Was it worth it?

Wedding bells

Hyuna just kept on running.


She kept on running and running.


It was night time and the whole neighbourhood was dark. Most of the street lights were off. The ones which were on were dim and weak, not helping Hyuna at all. She was not sure which way she should run to. She knew she shouldn't directly run back to her own house because that would be stupid. Himchan could easily find her and capture her again. 


She sprinted straight ahead, not looking back. Her breathing was fast and heavy, her legs felt like giving up any moment. Her heart was beating so fast that it could have jumped out of her chest any second. But she didn't even stop to catch her breath for one second. She was paranoid beyond her own imagination. She was afraid that Himchan would be just behind her, holding a giant chainsaw ready to take her head any moment.


She was nearing the end of the road, where the big trash cans were situated. She could not turn back at that point so without even thinking twice, she ran across the road. And as if it were some sort of dramatic, sad movie, a relatively large car was on the road at the moment she ran. The street was completely dark and the driver was not really paying attention to the road since he was already near his own house. The car hit Hyuna and she fell to the ground with a loud thud.


The driver of the car got out immediately after realizing what he had done. The impact to Hyuna's head and body were so rough that blood trickled down her face. She felt pain in every little inch of her body and she could barely open her eyes. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Are you okay?" The man exclaimed in shock. He fished out his phone from his pocket and quickly dialled the ambulance. 


Hyuna squirmed on the ground. Her vision was blurry and all she saw was a figure of a man's head hovering above hers. She could not see his face clearly so she thought it was Himchan who had got to her. One thing that she was confused about was that the man kept asking if she was okay. And he kept on calling her "Miss".


"Miss, please please just say something. Make a sound or anything!" The driver of the car yelled. At that point, he was beyond panicked. He wasn't quite sure if Hyuna was alive or not. He was too fidgety and scared to even check for her pulse. He just kept on yelling, "Just, just move your arm or leg if you can! Miss, please don't be dead!"


Hyuna could hear what he was saying but she did not want to make any movement. She thought that it would be better if Himchan thought she were dead than if he knew she was alive. He would just capture back to his house again. Hyuna stayed as still as possible, waiting for who she thought was Himchan to leave and just walk away.


After a few minutes of continuous yelling, a siren was heard around the corner. Bright blue and red lights flashed as the ambulance inched closer to where they were. The man got up to his feet and waved his arms around to try to get the ambulance's attention. The ambulance stopped near by and the paramedics rushed out from the vechicle. "She's over there, she's on the road. I-I don't know if she's alive or not. Sh-she didn't respond to anything. Oh my god, it was an accident I didn't see her. I swear to god!" the man said to the paramedics in a rush.


The paramedics merely nodded at him and rushed to Hyuna instead. The put her onto a stretcher immediately. Hyuna finally managed to open her eyes. She saw all the ambulance, a few people, a big car and a random man looking despaired. There was no sign of Himchan at all. She breathed a sigh of relief and closed back her eyes. She was whisked into the back of the ambulance by the paramedics and the ambulance sped away to the hospital.


"You don't need to worry, sir. She just opened her eyes and we checked her pulse. She's alive for good," one of the paramedics said to the driver.


"Oh my goodness, thank you... thank you so much!" The guy cried out.


"Hold on, you can't just leave yet. I need to ask you a few questions," the paramedic said to him. The man nodded his head, "Do you actually know this woman or have any sort of connection with her?"


"No... I don't know who she is at all," the driver said, "I've actually never seen her around here before. And no one usually walks around here at this time of the night. I wasn't looking at the road clearly... It was too dark and I couldn't see a thing."


"I see," the paramedic said, jotting down some details, "The police are on their way to question you further because as you should know, hitting someone with your car even if you don't mean it is a crime. The woman can choose to either file a report against you or not. You may be trialed in court and possibly face a jail sentence."


"What...? Jail? But I told you, it wasn't my fault at all!" The man shouted defensively.


"Even so, it's not your choice to decide whether or not you get a sentence. It's the judge's decision and also the woman's decision." The paramedic replied calmly. Police sirens could be heard and the man saw a police car pulling up to where the ambulance had parked a few minutes ago. Two officers stepped out of the car and nodded at the paramedic.


"Officers, this is the man who was involved in the incident," the paramedic said. The officers nodded and took a step towards the man. One of them went behind the man to handcuff him.


"What are you doing this for?" The man exclaimed frustratedly, "You have no proof that I did it intentionally! You can't just arrest me yet! Take those things off!" he struggled and tried to hit the officer who handcuffed him.


"Sorry, mister. But this is how the law works. And I would suggest you to not fight back or you would be trialed for offending an official," the officer said, putting a hand on his back and leading him into the car, "We're going to take you to the station for further questioning. You have the right to remain silent."

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Chapter 14: Ohmaigawd
I never like horror/thriller like this
ShinHaJae #2
Chapter 14: Chapter 14:Update soon!! THANKS FOR THIS STORY !!!
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh I love this so much
Please let Hyuna and Dae live happily ever after T_T
Update soonnn!!
Chapter 14: I don't understand why himchan keep hunting Hyuna. Revenge? To claim what his?
Chapter 14: Daehyun please be ok!
HyunaBiased #6
Chapter 13: Please update soon! I want to see Himchan and Daehyun's reaction when they find out that Hyuna was ran over. >.<
Chapter 13: That poor guy is so scared. I hope hyuna is ok even though i have a feeling it wont last for long :(
Chapter 13: This is my first comment after subscribing. And I have to say, the sequel is so much better; it's not like Complicated is ; it's just your writing is improved a lot with Wedding Bell. Keep doing the good job!!!
Chapter 12: omg hyuna got out, but whats going to happen to daehyun? how could they be fighting right now???
HyunaBiased #10
I want they to escape already! Please let Himchan's find out the truth. I want Daehyun and Hyuna to have a happy and romantic marrige!
Update soon! Love this story! <3