But, You Can Call Me Dara!

Just For Once?

“Ugh…..” I moan as I turn over in my sheets. I glance over at my alarm clock, 6:30, like anybody actually likes waking up that early. Especially on a Saturday morning.

“Wakey, wakey!” my mom, JiYeon, says in her funny baby-talk. I smile under my covers. I turn over to see her happy face looking at me. I take in her gorgeous features. Her slightly tan skin, kind smiling eyes, perfectly carved nose, and perfectly pink lips. This makes me think about my own reflection. I have “peachy” colored skin, blonde waves, dark eyes, and lips that are too big. At least my nose is a button nose.

    My sister walks in. I take in her perfect body. She runs track and field, and she plays volley ball. She is supermodel tall and pretty. Her face might as well have been carved by angels. Her long, straight, and blond hair is perfectly highlighted, her violet eyes are stunning, and looks like a rose, or at least as soft as one. I turn over and feel the tears well up thinking about how she constantly over shadows me.

She asks my mom something but I don’t hear her. After they leave, I get up and walk over to my window, a ritual I do everyday, that way I can watch the sunrise. One day, my prince will come, and I will get my happily ever after. I’ve said this every morning since the seventh grade, and even now as junior in high school, I still say this every morning.

    I sit on the edge of my bed and look over at the clock again, 6:37, great. I head into the bathroom and have the same shower, brush teeth, wash face routine as always. I put on some blue shorts, a black tank with a Chrome Hearts Zip Up hoodie over it, and a pair of silver High top Adidas. I pick up my bag, place my cell phone, wallet, and keys in it, and turn to head out of my door. As I turn I see myself standing face to face with a…..

“Fairy!” I scream and back up against the wall behind me. The girl standing in front of me has brown eyes, bright pink lips, and dark brown long hair. She smiles and waves her wand leaving a light trail of glitter.

“I am your fairy godmother!” she says in a way that is slightly valley girlish. I feel myself hyperventilating. I close my eyes.

“There is no such thing as fairies, I am just going crazy. I-” she wont even let me finish my sentence.

“My name is Sandara Park, but you can call me Dara. I am here to grant you three wishes. The regular rules apply, I can’t kill anyone, no wishing for more wishes, and once a wish has been granted, I can’t undo it.” She smiles sweetly and waits for my reply.

“Well, I have always wanted a prince, but what if you mess up my wish?” I ask fully concerned.

“Well, I could always… Ahh I know, one middle ages coming up!!” She says and with a wave of her wand, I am standing a forest.
This... this is definitely not L.A. I look around and can feel my anxiety rising. Looks like an adventure to me!



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