Chapter Eleven- Summer Lovin

We're Different But the Same

Dara’s POV

Dara took a longer time to get ready the next night. She wanted to look spectacular when GD saw her. She was so excited that she was ready by 9pm. She looked at the clock on the dresser and was disappointed, it’s only 9! Dara didn’t want to be there too early or she would look like she was desperate to see him. She also didn’t want to be too late either, before she would show up and GD would be dancing with another girl. She decided to watch a movie and then head out. That should be perfect timing, she thought to herself.

Dara walked into the club and it seemed to be twice as crowded as last night. She didn’t think she would be able to find him. She walked to the dance floor looking around to see if she could find him but he was nowhere in sight. She scolded herself as she danced thinking, Dara you shouldn’t have got your hopes up! When she left the dance floor, she went and sat at the bar. As she sat at the bar she decided to look around one more time just in case she had missed him.

“I see you’ve been looking for someone, could it be the best dancer in town by chance,” GD asked as he sat beside her.

Dara smiled and turned to him saying, “I wasn’t looking for you! I was just looking around.”

“Aww that , cuz I was looking for you,” he said frowning.

Dara got up from her seat and said, “Let’s see if you can make me look at you. Keep up if you can!”GD smiled and followed her to the dance floor.

This time around Dara noticed that he tried harder to impress her. He must have practiced all day, she thought laughing to herself. They danced and danced until Dara finally told GD that she needed a break and pointed to the bar for him to follow her there.

“Wow, I see it was the other way around, I couldn’t keep up with ya,” Dara said fanning herself.

GD smiled saying, “Well actually, I was dying to take a break for a while!”

Dara laughed at his confession. She knew that she wanted to get to know GD and planned on it. “Can I use your phone really fast,” Dara asked.

“You are more than welcome to use it,” he said handing her his cell phone.

GD followed Dara and stood by her as she used his phone by the restrooms. When she was making the call a cell phone started to go off and GD noticed it was coming from Dara. Dara pulled out her cell phone and put in GD’s number. “There!” She said handing him his phone. “Now I’ll be able to get ahold of you the next time I decide to come to club.”

GD gave her a huge smile saying, “You don’t have to call me. I’ll call you!” GD looked at his phone and sent a text.

Dara’s phone went off and it was a text message from him. He wanted to know if she would like to go on a date tomorrow night. Dara grinned at him saying, “Hmm, I don’t know. Let me think about it!” Dara looked at her watch and then looked at the nervous GD. “Well it’s time for me to go,” she said walking away from GD.

“Wait a minute, you’re leaving already?! I didn’t even get an answer yet,” he said worried that she would turn him down.

Dara looked at him and said, “Let me think about it,” as she walked away. GD was so sad that Dara had turned him down. But as he started to feel sorry for himself he received a text message from Dara.

Meet me at the ice cream parlor two blocks from the club at 8pm. Don’t be late! –Dara

GD shouted with joy and did a victory dance onto the dance floor. Dara saw his reaction before she had left the club and couldn’t stop laughing to herself. She knew that tomorrow night would be very interesting getting to know him.


Dara and GD hit it off at the ice cream parlor; it became their place to meet. They spent the entire summer together. He filled all the empty spaces left in her heart. It was a nonstop party with GD. Besides the times when GD had to work, they spent every waking hour together.

Within a month they became really close and then started to date in the second month. Dara felt like she was living a dream, each day was spent with a carefree child like guy. She didn’t want the dream to end.

“Hey GD,” Dara called sitting at their table in the ice cream parlor.

GD smiled and waved as he walked towards her, “Hey babe!”

GD and Dara ordered the vanilla ice cream that they always shared.“Guess what today is,” GD said as he took a spoon full of vanilla ice cream.

“Friday,” Dara said taking some ice cream.

He laughed saying, “I know that! What else?”

Dara thought about it and didn’t know what was so special about today, “Hmm, I don’t know I give up. What’s today?”

“It’s been two months today since I met an angel,” GD said smiling at Dara.

Dara blushed and was flattered that he would remember something like that. “You’re too sweet to me!”

“You know, I think I might be getting diabetic with all this ice cream you finish this,” GD said as he pushed the ice cream to her.

Dara laughed at him saying, “Aww, so you want me to be diabetic instead!" Dara took a big scoop and stuffed it in and noticed she had bit into something hard. “Ah! I think they dropped something in our ice cream.”

