One More Step (To Your World)




"hey, someone seems happy today!"  Jiyeon sings as she took the seat in front of you.  You are in the cafeteria having lunch.  You smiled back while chewing your foods.  "Did Baekhyun talked to you already?"

Your mood changed upon remembering Baekhyun.  "Nope!"  you sadly shook.

"No?  But why you seem so happy?"

"Best-ah, remember my Min Jee unnie?" you asked her.

"Min Jee?" she paused to think.  "Ah, Min Jee unnie, your cousin.  Of course!  How can I forget her.  The beautiful and kind cousin of yours!  Why?"

"She's back in town~" you chimed.

"No way!"

"Yes way!" you chuckled.  "She arrived days ago, and we had dinner with her last time."

"So how was her?"  Jiyeon ask as she start to eat her food.

""Well, still pretty."  you shook.  "No, I guess, georgeus would fit her."

"So your partner in crime is back huh, hopefully you wont forget that your bestfriend is still here."

You slapped her arm.  "Silly!  Why would you say stuffs like that?  Don't tell me your jealous of my cousin?"

She just looked away.  "Ow come on Jiyeonie!  I'm just excited to see her after two years you know!"

"Hehehe, I know!  Just joking!" she laughed.

"Pssshhh...Your really crazy!" you joked.

"Best-ah, Jiyeon nudge you.

"Hmmm?" you reply without looking at her.  "Have you told Yun about Baekhyun?"

You raised your head at her and sighed.  "No!"

"Why not?  He deserves to know, he's your boyfriend after all."

"Yeah, I know, but I dont know how and beside..I dont think it's important."  you shrug.  It's not that your thinking that Baekhyun is not important, of course he is, but you find it not necessary to tell Yun about  his feelings for you.  Or you just thought so.

"Of course, it is silly!  Just to show respect you know.  At least as a boyfriend, he deserves to know whats been happening to you and the fact that your bestfriend just confess to you is a big thing."


"Have you heard anything about Baekhyun?"

"Nothing either!" she sighed.  "But I'll talk to him if I have a chance."

"Thanks best."

"No need, he's my bestfriend as well and I'm worried about him, too."  she smiled.




"Baekhyun!  Byun Baekhyun!!!" 

Baekhyun turned aroun and saw Jiyeon who was jogging towards him.  He stopped to wait.  "Jiyeonie, why?"

"Can,I...*breath*...talk...*breath...to you?"  she said.  She was lucky enough to catch him in the gyms locker this time.  She had been eyeing him since his confession incident happened.

"Here."  Baekhyun handed her a bottled water to help her relax.  "Thanks."  she said.

"What do you want to talk about?"  he asked her.

"Let's go the cafe across the school first."

They walked out of the campus and crossed the street to the cafe acrossed the school.

"So, what is it?"  he asked after they seated.

She looked at him.  "What's happening to you lately.  You haven't call or text us lately."

He bowed his head, avoiding her gaze.  "Is it still about Chun Hei?"  he didn't answer.  "So I'm guessing that's a yes."  She paused for a while when their drinks came.  "Thank you." she said to the waiter.  "So, aren't you going to explain to me about what I heard last time?"

"What is there to explain Jiyeonie?" he looked outside.  "What you heard already explains everything.  I'm inlove with her!  That's the thruth!"

"I know!  But, do you have to forget your friendship because of that?"

"I have to, so I can forget her!"

"But can't you see that your hurting her with that?  You are her bestfriend, even before she had me.  So why on earth would you throw that away, just  because she can't love you the way you want her to?  You know, that's bul*s*it right?"

"But what do you expect me to do Jiyeon?" he hissed. "That's the only solution I can think of!"

"I've been secretely loving her for God knows how long, and now that she knows I...I can't promise not to...sh*t!" he stopped. "Its just so painful to know that the person you cared the most will never be yours."

"If I still stick with her, I might forget that she had a boyfriend and make her mine instead.  That's the least I would want to do either."

"So please Jiyeon, just let me.  It's for Chun Hei."





"Hey."  Jiyeon felt some was poking her check.  She turned around and saw Teo?  Right!  She forget that she is with Teo in her house.  She told her parents about her relationship with Teo, and luckily her parents didn't object.  They just gave her a reminder.  They were at the living room, watching a movie, but obviously her attention is on something else, though she's staring at the screen.  Teo noticed her, and poked her check.

"What?"  she turned to him after she felt his finger.

"Your not watching!" he hissed.

"Sorry, I was just thinking something!"

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing that you need to know!"

"But I demand to know!" he wiggled.

Jiyeon just rolled her eyes at his boyfriends childishness. *Why was I with him again?*

"What?  Still not going to tell me?"  he stopped and stared at her.  This time , he moved closer to her.

"Wh...what are you trying to do Shin Teo!!!"  she yelled as she moved her body backwards.

"I'm going to kiss you if you will not tell me!" he warned.

Jiyeon swallowed as she felt his hot breath on her face.  She turned her face away from him and "Fine!  I will tell you!"  she gave up.  *Da*m this girly-looking guy! Why does he have to do that?* she shouted inside her mind.

"Now, start!" he command.

She sighed.  "I'm thinking about Baekhyun and..."

"What?"  he cutted her.  "How could you think of other boy when you are with your boyfriend?"  and fake an angry face.

"Haist this pabo!  It's not what you think!" she said and slapped his shoulder.

