Section 2

A VIP Birthday


                From LAX we took a taxi to a hotel to unpack and rest a bit. We’re going site seeing for the afternoon. Playing the typical tourist followed by some playing of a not so typical tourist. It’s not like we could act like utter morons in L.A. on an everyday basis so we’re living it up while we could. We took pictures of our feet on anything and everything.

                Our first night there we just ordered room service for dinner. Tomorrow was the concert and I didn’t want to be too tired. After updating my Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr it was time for bed.

                I was woken up the next morning shortly before 11:30 by my sister bouncing on the bed. Did I mention that she’s the older one? Yeah I question that a lot too.

              “GOOOOOD ALMOST AFTERNOOOON MY PRECIOUS LITTLE PUDDING POODLE POP! UPSY-DAISY DON’T BE LAZY!” She sang between bounces. There was a thud and everything went silent. I pulled the blanket down off my head in time to see Lisa’s legs pointing straight up.

“Oh my god, are you ok?!” I rush to the edge of the bed and look down at her. She’s laughing so hard that no sound is coming out.

                “Wow that was… ow I think I hurt something. You should try it. All but the landing is quite fun.” Lisa pulled herself up on the bed and looked at me, “Who says ‘Upsy-Daisy don’t be lazy?!” She shook her head and walked off to raid the cart of breakfast that she ordered from room service at some point.

                I really worry about her physical being. I already know she’s insane so there is no point in worrying over it. But my god how has she survived this long in life with the way she throws herself around? She laughs it off and bounces right back up.

                I go out into the living room of our hotel suite to get some breakfast before Lisa eats it all. I look around because what should have been the living room has been transformed into a jungle of sheets and blankets. She must have called for extras because I don’t remember there being that many when I went to bed. Lisa has been quite busy.

                When we leave for the concert we left a note on the counter for the housekeepers that may or may not being doing a stay over with service. ‘The labyrinth of sheets holds many perils. Should you deem yourself courageous enough then by all means test your mettle for there be treasure in your future. Ye be warned!’

                We arrived at the venue and mingled in line with other VIPs. Someone had GD’s CrayOn as a ringtone; we proceeded to finish the verse where the phone left off. Before you knew it our section of the line was singing and dancing to a variety of the groups songs. It was a lot of fun.

                It’s still a couple hours from the doors being opened and the fans being let in. People had grown bored again. Lisa looks at me and pouts, “I’m bored. Dance for me my pretty little monkey!”

                I glare at her and suggest that maybe a game would be better and that calling me a monkey was rude. Some people near us wanted to play too so we chose charades. Lisa made sure to film all of it with her iPhone.

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Chapter 3: that was a good story, I think I would've died if I actually met T.O.P in person. XD