Chapter 6

The Complicated Non-Existent Relationship of Kris and Tao





            Suho flung open the office door with a big smile on his face.  He dragged in Sehun, who was smiling just as brightly. 

            “Hyung!” Sehun exclaimed, “I missed your dark face.”

            “I see you two are back together,” Kris smiled back at them.  The two got back together after Suho found out that Sehun was about to go back to America.  After Sehun fixed Suho’s car and after Suho told Sehun that the thing between him and Ms. Oh was a misunderstanding.  After they both admitted they were lost without each other. 

“I just wanted to tell you that I’m not going to China with you,” Suho said, “I’m going to spend as much time making up with Sehunnie as I can.” He quickly brought Sehun to him in a tight embrace. 

Tao internally gagged and Kris chuckled.

“But I can’t go without anyone from public relations.  I’m just the data guy.”

“You have Tao here.  He can go with you,” Suho put an arm around Tao, “I already spoke about it with Ms. Oh; she thinks it’s a great idea.  Now if you excuse us,” Suho tugged Sehun out of the office.  He saw Sehun Suho’s before he closed the door behind them. 

“I’m going back home!” Tao quickly jumped in the air in excitement and went over to Kris and grabbed his hands so they could dance around.

“It’s going to be so fun, ge!”

Kris danced around awkwardly before he decided that he was being ridiculous, “Okay, Tao we still have months to go before that trip.  Let’s not get too excited.”


“So I’ve designed these brochures,” Jongin handed Kris a pile of brochures, “I had Chen translate the words into Chinese.”

“You?  I’m the one who asked Chen, you idiot,” Kyungsoo came up behind him and slapped the back of his head, “Oh yeah this brochure was my idea by the way.” Kyungsoo pointed at the top one.

“But you got the idea from me,” Jongin argued, “Look when you give your presentation you have to make sure these are passed along,” Jongin pointed at the green brochures.

“And keep good eye contact. Kris you’re going to have to be likable this time.  Mr. face won’t work,” Kyungsoo tugged at Kris’s lips to form a smile.  He immediately retreated behind Jongin when Kris glared at him.

“You do know Tao will be doing all of this right?  I’m just bringing their files and folders.”

“Oh that’s a relief,” Jongin sighed but then he swore.

“Pay up,” Kyungsoo held out a hand and Jongin reluctantly reached for his wallet, “We had a bet going on about the presentation.  Now that we know Tao is going to be the one presenting to the Chans, we’re sure we won’t lose them.”

“We really thought it was a lost cause,” Jongin added.

“But I still had some faith,” Kyungsoo smiled. 

“He really didn’t,” Jongin stated, “He just loves going against me.”

“That’s how our relationship works,” Kyungsoo nodded his head as Jongin gave his hyung a back hug.      

Tao entered the office with a disgusted look on his face as he carried in a stack of posters. 

“You guys !” Tao exclaimed.  Jongin and Kyungsoo broke into laughter. 

“I knew it,” Jongin laughed, “I saw him doing some weird things in there earlier.”

“You guys are the worse,” Tao gagged.

“It was on the copy machine, right?” Kyungsoo asked.  He tried to hold in his laughter but couldn’t when Tao nodded.

“What am I missing here?” Kris looked from one to the other to the other.

“Sehun and Suho can add copy room to their list of places they had ,” Jongin said to Kris.

“No they can add copy machine to it,” Tao threw the posters at Kyungsoo who jumped when he saw some white liquid on it.

“Happy Birthday,” Tao exclaimed happily.  He quickly dragged Kris out of the room before the two could retaliate. 

“Damn that’s the tenth time this week,” Kris said as they were making their way to his office.  He must admit he was a bit jealous that he’d seen two office relationships go through honeymoon phases when he himself still had to strengthen the growing friendship he had with Tao.


“You know our two year anniversary is coming up,” Tao looked over at Kris who was sitting beside him on the plane.  They were on their way to China. 

“Yeah it is,” Kris sighed.  He’d been thinking it over and decided that he was going to promote Tao.  Tao had been his intern for too long.  Longer than most interns would work.  And he always did a great job.  There was no use in keeping Tao as an intern anymore.  The boy had too much potential.  Kris was still disappointed that Tao and him weren’t that close. He didn’t want the young Chinese man to leave him, but Kris knew it was best. 

“But I’m thinking that you won’t reach the two years,” Kris added.  Tao’s eyes widened.

“But ge.  Why?  I’ve done nothing wrong have I?  Please don’t fire me!”

“No, Tao!” Kris was alarmed at Tao’s reaction, “I’m promoting you!  Maybe you can transfer to public relations.  You’ve been a great intern.  But…you know…you can only be an intern for so long.”

“But I like working for you, ge,” Tao turned to face the front.

“Why?  Don’t you find me boring?  Mean sometimes?”

“No.  I’m used to it.  And you’re not boring.  You might be mean sometimes, but I know it’s how you show affection.  It took me a while to figure that out, but I did.”

