The escape

Wedding bells

After the severely awkward lunch session, the day progressed fairly quick. In the afternoon, Himchan drove his aunt and uncle, along with Hyuna to go visit the local market. After that, they went to the park and made small talk. Hyuna had originally planned to just sprint away from Himchan as fast as she could to escape but then the second they got out of the car, Himchan already had an iron grip on Hyuna's hand.


By the time dinner rolled around, Himchan's relatives were exhausted so the four of them headed back to Himchan's house. They had some dinner than Himchan had ordered Daehyun to prepare and then his uncle and aunt left the dinner table and went to bed early. Hyuna immediately excused herself to the bathroom after they went and left Himchan and Daehyun to clean up their plates.


Hyuna leaned her back against the cool, tiled, bathroom wall. She sighed and sat down on the ground. She wanted to Himchan to just stop this stupid game that he has been playing for the longest time. She wanted to go home and have a happy life. She wondered about school and her other neighbours. Why didn't anyone report them missing? Were they that unimportant?


Hyuna also thought about taking her own life away to end the pain. There was a sharp razor blade, just conveniently on the bathroom counter, waiting to be used to cut through soft, human skin. But that would be so selfish of her to do so. What would happen to Daehyun? He would have to suffer alone. And God knows what Himchan will do to him. 


Hyuna closed her eyes and thought even more. Bit by bit, a plan started forming in her mind. She skimmed through her thoughts thoroughly and put an imaginary stamp of approval. She patted herself on the back for finally coming up with a plan. She smiled genuinely for the first time in days. It felt good to know that there was a slight chance of freedom for her and Daehyun.


She stood up and left the bathroom. She headed to the kitchen to look for Daehyun and tell him her masterplan. When she got to the kitchen, she saw Daehyun washing the dishes quietly while Himchan sat at the table, sipping wine from a tall glass and inspecting Daehyun.


"Well, look who decided to finally leave the bathroom," Himchan said in a mocking tone, "You know, for a second there, I thought you flushed yourself down the toilet bowl in attempt to escape! Or maybe you got your pretty little stuck on the rim."


Hyuna opened to say something back but a crashing sound beat her to it.


"Do not. Talk about Hyuna like that," Daehyun growled at Himchan angrily.


Himchan lifted his brows, he was surprised that it took so long for Daehyun to finally talk back to him. "Aww, poor little Daehyun coming to the rescue. Isn't that just sweet?" Himchan mocked once again.


"She is my wife and you are delusional," Daehyun said, "Why won't you just leave the two of us alone. We never done anything bad to you. We're just trying to live out our lives but you're just a block of nothing stopping us from doing so. You're just a sick bastard." Daehyun threw another dish onto the ground and it crashed into millions of small pieces. He walked past the mess he made and grabbed Hyuna's hand and pulled her out of the room with him.


Himchan could not deny it. He was impressed. He never expected Daehyun to ever make a move like that on him. Himchan leaned back against his chair and smirked. Vendetta was written all over his face.


"Daehyun! What were you thinking just breaking out in rage like that? Do you have any idea what he can do to us?" Hyuna hissed at Daehyun, trying not to be too loud or else they might wake up Himchan's relatives.


"What did you expect me to do? Just stand there and listen to him harrass you?" Daehyun shot back angrily, "I don't think so. Listening to him talk about you like that just makes me so mad!"


"I know it makes you angry but couldn't you just... not?" Hyuna pulled her hair in frustration, "Our lives are on the line here! You clearly know what he's capable of! How many times do I need to remind you? Just don't make him mad so he won't make us suffer!"


"He wasn't even mad! Didn't you see his face? He looked so amused I swear I would have thrown a bowl at his face if his relatives weren't around!" 


"You have anger issues! Just stop with all the nasty thoughts! Himchan already scares me so much and hearing you speak like this... it makes... it makes me scared, too," Hyuna cried, her voice breaking, "Please, just don't do that again. Himchan is a very unpredictable person and-"


"You think I don't know that?" Daehyun yelled, "He's unpredictable as ! This whole thing, this game or whatever that he likes to call it is unpredictable as ! And what's worse is that he ing stabbed me in the stomach and it ing hurt! The wound still hurts! Do you think he actually did a good job in sterilizing my wounds? No ing way. And here you are, just worried about whether he's gonna get mad or not."


