
Wedding bells


“I can’t believe the two of you fell for my little trap,” Himchan smiled when he saw Hyuna gaining consciousness, “I was afraid that I wouldn’t succeed but you guys were too dumb.”


“Why are you doing this…” Hyuna said slowly. She tried to move her arms and her body but she found out that she was tied to a wooden stool. Her limbs felt sore and her head felt groggy. She blinked her wide eyes, turning her head to inspect what or who else was in the room with her.


“Where’s Daehyun?” she asked frantically when she didn’t see any sign of him.


“Oh, you shouldn’t worry about him,” Himchan said in a sugary sweet voice, “You should worry about yourself, first. He’s safe, I promise.”


“What do you mean he’s safe?” Hyuna hissed, “I don’t believe you! Just tell me where he is. I want to see how he is.”


“I told you, he’s fine. You can believe what you wanna believe,” Himchan replied, looking at his own hand, “He might have lost about a gallon of blood but, he’s fine. He’s not going to die or anything.” He shrugged.


“You’re a monster! Let me out of here!” Hyuna screeched. She struggled to get the strong rope off her body but it obviously did not work.


“Don’t struggle so much, honey. The rope is gonna cut and scar your skin even more if you try to rip yourself out of it,” Himchan said, “And you shouldn’t worry, I don’t wanna hurt you or anything. I just wanna hurt your dear husband. The last time I hurt you, you got so mad at me I couldn’t even forgive myself.”


Hyuna screamed. “If you hurt Daehyun, you’re still going to hurt me!”


Himchan rolled his eyes dramatically and took a few steps towards her. “Fine. I’m just going to leave you here. I’m gonna go check up on your darling Daehyun now. I hope he’s still bleeding from his stomach.”


He then turned his body around and walked out of the door calmly. Hyuna craned her neck towards the door in hopes of getting a peek of where she is. The whole place was dark and dim. It wasn’t exactly a very familiar sight for her.


Himchan climbed up the makeshift ladder in the basement up to the living room; where he had Daehyun tied up. He made his way over to the bloody little corner and a tiny smirk formed on his lips when he saw Daehyun flinching in pain.


Daehyun couldn’t feel much. He knew that Himchan had stabbed him right in the stomach and his lower part body has gone numb from all the pain. He felt queasy and weak from the blood loss. His head was hung low and his arms ached.


“How are you liking that position?” Himchan asked him devilishly.


Daehyun’s head remained low as he didn’t have the strength to move his neck. He grunted in response and choked a little bit of his own blood in his mouth.


Himchan stood directly in front of him and grabbed his chin to tilt up his face forcefully. “Look at me while you speak. Do not be disrespectful to me. I swear to god I will kill you if you disobey me.” His dark eyes glared straight through Daehyun’s glassy, tear-filled ones.


Daehyun squinted his eyes to focus on the person in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak but instead got a hard smack on the face before any words could come out. “Are you ing dumb? I asked you a damn question. Answer it or else your girl dies.”


Daehyun’s eyes perked up a little more when he heard him mention Hyuna. He opened his mouth again and moved him jaw with all the effort he could. Himchan’s grip was not a light one…


“Wh… where is… she?” Daehyun managed to say. He also managed to cough out some blood onto Himchan’s white sleeve.


“ing gross!” Himchan exclaimed, removing his hand from Daehyun’s chin almost instantly, “She’s in the basement. She’s wondering where you are. I told her that you were fine. I said you just lost a lot of blood and you probably will survive. But from the looks of it, you’re gonna go any second now.”


Daehyun shook his head furiously with all his might. He did not want to die. He just got married to the girl of his dreams and they were starting a new life together. Himchan just had to come around and ruin in.


Himchan let out yet another evil chuckle and grinned. “You think you’re so tough, huh? Well, think again, I mean just look at the floor. The carpet is soaked with blood. Your blood only. I don’t think you can last very long like this. I mean… don’t you feel light-headed already?”


Daehyun flinched in disgust. Indeed he felt light-headed but, he wasn’t going to fall into any more of Himchan’s stupid traps. “Un… untie me!” Daehyun said with his now-raspy voice.


“You want me to untie you?” Himchan laughed, “Then what are you gonna do? Crawl to me and drag on my feet until I budge?” he shook his head in amusement and just walked away from Daehyun.


“You know, if I were in your spot, I wouldn’t waste my energy trying to get out of that chair. We all know how weak you are,” Himchan said in his sing-song voice, “You can’t even protect yourself, nor can you protect your own wife. Your wife is tied up to a stool just like you are but she’s underground in the basement. No one will be able to hear her screams and she won’t have enough strength to get herself out of the rope either. I guess she’ll just have to stay there until she starves to death or something…”


“No!” Daehyun exclaimed, “Don’t kill her, please… I will do anything for you… just don’t kill us… please… I beg you…”


Himchan stopped washing his hands and turned the tap off. He looked to Daehyun who’s eyes were so sincere and begging you just couldn’t say no.


“If you say so…” Himchan said, “I have just the perfect plan for the two of you!”




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Chapter 14: Ohmaigawd
I never like horror/thriller like this
ShinHaJae #2
Chapter 14: Chapter 14:Update soon!! THANKS FOR THIS STORY !!!
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh I love this so much
Please let Hyuna and Dae live happily ever after T_T
Update soonnn!!
Chapter 14: I don't understand why himchan keep hunting Hyuna. Revenge? To claim what his?
Chapter 14: Daehyun please be ok!
HyunaBiased #6
Chapter 13: Please update soon! I want to see Himchan and Daehyun's reaction when they find out that Hyuna was ran over. >.<
Chapter 13: That poor guy is so scared. I hope hyuna is ok even though i have a feeling it wont last for long :(
Chapter 13: This is my first comment after subscribing. And I have to say, the sequel is so much better; it's not like Complicated is ; it's just your writing is improved a lot with Wedding Bell. Keep doing the good job!!!
Chapter 12: omg hyuna got out, but whats going to happen to daehyun? how could they be fighting right now???
HyunaBiased #10
I want they to escape already! Please let Himchan's find out the truth. I want Daehyun and Hyuna to have a happy and romantic marrige!
Update soon! Love this story! <3