Chapter Forty-one- Reunited

We're Different But the Same

Doctors and nurses came rushing into Minzy’s room as everyone was cheering and embracing each other. Everyone was asked to move back as the doctors and nurses checked up on Minzy. Everyone stood to the back of the room watching the doctors and nurses checking Minzy’s vitals.

“Welcome back,” a doctor said smiling at Minzy.

“Her vitals are good doctor,” a nurse said.

The doctor looked to the nurse’s direction and nodded. He turned back to Minzy, “Minzy, you were in a coma. You were in a car accident and rushed to the hospital. You almost died and we were able to bring you back. You’ve been unconscious for a week.” He then looked to the back of the room and back to Minzy, “You should have seen them all a week ago, I thought they all were going to end up in a hospital bed next to yours with all their arguing.” Everyone in the back chuckled as the doctor said those words. “Everything seems to look fine, but we’re going to keep you here for the remainder of the weekend to monitor you. Just in case okay?” Minzy looked to the doctor and slightly nodded her head in understanding.“Good!” The doctor turned to everyone, “It seems like she’s fine! But we’ll keep her here just in case. Please take good care of her. She may not be able to talk for a little bit, but she’ll be able to in no time!”

“Thank you doctor,” they all said as they bowed to him. The doctors and nurses left and everyone crowded around Minzy’s bed again.

“MINZY,” Bom cried as she ran up to her.

Dara held onto one of Minzy’s hand, “I’m so happy you’re awake.”

CL stared at Minzy with her hands on her hips, “HEY! You know you gave us all a scare!” CL then reached for Minzy’s other hand and cried, “I almost thought we lost you for good!” Everyone got teary eyed as CL said those words. Minzy cleared trying to talk but words still wouldn’t come out.

Give her some water,” Daesung said.

“Yeah, I think is dry,” Hara added.

Show Luo brought a cup of water and handed it to CL, “Here you go!”

CL accepted the water and held it to Minzy’s mouth for her to drink out of it.Minzy sipped at the water and Bi Rain said, “That’s it!”

Top handed a napkin to Bom for her to wip Minzy’s mouth. After a couple more sips of water CL moved the cup from Minzy’s mouth to see if she could speak. Minzy looked around at everyone and then stopped to look at Minho. She gave him a half smile and softly said, “Hey.”

Minho was at Minzy’s side in an instant looking into her eyes. Minzy kept smiling at him and Minho couldn’t hold back any longer. He held her face in his hands and kissed her. He tried to be gentle as he kissed her, but his overwhelming joy and longing for her over powered him. Tears rolled down his face as he kissed her and he could feel Minzy trying to kiss back. After an intense kiss, he reluctantly pulled away and stared into her eyes.

“Eww…” Bom said.“

Yeah I know, totally disgusting,” Dara said.

Minho pulled back from Minzy as he realized there was an audience “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

CL rolled her eyes, “Umm...we noticed. Gross! I almost vomited!”

Everyone laughed and Minho nervously laughed along with everyone else.“

Hey girl,” Bom said. She rubbed Minzy’s arm, “How you holding up?”

Minzy looked to Bom and smiled. She then said, “Bom, I was with your mom earlier.”

Everyone went quiet as Bom had a shocked look on her face. Bom cleared , “Re…really?”

Minzy nodded her head and Bom laid her head onto Minzy’s arm as she wept. Minzy Bom’s hair, “I was with her as I was unconscious.” Minzy stopped to smile, “She really misses you Bom! But luckily she still gets to watch over you from afar.” Minzy then looked around to everyone, “We got to watch all of you!” Everyone had a shocked look on their faces and felt a little embarrassed.

“Re…really,” Daedung said with worry in his voice. “Did…did you hear everything we told you too?”

Minzy smiled to her cousin Daesung, “Yes, I heard EVERYTHING!” She then looked at him suspiciously, “Didn’t I only ask you to look after Dara not GET with her?!”

Dara blushed and cut in, “Minzy please it’s alright.” She then looked to Daesung, “I’m glad he GOT with me!”

Daesung and Dara blew air kisses at each other and CL cut in, “Wow, you two need to stop!”

Minzy smiled and looked to CL, “I thought you were going to turn into a polite lady?” CL gave a half smile. Minzy then continued, “Show Luo?” She looked around to see one of the guys step forward.

“Yes,” Show Luo said smiling to Minzy.

“Can you slowly spin around for me,” Minzy asked him. Show Luo gave her a confused look but did what she asked. Everyone watched as Show Luo spun and Minzy looked him up and down, “Hmm…not to bad CL. I think you did a pretty good job dressing him!”