"What about me, huh? Don't you actually worry about my well being?" Daehyun asked. His heart was pounding in his chest. He has never shouted at Hyuna like that before. He instantly felt so bad when he saw the look on her face. He wanted to just drop everything and hold her in his arms and tell her he's sorry but he could not just give in like that. He needed her to realize.


"I do care about you! I do!" Hyuna exclaimed, "I contemplated on killing myself earlier but then I thought that wouldn't be fair to Daehyun! I actually came up with a plan so that the both of us can escape this... this hell that we're currently living in! I care about you so much, okay..." Hyuna broke out into ugly sobs, "And why are you even starting this fight with me? We should have each other's backs in a situation like this but... but... you're not helping at all!"


"Me? Starting a fight?" Daehyun asked, "I wasn't even trying to! You were the one who started this!"


"You know what? I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm gonna go to bed. Good night, Daehyun," Hyuna said coldly before walking out the room and slamming the door angrily.


Daehyun furrowed his brows and sighed angrily. He ran his fingers through his hair as he processed his thoughts. He headed back to the kitchen to clean up the mess he had made earlier. He grabbed the broom near the shoe closet and the kitchen lights.


Himchan was still sitting at the table, looking like an evil supervillian. His eyes travelled from the glass in his hands to Daehyun's angered face. Daehyun completely ignored Himchan's presence and headed over to the sink area and started sweeping up the broken plate pieces.


"I heard your fight," Himchan said.


Daehyun stopped what he was doing and just stared at Himchan's back. Himchan did not even bother to turn around to speak to him. "What do you want?" Daehyun simply asked.


"You two shouldn't be fighting at a time like this," Himchan said before taking another swig of his drink, "In fact, you two should be closer to each other in a time of need and despair like this. You two are just acting like two little children. Childish. Childish. Childish."


"What are you trying to say? The only one childish here is you," Daehyun said, "because matured adults don't just keep people in captivity and not let them live their lives. The childish one is clearly you. Don't even try to deny it."


"You have a point there but then again you're wrong. I am indeed a matured adult. Keep you two in captivity isn't just for my personal enjoyment. I would just like you two to be the start of my wonderful collection," Himchan sighed.


"Collection of what?" Daehyun snapped.


"I've garnered a new hobby recently. I've been searching online and the pictures I see... they just intrigue me so much that I want to start up my own collection of human skulls! And you two will be the first of my collection," Himchan smiled satisfyingly.


As if they were in a movie and there were special effects, the heard a loud crash and rapid footsteps which sounded like a person just broke out of the house and sprinted away.


That person was Hyuna.







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Chapter 14: Ohmaigawd
I never like horror/thriller like this
ShinHaJae #2
Chapter 14: Chapter 14:Update soon!! THANKS FOR THIS STORY !!!
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh I love this so much
Please let Hyuna and Dae live happily ever after T_T
Update soonnn!!
Chapter 14: I don't understand why himchan keep hunting Hyuna. Revenge? To claim what his?
Chapter 14: Daehyun please be ok!
HyunaBiased #6
Chapter 13: Please update soon! I want to see Himchan and Daehyun's reaction when they find out that Hyuna was ran over. >.<
Chapter 13: That poor guy is so scared. I hope hyuna is ok even though i have a feeling it wont last for long :(
Chapter 13: This is my first comment after subscribing. And I have to say, the sequel is so much better; it's not like Complicated is ; it's just your writing is improved a lot with Wedding Bell. Keep doing the good job!!!
Chapter 12: omg hyuna got out, but whats going to happen to daehyun? how could they be fighting right now???
HyunaBiased #10
I want they to escape already! Please let Himchan's find out the truth. I want Daehyun and Hyuna to have a happy and romantic marrige!
Update soon! Love this story! <3