
Just For Once?

I sit at the vanity in my room and sigh. Where the heck is Dara? Seriously, this is way more than I bargained for. My phone battery is at half and with no electricity, this could be a nightmare! Who knew I’d miss scrolling through tumblr this much? I can practically hear the clock ticking as each second passes.

The sun is now at its last moments of setting and I’m stuck here. Come on Bom, think!  I’m on the third floor so jumping surely isn’t an option and I don’t think Siwon is willing to let me walk out of the front gates. I guess I’ll just have to sneak out the back! I take off my fancy dress, put on my shorts and tank top, and put on a simple, brown, and what I’m assuming is cotton dress. I stuff the fancy dress and into my bag and look into the mirror.

“Not too shabby Bommie,” I say to my reflection. Placing my hair in a bun and my sneakers on my feet, I’m ready to head out.

I open the door very slowly and thank God, the hinges are well oiled. Peeking around the edge of the door, I slowly creep my way into the hall. Seeing that the coast is clear, I sprint to the closest doorway. One of Siwon’s butlers is making his rounds. Gotta make this fast. Taking my chances I sprint down the closest stairwell and thankfully it is a passage leading to the laundry room.

I duck behind the large vats of boliing water and creep my way to the nearest door. This has got to be an exit. I slowly open the door which leads to another room. This is where they hang all of the wet laundry! I see an open door leading outside of the castle.

Too bad a dude is blocking the way. Oops….


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