Chapter 4

Lovespun People

Baekhyun walks home with a box of krispy kreme in one hand. He passed by the shop even the donuts are not on his weekly budget. He just wants to make it up for Chanyeol because he thought he's really stupid for not telling him his schedule.

The latter rides the elevator to the 7th floor, his feet tapping on the metal floor because he's growing anxious and impatient. Chanyeol wont be that pissed at him right? He clutches on the box of Krispy Kreme slightly before walking out of the elevator when it reached his respective floor.

Baekhyun fits in the key and unlocks the door quickly, he found the room quiet and sort of dark, the light from the lampshade and from the mini kitchen is the only light source.  He places down the box of donuts on the mini dining table and and looks around.

"Chanyeol?" the latter calls, hoping for an answer. "Yah!"

The door from the bathroom opens ajar, revealing Chanyeol's head, his hair still wet and obviously fresh from the shower. He looks at the shorter guy and sighed, "Yeah?"

Baekhyun lets out a sigh of relief, "I hope you're not mad at me." he starts with a soft voice while looking at the taller guy.

"I am," the shorter guy's heart tighten once again because he knew he had done something rude and bad. "just a bit. But I hope you'll tell me your schedule next time! I hope I hung out with Kris instead, I dropped him because of you."

Baekhyun feels awfully guilty now, and it's really sweet of Chanyeol to choose him over that Kris guy. "I'm really sorry Yeol. Hey, I bought some doughnuts for you. A sorry present I hope you accept?" he said hesitantly, hoping it will work.

"Doughnuts you say? Ahh~ I've been craving for one today!" the taller guy walks out of the bathroom with his boxers on and his shirt slinged on his shoulders. He opens the box and grabs he bavarian donut, "Thanks~"

The elder guy felt his face burn again, he was avoiding the thoughts of Chanyeol's well defined body, but here it his, all in his half glory and he felt like jumping into his bed and just watch pororo on his laptop, "Geez, Chanyeol! Put on a shirt!" he exclaims, and he runs into the bathroom to get a little scolding for himself.

Chanyeol laughed and did as he is said, with the donut still hanging from his mouth, "You're like my mother. Aigoo~ I thought I can get away from the scoldings."



The night went well, much to Baekhyun's relief. He cant afford Chanyeol being mad at him, especially he's his only bestfriend. The latter turns off his laptop after updating his blog with a selca and something about his day because some of his followers are flooding him with asks because from the lack of update.



Blog update: 3.22.13 Stupid day

Aigoo~ I have been stupid today. I hope I wont repeat it again >< night.




The next following days, Baekhyun frequently spends his time with his proffesor on lunch times and dismissal time. He is having fun of course, having Donghae hyung as part of his college life is royalty. But Hyoyyeon never liked the fact that he's spending time with his proffesor.

"I should warn him." Hyoyeon mumbled, enough for Jongdae to hear and to make him curious.


"He's an . I understand why Hyukjae left him. That douche's charms never fades." 

"Poor Baekh-" Donghae and Baekhyun just passed in front of them, laughing while holding on a cup of coffee. "They look happy."

"Sadly." the elder guy sighed and rubs his temples, "He should receive a good beat up before stopping."

Jongdae never knows the back story of Donghae and Hyukjae, but the 'good beat up' sounds good since his friend is in a big danger here. He cant risk that. "That sounds good." he agreed with a nod.

"Where the hell is Chanyeol anyway? Aren't they supposed to be together during lunch times?"

"Who the heck knows? He's always out with Kris too, but Kris is safe." Jongdae anwered, "He'll catch Baekhyun anyway."

Hyoyeon throws him a curious look with one brow arched up, "Means?"

The younger rolled his eyes, "Cant you see? He's falling for Chanyeol, and so is the obnoxiously tall guy! They're too blind to see it, but maybe soon." he answered with an its-painfully-obvious look written all over his face.




"Hey Baekhyun!" calls Donghae to the said guy who is walking in the hallway. Baekhyun stopped and looks over his proffesor.

"Hey Sir Lee." he greeted with a smile.

"Mind if I ask you tonight? I hope you're not busy?"

"I'm not." the younger answered.

"Cool! I'll pick you up around 7pm? At the convenient store just near here." Donghae said, the younger nodded and he finally left.

Baekhyun grinned because of excitement. He hurries back to his dorm to prepare himself because he thought he should look attractive for his equally attracttive companion. He asked me out!!




Chanyeol and his own gang, Jongin, Kris, Minseok, Sehun, Daehyun and Himchan are in McDonalds' fooling around as the usual. Its their daily routine now since Baekhyun is always out with his stupid proffesor.

"How about we hang out tonight in Gangnam-do?" Jongin suggested, "There's a club that is luxurious-"

"It might cost us a lot einstein," Sehun butts in, "Gangnam is always known to be luxuriousand expensive. FYI, I only have student budget so no."

The other guys agreed with a nod and Jongin can only roll his eyes, "I havent finished yet! I have an invitation that fits us six plus my Kyungsoo! Is that a problem now? It's for free!"

The guys lets out an  oh and with a nod, they agreed to go. Himchan will be in charge of their pick up since he's the only one who have a van.




Chanyeol returns home late only to see his friend dressing up prettily for a guy. Who wore skin tight black jeans, and white top and a leather black jacket over it. He also have an eyeliner on and his hair is ridiculously neat but pretty.

"You look pretty~" Chanyeol cooed as he stares at his friend up and down.

"You think so?" Baekhyun grinned and turned to look at his friend. "I'm going out with Donghae hyung tonight so I really must look cool~"

The taller guy only nods and drops his things on the couch with himself because there's this painful stirring starting in his stomach. Him again.

It's already 6:45pm and Baekhyun bids goodbye to his friend with an excited smile.

"Take care." he mumbles though the other guy didnt heard him. Chanyeol sighed and stands up from the couch, he should prepare too, Himchan will arrive around 7:30 anyway.


A/N: An update! Woot! I just updated yesterday XD Im just cherishing my free time today since Im not sure if I could update more for the next following weeks because we have lots of outing and practice. Well, leave comments because its necessary needed to motivate myself XD /throws myself in a pit of shamelessness.

I dont hate Donghae, I love that guy so he's here XD


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waah finally an update! =_= geez i nowadays


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Chapter 3: i hope you will continue this story.. :)
Chapter 1: update soon author :D
Chapter 1: This is a great start! I'll be waiting for more!
Update soon! <3
Bang-Jello #4
Update soon, neh? ^^
kaimakesmecry #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
This look so interesting.. Update soon ^^