Dara pulled it out and looked to GD, it was a ring. GD smiled and took the ring from her, “Surprise! Happy two-month-since-I-met-you anniversary,” he said as he put the ring on her finger.

Dara laughed and accepted the ring, “Wow, thanks! I thought you were really going to be diabetic.” They laughed as Dara starred at her cute ring.

“Since it’s our anniversary, I planned something very special for us tonight,” GD said.

Dara smiled, “I see you are just full of surprises! What are we going to do?"GD grinned and said, “I want to show you my romantic side tonight.”

Dara looked at him suspiciously, “What do you mean by that? I like the silly goofy side already.”

“I’ll pick you up at 8pm and you’ll see,” GD gave her a mischievous smile before leaving.

“See you then!”

“Bye… I guess,” Dara said back to GD.

Dara rushed home to get ready. She ran around the house like a mad woman trying to put together an outfit. What are we going to do? How am I supposed to dress for the occasion if I don’t know what we’re going to do? Dara decided to go with a simple elegant summer dress that complimented her body. Perfect! This could be worn for almost any occasion, Dara thought when she heard the doorbell ring.

Dara opened the door to a dozen of roses. “Aww thanks GD, you are just too good to me,” she said taking the flowers and putting it in some water.

“I beg to differ,” he said waiting for her by the door. “Alright let’s go,” he said escorting her to his car. GD stopped her before she got in the car and blind folded her.

“Hey! What are you doing,” Dara giggled.

“I’m being romantic remember,” he said as he tide the blind fold and helped her into the car.

On their way to the secret destination Dara asked various questions to see if she could guess where they were going. I wonder where we're going she thought when GD wouldn't tell her where they were going. Sometime later the car stopped and GD got out the car and helped Dara.

“Okay, no peeking,” GD held her hand and walked her away from the car.

"I won't," Dara promised GD.

GD stopped and walked behind Dara and started to untie the blind fold, “Are you ready,” he asked and Dara nodded in excitement. GD took off the blind folds and they stood in front of an empty water park.

“What is this,” Dara asked looking back at him.

“It’s a water park missy,” he said laughing at her. “Don’t you think it’s romantic,” he asked.

Dara didn’t know what to say. She was disappointed, but wanted to hear him out. “How is that?”

He smiled and led her through the gate saying, “Since its summer I thought you would like to cool down a little. Don’t you think I’m so thoughtful,” he said proudly.

“Yeah, really thoughtful,” Dara said. She wasn’t satisfied with his answer. So much for romantic, I’m not even dressed for this Dara thought.

GD walked her over to a circle of benches and sat her on one of them. He then walked to the middle and said, “Dara the past two months with you have been amazing. When I’m with you I feel like a little kid again! This is how I feel when I’m with you,” GD said as he raised his hands. As his arms rose water started to come up from the ground and music started to play. Dara didn’t notice that he was standing in the middle of a ground fountain. Dara watched as he acted like he was a conductor and the water was his orchestra. He did his goofy dances as he pointed to different parts of the fountain and the water would spurt out to his command. She laughed and was amazed at how much he was into it. He danced his way to Dara and pulled her to the middle of the fountain and she danced alongside him. As she was dancing GD splased water on her and she screamed. She chased him around dodging the water until she finally caught him.

“Got you,” she said grabbing hold of him.

GD quickly turned around and kissed her on the lips, “Nope, I got you!” He laughed and ran when she realized what he had done. She chased him around a little longer and finally gave up.

“Alright you got me,” she breathed as she sat on the bench.

GD laughed and sat beside her, “Yeah, I win!”

“HA HA, that was so romantic,” she said trying to make pretend that it wasn’t.

“Aww c’mon Dara, I thought it was pretty romantic,” he said.

She rolled her eyes and they both laughed. “I guess so.”

Summer came and went for Dara and GD. She couldn’t believe how happy she was; if only her best friends were there it would be perfect. Dara was a little bummed to have school start up, but was glad to have GD by her side. She knew that school would be time consuming and hoped that it wouldn’t affect her and GD’s relationship, because if she had him, how hard could school be?

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Chapter 43: Loved this!
animefreak858 #2
Panda_Alien #3
Chapter 24: What happened?? So suspenseful ><|| And thanks for updating so fast! :DD
Panda_Alien #4
Update soon!! :3