Chapter 7

A Cinderella Story


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I woke up early as usual. Do my daily routines. Walk to school with Key. But I don’t find it boring as long they’re with me.

We reached school early, so I have time to finish my assignments. The bell ringed. Everybody went to their own seats before our homeroom adviser enters our classroom.

Our discussion is really boring. I almost fall asleep, good thing Key wake up my senses.

“Yah! EunMi-ssi, you shouldn’t sleep in discussion time!” Key said in low voice.

“Sorry, I haven’t sleep well.” I answered in low voice.

I raised up my hand. “Yes Ms.Lee?” Mr.Kim asked

“I need to go to CR.”

“Ok. You can go now.” Then I go out.

I went out of the class to splash my face with water, a fast answer to wake myself up. I didn’t enter the class immediately after going to the CR so I can excuse myself in that boring class Mr.Kim is discussing. Later on, the bell ringed.

“Yes!” I said to myself. I ran towards the classroom to get my stuff.

“Yah! EunMi-ah! Where have you been? What took you so long? Do you know cutting classes is bad?” Key asked tapping his shoe on the floor.

“eheh..Sorry, I don’t comeback immediately cause I don’t want to fall asleep.” I answered to Key who’s being such a mom

“Don’t do it again araso?”

“Araso Key umma.” Me and Yanna laughed

“Bwoh? Why umma?”

“You’re being such a mom!” Me and Yanna stop laughing

“Don’t call me umma!”

“araso.” Yanna and me answered

“Let’s go to the next class shall we?” Yanna said


We go to our next class, this time I’m awake. Widely awake.

The bell ringed for our break time.

“Yeyy!” I  cheered in low voice. I’m hungry already

“Yanna, Key, let’s eat! I’m hungry!”

“Let’s go! I’m hungry too!” Yanna said. Then we pulled Key together.

“Yah! Do you two eat breakfast?” Key said

We reached the canteen. Me and Yanna bought many food. As for Key, he only eat bibimbap with juice.

“Eat slowly! You don’t want to choke up right?” Key said because me and Yanna eat non-stop.

The bell ringed. “Aww.. I want to eat more!” I said

“You can eat later EunMi-ah.” Key said

We go to the music room because we have music class today.

“The class is dismissed today because our teacher is sick.” One of our classmate announced

“Yeyy!!” Everybody shouted. And they all go outside

“Come on, let’s go to the garden to relax a bit and talk about EunMi’s night.” Yanna said

“Why me?” I said

“Because you’re not with us and you’re the one who danced with Jonghyun.”

“Fine, Fine, Let’s go..” They pulled me both outside.

“Yah! Don’t pull me! I can walk!”

“Stop complaining!” We ran outside till we reach the school garden

We all sit down because exhausted from running.

“EunMi-ah, tell us about last night!” Yanna said excitedly

“Ye. Our ears is ready for this.”

“Bwoh?! Why do you want to know?!”

“Stop asking! Tell us the story of yours..” Key said

“Araso…” I tell them my experience from the night of the Masquerade party.

“Wow, EunMi-ssi, such a wonderful experience..” Yanna said dreamily

“Ye. But why’d you run away?” Key asked

“Because if he knows I’m Eunmi, I’d be awkward towards him.”

“ahh..” they both said

“But, maybe, you’ll be dating. Because you like each other EunMi ah.” Yanna said

“If we started to date, girls will bash me non stop okay? I don’t want that to happen, he saved me one time and that’s already enough.”

“EunMi ah~ you’re being dramatic.”

“No im not.”

“Yes you are..’

“Fine. Whatever!”

Jonghyun’s POV

When our classmate announced that there is no music class, I head for the garden. I go to the most peaceful place on school.

I sat at the bench n the garden, when suddenly somebody popped out infront of me.

“Yah! You scare me Taemin!”

“Sorry..” Taemin said and he sat beside me

“So, Jjong, mind to tell us what happened to you last night, I mean, you’re not with us the whole night.”

“Because I don’t like noise too much so I go to the balcony…”

“ahh..” they all said

“What about the girl you met? Tell us..”

“ahh.. okay..” I tell them the whole story

“Who is she?” Onew asked

“I don’t even know..”

“What the---“ They said surprised

“She didn’t tell me!” I said in a loud voice “But she say that she go to this school too.”

“Really? Did you try to find her?” Minho asked

“Not yet. Maybe next time..”

“You must find her! Did you know that she’s the most beautiful at the party?”

“No. But I’m luck, she’s really nice.. like err..umm…EunMi..”

"I have a thought that she's EunMi.." I added

"Well hyung, why won't you ask EunMi noona?" Taemin suggested

I showed them the bracelet that the girl lost "here's her bracelet. It's like EunMi's"

"Then let's ask her! She's right over there!" Onew pointed where EunMi is sitting

"Anio! Not now!" 

"Waeyo?" Onew asked

"Because I still don't want to."

"Gawd. What a good reason!" Onew said and they started pulling me towards EunMi. We look stupid doing that.

"Hello EunMi. Jjong wants to say something to you." Onew said and EunMi looked at me.

"What is it?" EunMi said

"uhh..err..umm..n-nothing..Bye!' Then I ran off. That time the bell rang

"Hey Jjong! Wait for us!" Onew shouted and started to run

I slowed down a bit and they catch up.

"Nice work Jjong. You look stupid back there.." Onew said catching his breath

"Yah! Don't blame me if I look stupid. I just still don't know where to start!"

"Yea whatever. Let's go. We're gonna be late." And we go to our class

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
This was so cute! Great story!
cuteeee <3<3<3
blueberry2097 #3
... so cute.. jjongie... ahh
AWW~~! sooo niice i love this story! please update~~! :)
KyuminLover #5
aww, i love this! please update! <3
@jessy_jea: aww.. thanks! ^.^
jessy_jea #7
I love it~ subs subs~ >w<♥
fizz-peaze #8
It's quite interesting...
This is my first story! yeyy! I hope many people will read it and like it so i could make more stories! heheh~