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A VIP Birthday

A/N: it's a oneshot that I wrote in sections.


                I thought my birthday this year was going to . My uncle, who I was very close with, passed away a couple months ago. His birthday was coming up and I wasn’t ready for it. Mine falls a few days after. And not only that, but it’s the first birthday living away from my entire family, except my sister of course.

                To make the most of the situation I wanted to switch my days off so that I would have my birthday off. That way we could drive to Durango for dinner and a movie; and a mini shopping spree, courtesy of the greatest big sister ever.

                Unfortunately, our roommate’s birthday was the beginning of the month and all her friends are taking her out to eat for damn near the whole month; which means that our trip to Durango is off. I don’t even care that it’s my 23rd birthday any more. I can’t wait for it to be done.


                I wake up to my sister’s alarm going off. I’d get up but what’s the point? Lisa is already up and in the bathroom so I’ll just lay here and listen to the first alarm on her ipod going off. I sing along to Wings by Daesung of BigBang.

                Lisa walks in and plops down on her bed. How the air mattress is still alive the way she body slams it is not fair. She reaches for her ipod, shuts the alarm off and wiggles back under her blankets.

                “BeeTeeDubbs its 6:30. Correction 6:31.”

                I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to get ready for work and have a bowl of cereal. The second alarm goes off, Block B’s Nalina, and Lisa emerges from our room. She’s so wide awake and energetic in the morning I could just kill her.

                We get to work and Irene, one of bosses, tells us that she posted the next week’s schedule already and that we have the next 4 days off. Hells yeah! And the only units we’ll be cleaning for today are Ptarmigans. Six of them. Two of which might already be clean. Mental happy booty dance!

                “Yay Ptarmigan Sunday SUNDAY SUUUUNNNDAAAY!” Lisa gives her Ptarmigan chant.

                There aren’t any houseman at work yet so one of our friends drives us out to our first unit. It was already clean except for a few things in the bathroom. Once that was done, we sat around for an hour and a half waiting for our next unit to be out. Guests always check out so slow on Sundays. MOVE IT ALONG PEOPLE! Don’t make us come up in there and help you pack!

                Two of our units were indeed already done so only three more to go and we’re home free. We’ve decided to order pizza and have a movie marathon instead. Lisa is even going to build me a fort in our room! And make me some red velvet cupcakes that I have to frost myself because she doesn’t want to. Which is fine I like frosting cupcakes. Cakes, cupcakes, cats, etc. Just kidding about the cat though. That would be a waste of frosting.

                I spend the rest of the night chatting it up with my RP peeps and checked my Facebook. Other than that I did a whole lot of nothing.

                “Trina get up we’re gonna be late!” I feel myself being smacked with a pillow and then a whole lot of cold as my blankets were ripped from my body.


                “Well that’s just RUUUDE! Just because we have the day off doesn’t mean we won’t be late. Late, late, laaate for a very important daaate!”

                “What are you talking about? What time is it anyways?” I check my phone and its only 6 am. I’m going to kill her.

                 I jump out of bed to make good on my threat but I don’t see her. I go out in the kitchen and look for her, still no sign. That’s weird, were the hell is the spastic little ninja squirrel at?

                “Cissy?” I call looking in the garage. Don’t know why she’d be in there but she’s off her rocker this morning, more than normal.

                “MARCO!” She calls from in our room.

                I walk in and still don’t see her, “Polo?” There is nowhere to hide in here. I’d normally check the closet but we have so many things stuffed in there right now that there is no way a person could fit.

                “Here grab this for me, I’m stuck.” She hands out her pink suitcase. Well we all knew that she was an alien ninja with the attention span of a squirrel but I’m still shocked she managed to get in there.

                “Uhm, what are you doing?” I take the suitcase from her before she ends up throwing it.

                “Hehehehehehhehehehehehe… ouch,” she started to climb out of the closet, got her leg caught and fell to the floor.

                Before I could ask her if she was ok she bounced up and started ripping clothes of hangers and shoving them into the suitcase. She’s in manic packing mode. I’m scared to even breathe least she notice me.

                “Ok good that’s done!” She whips around and stares at me. “Are… You…Ready?” She takes a step toward me with each word. “Why aren’t you ready?” She pouts and shoves me toward the bathroom, pausing to grab me some clothes. “These will work, now TIC TOC!”

                I barely finish when I’m whisked outside to a waiting taxi. “Are we running away or something?”

                “Or something. The taxi is taking us to the airport and from there… fufufu…” she pulled out two plane tickets and hands them to me.

                “L.A.? Seriously?! When..How… are we going to a BigBang concert?” Lisa grinned widely and handed me another set of tickets.

                “Backstage passes too! Who’s The Greatest Sistah EVAH?” She plugged her ears while I screamed for joy. “Don’t mind her she’s a little excited,” she joked with the taxi driver.


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Chapter 3: that was a good story, I think I would've died if I actually met T.O.P in person. XD