Chapter 1

Lovespun People

Being a college student is the most exciting part of your life, there's the first job, the first dorm and the first brain cell killing.

"Honey please, be extra careful now. You're still too young to be a fath-"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "Eomma, I wont ok? I have no plans yet."

"I just want you to-"

The taller guy hugged his eomma tightly, "You gave me a pack of condoms ma, I'm going to be ok."

Chanyeol's mother smiled, "I know. Take care of yourself alright honey?" his mother said with a caring voice.

"I will eomma." Chanyeol smiled and glanced at his watch, "the orientation will start after half an hour. I still need to find my dorm."

"Oh, yeah. Goodbye son! You can always come home-"

"Ma, goodbye."

Chanyeol's mother gets back in the car and muttered a goodbye before leaving.

"Now, where should I start?" he asked himself with a smile. 


The university is definitely big. Chanyeol is really excited to everything of course. He heads to the dorm building first so he can place his stuffs and have a little tour in the university after the orientation program.

"no.612." He chcecks his dorm key number and the door. "Yep, it's my room alright."

He fits in the key to unlock the door, he slowly opens it to take a peek, he saw another guy. Probably his room mate. Chanyeol enters the room with a smile. "Hello."

The guy turns to look at him, and oh gosh does he look good. "Hi!" the guy greeted, "I'm Byeon Baekhyun! And you are..?"

"Park Chanyeol! It's nice to meet you! I hope we can get along!"

"I hope so too! What department are you?" the guy named Baekhyun, asked to start a conversation.

"Engineering department. How about you?"

"Applied arts." 

"Cool." Chanyeol grinned. "So, are you going to the orientation?"

"Of course, though against my will. I'm sure it's as boring as high school orientation." Baekhyun explained, he finally finished unpacking his bag (neatly). Chanyeol finished up too (his clothes piled up in a little mess though he considers it neat).

"Let's go together then!" The taller guy said with a wide smile gracing his face, which Baekhyun find, sort of kind of cute.


The trip to the university's auditorium is agonizingly far, but the two guys enjoyed each other's company. They thought that they could get along really well. When they finally reached the auditorium, they settled at the top seats just near the door so they can leave as soon as the speech ends.

"Good morning freshmans!" Then the boring speech of a college proffesor starts, but boy is she hot. 

The teacher named Yoon Bora is teaching in education department, a bit sad for Chanyeol's part because he won't be able to see her unless he pass by the said department. She ends the speech with a dazzling smile that can make every guy's heart swoon over her. She left the stage much to the guys' dismay, but they go on their own ways.

Chanyeol met some of his old chums in high school. There's Kim Jongin with his boyfriend Do Kyungsoo, then the goody-two-shoes with a sassy touch Kim Jongdae, and the guy with an attractive lisp (the girls said it was attractive), the guy who loves steamed buns, Kim Minseok, and lastly, the panda looking, Huang Zi Tao. It's like a high school chum reunion.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol returns to their dorm after their little tour around. They are both tired because the university ground is huge, a day isn't enough for them to finish the tour. Chanyeol settles on the bed and it's soft as his bed in his room, he surely likes it. The dorm is quite small, but there's a small kitchen and a table for two, the bathroom has a bathtub and a heater, there's a study table facing the window, there's a tv and a small couch, too. Just like home.

Chanyeol decided to take a bath after Baekhyun, he'll just take a quick shower and sleep. He's lack of sleep, he can't fall asleep fast because he's feeling giddy and excited.

Baekhyun definitely enjoyed Chanyeol's company. He can't really believe he can find a friend within that day. A nice dorm, a huge school, and a handsome room mate. College is definitely fun.




Mr. Long Legs is running again. Running and running, he never seem to get tired. He keeps on running, Baekhyun thinks Mr. Long Legs is avoiding him like the plague, and he feels his heart shatter. Why do everytime he pops out of his dream, he always run away?

Then there's this buhs again, Mr. Long Legs runs through it, Baekhyun follows. Then for the first time in his dream, he passed through. At last!

Mr. Long Legs stops running, Baekhyun's heart is beating wildly in his chest, not because of exhaustion, but a feeling that can also make his gut fill with butterflies. Finally, he'll be able to see the man in his dreams. 

Mr. Long Legs is staring at the fields of fully bloomed flowers, butterflies busy fluttering around, the wind hums calmly. Baekhyun decides to make a move. He walks slowly to the tall guy, not disturbing him. Closer, closer he's getting close. Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his shirt and pulls him away.




Finally posted the first chapter! :D 

Yeyy :D

This is on my phone for uhm.. almost two months now, and i decided to share it with you guys cause i thought it's just going to waste if i dont share it >.> it's made of my pure baekyeol fluffy, marshmallowy brain that can't get enough of those two. AND the upcoming chapters are in my phone too~ meaning, you dont have to wait so much long! X)

but it still depends, if im lazy or not :P


Well, I hope you guys like it! :3

Wait for the next chappie! And I hope (always) you liked this chapter <3 


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waah finally an update! =_= geez i nowadays


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Chapter 3: i hope you will continue this story.. :)
Chapter 1: update soon author :D
Chapter 1: This is a great start! I'll be waiting for more!
Update soon! <3
Bang-Jello #4
Update soon, neh? ^^
kaimakesmecry #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
This look so interesting.. Update soon ^^