CL laughed and proudly said, “I know huh? He’s top notch!”

Minzy looked around at the people surrounding her and stopped to look at Hara. Hara noticed Minzy was staring at her and she quickly put her head down. Hara kept her head down embarrassed that she was there and said, “I’m sorry, I can go if you want me too!”

“Look at me,” Minzy softly said.

Hara looked up at Minzy with watery eyes, “Huh?” Minzy gave Hara half smile and asked her to come closer to her. Hara sat right next to Minzy’s bed and kept her gaze from her, “Yes?”

Minzy slowly reached out for Hara to take her hand and Hara took it into hers. Minzy could feel that Hara’s hands were trembling and she said, “Hara…Hara? Please look at me.”

Hara slowly lifted her head and tears started to stream down her face. As soon as their eyes met Hara quickly said, “I’m sorry Minzy! I’m sorry for everything! Please forgive me!”

Minzy saw the sorrow and pain in Hara’s eyes, “Hara, I forgive you. Please don’t cry! I know you’re not a bad person, you were just hurting yourself.”

Hara nodded as she tried to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks. She gave Minzy a half smile, “Thank you Minzy! Thank you for being such a forgiving friend. I don’t deserve your friendship, but I promise that from here on out I will always cherish it!”

“Thank you Hara, I’m glad to keep our friendship,” Minzy said as she smiled to everyone. Minzy looked around and saw a familiar face. She looked at him as her eyes started to water.

“What’s wrong,” Dara asked as she followed Minzy’s gaze. Everyone went quiet as Top stepped closer to Minzy.

He looked her in the eyes, “Hi Minzy, long time no see huh?”

Minzy closed her eyes as tears came rolling down her cheeks. “Look what you’ve done,” Minho said jumping to his feet.

Daesung stood up along side Minho, “Get out of here!” Minho and Daesung walked closer to Top with their fists clenched. “

STOP,” Minzy said as loud as she could.

Bom stepped in front of Top looking to Daesung and Minho, “Minzy said stop!” She then pointed to Minzy for all of them to look at her.“

Please, leave him. I…I wanna talk to him,” Minzy said with tear stained cheeks.

Minho looked to Minzy with a concerned look, “Minzy you don’t have to tolerate him!”

Daesung stepped in, “Yeah, let us take care of it!”

Minzy slowly lifted her hand, “Please guys, let him stay.”

CL glared at Daesung and Minho, “Just let him stay! If Minzy wants him to stay he can stay!”

Daesung and Minho looked away not wanting to admit defeat. Dara cut in, “Please, let him stay.” Both Daesung and Minho nodded their heads and plopped onto their chairs folding their arms and mumbling to them selves.

Minzy then looked to Top, “I really don’t know what to say to you.”

Top started to walk closer to Minzy’s bed, “Minzy please, I can explain.”

“Stop! Don’t come any closer,” Minzy said. She paused, “You know…” Her voice started to crack and she cleared , “You know, you really hurt me bad!”

“I…” Top started to say in defense.

Minzy rose her hand to stop him, “Let me finish.” Top stopped talking and nodded his head. “How could you have been so cruel to me,” Minzy asked as tears spilled from her eyes. “I…I really liked you, you know! I worked so hard on that cake and card! So hard…” Minzy said closing her eyes remembering the past. “Watching you tear my card up piece by piece, I felt like I my heart was being ripped out of my chest!” She opened her eyes looking to Top, “I picked up my torn heart and ran outside. I remembered it was a windy day. I let the shredded card fly away with the wind. The winds swept up the pieces of my heart and carried it away. From that day forward I thought that I wasn’t worth looking at or loving.” Minzy then let out a soft laugh, “But then…but then someone else came along.” Minzy then looked to Minho and said, “Then Minho came into my life!” Minzy then looked to her best friends, “Minho helped me see the beauty that I really was!”

CL, Dara, and Bom had tears streaming down their faces as they hugged Minzy. “I didn’t know you felt that way,” Bom said.

CL pulled away from Minzy, “Yeah, if you would have told me what he did I woulda beat his face in!”

Minzy gave CL a half smile, “I know that! Why do you think I didn’t tell you!”

Everyone chuckled and then Top cut in, “Minzy, I know it’s a little late. But I wanna apologize.” He bowed his head, “I’m sorry for my stupidity! If you don’t forgive me I’ll understand.”