"Im thinking about him and Chun Hei!" she uttered.  Teo looked at her confused.

"What about them?"

"Well, you see, Baekhyun confessed to Chun Hei, last time!"

"Co..confess?  As in...?"

"He told her, he's inlove with her!  And that he had been secretely loving her!"  *There she finally said it!* WEW!

"Sriously?"  Teo said in amazed.  She nodded.

"And now, Baekhyun is avoiding Chun Hei because of that!  Well, because he knows that Chun Hei is with Yun already, but my poor bestfriend," she sighed.  "She's really worried about him."

"I did try to talk to Baekhyun, asked him if he could...if possible not to avoid her, but it seems like his mind is closed when it comes to it."  she pouted.

*Baekhyun and Chun Hei and now Yun and Min Jee?* what's happening here, he thought.










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I will update chapter 64 tomorrow. Since I'm not confident with this chapter..lol


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KpopLoverRachel #1
Chapter 67: sad that i only discover this story now! but omfg its so goddamn good i love it so ing much. thank you so much for sharing, author-nim! SARANGHAE HAHAHA
Chapter 66: Just reread it all over again and I'm still in love with it. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Love love your story it's always a fanfic I have to read!
Chapter 66: -cont-

the outing, that's where everything went interesting. HAHAHAHAHA. everything is going according to my plan.. LOL.. (i told you i like angst :P)

And when they finally broke up and everything and when yun sang Super Hero at the bar.. I must admit it, i cried. I love that song. It's fitting.. really fitting on the situation. It's not too late for Yun to win her back, but the woman is in too much pain. I wouldn't accept Yun if I were on Chunhei's shoes.

I kinda know that she'll end up being knocked up cause you didn't say that they've used protection and i was right. hahaha.. but i was sad that the baby didn't live. :(( it would be a big slap on Yun's part if he saw that she bore the kid all by herself and made him more guilty than he already is. hahahaha.. at the five years after i was looking for the baby and when Baek and ChunHei didn't talked about it i was sad.. :((

And the they went back and I swear I didn't see that CHunHei was planning revenge. Nice. But of course, you play with fire you'll end up getting burned. tsk tsk.

My heart ached for Yun when ChunHei rejected her proposal. heol.. really. i just want to cuddle him and say, don't worry Noona is here.. hahahahaha..

I'm proud of Baek here, he let go. Good job!


This one is really good author-ssi. two thumbs up with this. It's not draggy even if it's long, you've managed to make it interesting until the end. It's not confusing, which I'm thankful for. And i love the parts, it's not steamy ty, quite a perfect blend for a romantic novel. And i won't say that you've ruined yun's innocent image on me, cause I've actually ruined it myself. hahaha.

Kindly tell me if you're doing another Yun biased fic. I would love to read it.

And with that said, i bid my farewell to your lovely fanfic..

Philo out~
Chapter 66: I seldom comment on fanfics, like really. but get ready for a long one author-ssi.. XDD

That took me quite a long time to read this in just one day.. hahaha.. like seriously, I am up until 5AM and wouldn't stop until my dad turned off the wifi. hahaha..

Anyway, I really have no plans reading a Lunafly fanfic but last night i thought i should try. And when i saw your fic and saw exo was there i was kinda reluctant since idrk the exo boys. and i saw how many there are i was like "maaaaaannnnn, please don't be a draggy fic"

AND IT WAS NOT!!!! I am so happy I've read your fic. Like seriously. First, this the first Yun X OC fic that I've read, and since I am such a pedo, Yun is my fave member in Lunafly hahaha.

First on how they met, gurrrll you've hit that spot right there. I love it that Yun is kinda snub at her. I like those feisty guys, though I think Yun is not like that in real life cause he really likes smiling to the crowd, somehow my imagination just likes it that he's a snub.

When Teo suddenly shows interest on Chun Hei, i was mad jealous. She's such a lucky girl. Teo and Yun. Da*n. hahaha

When Yun started to show interest on her, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i giggled like a teenage fool. HE'S SO MANLY I CANNOT.

I like how you added Minjee on the character list, to balance all the nauseating sweetness of those two. XD

Yun is such a dbag for 2timing ChunHei really. A BIG DBAG. I hated him for a while, BUT, that made me love you author-nim. If there is one thing that makes me drawn on a fic that is the angst on the plot.

I so love the angst, i can feel the pain that ChunHei was feeling. When i was at the part when i knew that she knew already my reaction is "OHGAHD SHE KNEW!? AND SHE AGREED TO MAKE LOVE EVEN IF SHE KNEW?! YOU ARE SUCH A MASOCHIST!!!!" which i love.. hahaha..

When she was ignoring Yun and asking him look at him, ohgahd the feels.. i like those kind of situations, cause it seems like it's real life. and then she agreed to make love again. aigoo..
Chapter 47: wtf minjee seriously what kind of cousin are you. Ohh bloody hell this is just so muchh
novitarizki #7
finally I finished this story
ugh too much emotion but i love it lol this fic seriously needs more love :(
and please write another lunafly fic please please <3333333333
CkpopL #8
Chapter 66: Finally!! finally!! they're together.
waaaah... these couple have gone through a lot

the ending is really nice
you did a great job author-nim!
Chapter 66: Awww... finally their together <3
Great job author-nim!!~
nightynight #10
Chapter 60: The story gets more insteresting! Kkkk
I don't mind if Chunhei still loves Yun
well, who can resist him..... :D