Kris was shocked at what Tao said.  Tao had done what many others had failed to do.  He’d cracked Kris’s hard exterior and found out how Kris worked. 


“Tao! Tao you were amazing!  Those guys were putty in your hands!” Kris exclaimed.  He grabbed the younger into a tight hug as they left the Chan Family Corp Headquarters.  Tao managed to miraculously get the Chan Family to stay with Oh Corporation.  And it was a major feat because the Chans had been determined to get their files.  They were furious with the annual reports they received.  They went as far as signing a contract with another company.  But somehow Tao managed to persuade them to stay.  And Kris was proud of his intern. 

Later, Tao opened his hotel room door to let Kris in.  His boss was holding two champagne flutes in his hand and a champagne bottle.

“I called Ms. Oh.  She’s extremely happy and is allowing us to stay the extra few days here.”


After a few glasses of alcohol in his system Tao thought maybe he could get away with anything.  Tao didn’t get drunk easily and Kris definitely didn’t.  He looked as sober as he usually did, if only a bit happier to be in the younger’s company. 

But recently Tao found his boss just a little bit more attractive and his actions a little bit cuter.  So Tao decided that he could do anything tonight and pass it off as the alcohol’s doing in the morning.  Because something was bugging Tao. 

It took a long time as an intern to finally understand Kris.  Kris’s random acts of kindness and the blush that sometimes erupted on the blond’s cheeks when Tao caught him staring, was a tad bit suspicious.  And what made Tao even more suspicious was the jealous and dark look Kris displayed whenever Tao was talking to one of his co-workers and especially when earlier today, Tao met up with one of his hometown friends.                                

            Tao leaned forward to grab the third champagne bottle behind Kris and let his hand linger a little bit longer on Kris’s knee before taking the bottle.  Kris was red and immediately downed what was remaining in his flute. 

            You can’t cover up that blush with alcohol Tao thought. 

            In a sudden brazen act he didn’t know he possessed, he pressed his lips against Kris’s.  Kris stayed stock still in shock and Tao was about to retreat when he felt Kris’s lips move against his.  And it started heating up too.  Tao felt he was in bliss and he tried to push Kris back against the floor they were sitting on to heat things up more but Kris stopped him.

            Tao looked up at him, still panting.  He hadn’t gotten any in almost two years and he was as as a thirteen year old boy. 

            “Tao, what are you doing?”

            “I was kissing you,” Tao looked at him like a rejected puppy, “.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t know what I was thinking.”

            “Um…it’s just that.  It’s going a bit too fast don’t you think?” Kris was a bit shocked at what he was saying; he’d wanted this since he’d first laid eyes on the boy.

            Tao turned around and flung himself on his bed, “Leave.”

            But seconds later there was an added weight on the bed as Kris sat beside Tao and patted him gently on the back.

            “Tao,” Tao felt arms roll him over so he was face up, “Do you…like me?”

            Tao looked around the room, “Maybe I have a little crush.”  Kris inhaled and Tao looked at him. 

            “Come here,” Kris held out his arms and Tao got into a sitting position.

          Kris paused and swallowed, “I like you too Tao.  More than you could ever know.  But this…this is too fast.”

            And Kris did something that Tao would always remember as Kris making the first move.  Kris moved forward and quickly pecked Tao on the lips.  He then pulled Tao towards him and laid down on the bed so they could cuddle.  He the TV. 

            “Why don’t we get to know each other before we skip to that part?”

            Tao decided then that this was the part of Kris he loved.  The part he wanted to see more of, the part of Kris he wanted to know better. 


Was anyone expecting this???   LOL this couple has been awkward for so long it might seem fast for them to progress this far.  But i would never want these two to get together because they were drunk so I think the ending to this chap is cute :D    But naughty things will happen later on ;D  

But anyway two more chappies and then this story will end.  T.T 

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Chapter 3: OOHHH..I get it now how Lay confused Suho with Chen.. both with red hair
Chapter 8: Lmao, Oh my god XD The last part was hilarious. ㅋㅋㅋ
Seoulqueenka #3
Chapter 8: I thought you were dropping a Baekyeol hint there. This story was sooooo cute!!!!!! Always ready for da taoris
Chapter 8: lol the ending XD
exogreenhulahoop #6
Chapter 8: guess the copy machine is getting popular..
kaisoo did it on it too..
exogreenhulahoop #7
Chapter 2: of course Tao was scared of Kris who wouldn't?
from Tao's perspective he's a perfectionist scary boss who yells a lot..
kris should act nicer...
Chapter 8: Fun read! However, why do they most likely do it in the copy machine? Poor innocent machine ~ you filthy lucky little bastard! lol I love this ship to death. You characterized Kris so well! Kris admits that he is the most silent one among exo. However, ONLY Tao can do certain things to Kris that other exo members could never do.
arianapetrova #9
Chapter 8: Oh I thought you were going to start on a Baekyeol one :D

I enjoyed that thank you ^-^
Chapter 8: XDDDDD Loved it!!!!! <3