“Thank you Top, you don’t know how grateful I am to hear you say that,” Minzy said as Top rose his head. “On the up side of it, if that never would have happened, I wouldn’t have truly appreciated Minho.” Minzy said as she looked to the now tear eyed Minho.

Minho put his head down as he wept, “But what kind of boyfriend lets his girl end up in the hospital?! It should’ve been me in that bed, not you!”

“Please Minho, don’t say such things. You are THE BEST boyfriend I could ever ask for,” Minzy said as Minho lifted his head to meet her gaze. Minzy smiled at him, “Minho, you are the king of my heart!”

“King of your heart,” CL asked suspiciously. Everyone nodded as they agreed to CL’s comment and they waited for an explanation.

Minho wiped at his tears laughing, “And you are the queen of mine!”


Minzy was released after Monday night after the doctor had the test results for Minzy’s health condition. The doctors said she had recovered well and that she would be okay. She just had to take it easy the first couple of days. CL, Dara, and Bom all decided to stay with Minzy that night.

“I call the bed,” Dara said as they walked into Minzy’s dorm.

“What, that’s not fair” Bom pouted.

“Yeah, that’s not fair! Plus Minzy should have the bed, since she did just get out of the hospital,” CL said giving Dara a scolding look.

Dara folded her arms pouting, “Fine, you win Minzy!”

“We could all squeeze on the bed, I think we’ll all fit,” Minzy suggested.

Dara smiled, “Yay, that’s a great idea Minzy!”

Bom squealed and said, “Yeah, it’s a sleep over party!”

CL laughed, “Good thinking, we haven’t had a sleep over for ages!”

The girls giggled as they squeezed onto the bed. “We fit,” Dara said happily.

Minzy laughed, “Nice and close.”

CL snuggled in closer, “That’s the way we roll!”

All the girls laughed and squealed like they were little girls again. As they settled down Bom said, “Well I see we’ve all been a little busy with our lives,” as she looked to each friend. Everyone blushed and looked away. They each thought back to what happened as they were a part.

“I know huh,” CL finally said. “You know, I swear I told you all to call me if anything interesting happens to you or…”

Dara, Bom and Minzy cut in and they all said, “Especially if it’s about a boy!”

The three girls all giggled after they had said that in unison, while CL just rolled her eyes.“Yeah, ESPECIALLY if it’s about a boy! But I didn’t receive any calls not one,” CL said giving everyone a scolding look.

Minzy laughed, “Well excuse me for being in a coma!”

Dara cut in, “Yeah, and what about you?!”

Bom nodded her head, “Yeah, we didn’t receive any call or text from you about Show Luo!”

CL gave in, “Alright you got me, but still! I missed you guys! What have you all been up to?”

Bom got excited and said, “Yeah, how did you all meet and started to date your boyfriends?”

Each friend took their turn describing what went on while they were away and how everything fell into place to where they started to date their boy friends.

“OMG, Daesung kissed you in the rain Dara,” Minzy asked.

Dara nodded as she blushed.“That’s romantic in a freaky way because he’s my cousin,” Minzy said and everyone giggled.

“Well what about Bom,” CL added. “She got a surprise kiss!” All the girls nodded as Bom blushed.

“But it was the other way around for us,” Minzy said.

Bom laughed, “Yeah, Minzy pounced on Minho. Meanwhile, CL kissed Show Luo like she knew what she was doing!”

Minzy and CL looked at Bom shocked while Dara laughed really hard, “So true!”

Minzy and CL picked up their pillows and started to hit Dara and Bom. Dara and Bom laughed and screamed as they were being attacked with pillows. They all got up and started having a pillow fight. After the war was over, the girls threw themselves onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

“That was fun,” Minzy breathed.

CL laughed, “Yeah that was!”

Dara then turned over to look at her best friends, “We should do this more often!”

The girls all followed Dara and looked at each other. Bom smiled, “I know huh? I missed these times!”

“Well then it’s settled, more sleep overs,” Minzy stated.

CL smiled, “No boys allowed!”

“Dang…I was hoping to bring some boys over next time,” Dara said teasingly.

The best friends talked and laughed the rest of the night away. When early morning hit the girls grew tired and decided to get some shut eye. Each girl reluctantly fell asleep agreeing that tomorrow was another day they could spend together. As they slept, they all dreamt of how happy they were to be in love and reunited with each other again.


Author's Notes:

Sisterly bonding!!! Dang I need to write another sisterly bond fic involving all of the girls again. But guess what it's almost done! two more chapters!!! thanks for reading! <3

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3