for the other team was right on his tail. In an instant, the opposing player tripped Bi Rain, making him fall onto his face hard. The referee blew his whistle, while everyone in the audience booed the player that tripped Bi Rain on purpose. Bom stood scared as she watched everyone on the team, rush over to help Bi Rain.

“Is he alright,” Bom shouted.

Bom couldn’t see what was going on, with the entire team crowding around him. All then sudden she heard the crowd clapping and cheering. She saw Bi Rain walking to the bench and luckily he just had a bloody nose. After he had cleaned it up, he went back out to shoot his foul shots and made both of them! The buzzer went off and everyone cheered as it was half time. After the cheerleaders from each team performed the mascots from each team came out.

“Alright ladies and gentle, our fine mascots here with choose one lucky audience member to join them on the floor,” the announcer said.

People in the audience were jumping and waving their hands as the mascots pointed to the crowd. “The contestant they choose will be eligible to win a life time supply of corn. From one of our main sponsors,” the announcer said.

“Corn,” some shouted.

“What kind of prize is that,” another person shouted.

But Bom was ecstatic. What were the odds that the prize would be a life time supply of corn?! She became determined to be that lucky contestant and rose to her feet cheering and waving for the mascots to look her way. She figured that if Bi Rain wasn’t going to get the corn for her, she would get it herself! “Over here,” Bom shouted.

“Go ahead mascots, pick your lucky audience member,” the announcer said. The mascots went around the basketball court pointing to the audience. When they came to Bom, she cheered her heart out in hopes that they would choose her. Then both mascots pointed to her and nodded. She was surprised that she was chosen. “Come up here pretty lady,” the announcer said.

Bom nodded her head and quickly walked out to the basketball court as the crowd cheered her on. One mascot held a microphone to Bom and the announcer said, “What’s your name pretty lady?”

Bom smiled, “My name is Bom!”

“Well Bom, do we have a good game in store for you,” the announcer said. The other mascot came running out with another person holding a table with something on it. The table was placed in front of Bom and the announcer continued to say, “On that table are twenty huge bowls of lucky charms. In the bottom of one of the bowls is your prize. You may only use your head to dig through the bowls for your prize. If you can find the prize before the time runs out, the life time supply of corn is yours!”

Everyone cheered as Bom pulled her hair back and put on the apron given to her. She had her game face on as she prepared herself to bob her head through the first bowl. “Are you ready,” the announcer asked. Bom nodded her head and the announcer said, “GO!”

Bom plunged her head in the lucky charms pushing it around to feel for the prize. She could hear the crowd cheering her on and the announcer telling her the time was winding down.

“Hurry Bom you have fifteen seconds left,” the announcer said.

Bom ran around to the next bowl and shoved her head into the bowl. She pushed and pushed her head through the luck charms as the announcer said, “Ten seconds left! Give her a count down everybody!”

The crowd cheered and started to count down saying, “10…9…8…”

Bom hoped that the prize would be at the bottom of this bowl, if not than she wouldn’t get that life supply of corn. All the sudden, Bom saw somethings shiny in the bowl of lucky charms. “4…3…2…” the crowd said.

Bom grabbed the shiny item with her teeth and rose her head to show that she had found the prize! “She found it everyone,” the announcer said and everyone cheered for her.S he pulled the shiny object out of and held it up for everyone to see. She was so happy that she had found the prize in the lucky charms.

“What is she holding,” someone shouted from the audience.

“Yeah, what is it,” another person said.

Bom put her hand down so she could see what she was holding. She opened her hand to see a beautiful diamond ring in her hand. Bom looked up to tell the audience what it was on saw Bi Rain running up to her. She looked at him confused, “Bi Rain?”

He stopped in front of her smiling and said, “Hey you!”

“What are you doing here? Are you here to give me my life time supply of corn,” Bom said excited.

Bi Rain laughed, “No, I’m here to give you my heart!”

“What,” Bom asked.

Bi Rain smiled at her, “Do you remember the text message I sent you?”

Bom nodded her head, “Yeah I do. We’re different but the same, right?”

Bi Rain nodded his head and said, “Yes. Bom we may come from different sides of the world, have different points of views, and come from different statuses…”

Bom was a little confused at why he was talking about this in front of thousands of people, “Bi Rain you know I don’t care about that stuff. I already told you that remember?”

Bi Rain smiled at her and held her hands in his, “And that’s why I love you! You don’t see all that, you see me for me! We’re different but our love remains the same!”

Bom smiled at Bi Rain, “Oh, I see!” Then she laughed, “That was a good one!” She paused and knew what he wanted, “I know what you want!”

Bi Rain looked at her suspiciously, “What do you think I want?”

She smiled, “You want my life time supply of corn! Don’t worry I can share with you if you want!”

Bi Rain and the audience laughed so hard. “She’s just too cute,” the announcer said.

“What,” Bom said as she looked at everyone and then back to the laughing Bi Rain.

Oh Bom you are just too funny,” Bi Rain said smiling.

Bom folded her arms, “That’s not what you want? Then what is it? Tell me what you want me to do?” Bi Rain walked up to Bom and caressed her face and then reached for Bom’s hand. He took the diamond ring from her hand and knelt down in front of her. Bom’s eyes widened in realization to what was happening, “Bi Rain…are you…”

Bi Rain took Bom’s left hand in his, “Bom, we may be different but we have something that is the same. It’s the love we have for each other.” Bom started to cry as Bi Rain knelt before her as he spoke. “Bom when you left to South Korea I knew, I knew if you left me. I would never find a love as special or good as the one we shared. I may not be able to give you all that you are used to. But I promise I will work my hardest till my last breath of life to make you happy! So please Bom, marry me!”

Bom wiped her eyes with her other hand, “Is this what you want me to do for our bet?”

Bi Rain smiled at her and squeezed her hand, “Only if you want to do it. I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

The crowd cheered her on saying, “Marry him! Marry him! Marry him!”

Bom smiled down at Bi Rain, “I want my life time supply of corn too!” He laughed and got up to embrace her. She hugged him back and then pulled away, “Of course I’ll marry you! Who else would I marry!”

Bi Rain placed the ring onto her finger and then her face before kissing her. As he kissed her, she could feel tears against her cheeks. She looked to see that it wasn’t her tears, but Bi Rain’s rolling onto her face. She laughed when she saw that he was the one crying and not her as they kissed.

“What’s so funny,” he said pulling away.

She wiped at his tears, “I’m supposed to be the one crying here. Remember?!”

He laughed and picked her up and swung her around, “I’m just too happy!”

She laughed as he put her down, “I wish my best friends were here to see it!”

“We saw the whole thing,” a familiar voice said from behind her. Bom looked at Bi Rain suspiciously and slowly turned around to see her three best friends there with their boyfriends by their sides.

“CL, Dara, Minzy,” Bom squeaked. “What are you guys doing here?”

CL put her hands onto her hips, “You didn’t think we’d miss something this important did you?”

Bom looked back to Bi Rain, “Did you tell them?”

Bi Rain smiled at her, “I had help from the guys. I knew you would want to have your best friends here. So I asked them to bring them here!”

Bom was so touched that she ran up to Bi Rain and kissed him. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and pulled away, “You know me too well!”

She then turned around and ran up to her best friends. They all squealed and jumped around hugging each other. Bom showed them the ring and they all hugged. At that moment the girls were so happy to be altogether again. They may have different personalities and live in different parts of the world, but their friendship will always remain the same. 


Author's Notes:

Yay! And that was the end of my very first fic I've ever written. It holds a place in my heart since it was my first. Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3