Chapter 4

The Complicated Non-Existent Relationship of Kris and Tao



(For those of you coming in from my seho story, this is about where that story begins.) 


“Suho hyung got into a car accident!” Tao opened the door to Kris’s office and hurried inside.  Kris got up immediately, “Is he okay?  Is he hurt?” Even though Suho was more than annoying most of the time, he still cared for the red head. 

“Stop being dramatic, Tao.  It was only a bump,” Suho entered the room and sat down in his usual chair before Kris’s desk, “Damn kids hit my car and ran away.  But it’s nice to know that you care about me, Kris.  I knew you would.”

Kris ignored him, “Did you get their license plate?”

“Nah…like I said, it was only a dent.”

“You’re really awesome hyung,” Tao went behind Suho and massaged his shoulders, “If I were you, I would be so angry; I’d probably wushu their asses.”

Kris growled as he watched Tao give Suho a massage.  He didn’t like it one bit.  Tao raised an eyebrow at him and Suho smirked. 

“Um…don’t you have work to do?” Kris pointed at the stack of papers on his desk, “3 copies each.”


Kris was openly admiring Tao’s back as he worked at his desk when there was a knock on the door.  He glared down at Suho when he opened the door. 

“Hey, Kris is your intern available for lunch?”

            Kris’s eyes narrowed, “Why are you asking?”  He didn’t want Tao to eat lunch with Suho.  It would give the red head another opportunity to steal his intern away from him.   

            “My intern needs someone to have lunch with.”  Suho moved out of the way and pointed at a creamy hair colored boy, who waved back.

“I’m Sehun,” the boy said in a soft voice.  Kris thought he heard a bit of a lisp come from him. 

“Since when did you get an intern?”

“Um…since three days ago?” Suho moved into the room to wave to Tao, leaving his intern outside. 

“You must be happy, hyung!  You always wanted one!” Tao got out of his desk and pushed in his chair.

“Can I go, ge?  I’ve been the only intern here for so long. I want to meet another one,” Tao smiled cutely and Kris knew that there was no possible way he could argue with him.  


Tao frowned as he eyed Sehun slurping his noodles.  The boy was really quiet.  He’d barely gotten through an introduction with the boy. 

“So your boss is Suho?” Tao asked. 

Sehun only nodded.

“And you’re the big boss’s son?” Tao tried to make the younger boy talk some more.  Suho had told him that Sehun was Ms. Oh’s son.  This was an interesting bit of information, especially since Tao knew what went on between Suho and Ms. Oh about a year ago.  Sehun didn’t really react in any way so Tao stole a dumpling off of Sehun’s side plate.  And finally he got a reaction when Sehun said, “Hey!”

Tao continued talking to him.  Well mainly talking while Sehun either listened or did whatever he did while Tao was talking (probably spacing off).  Finally, Tao got to the topic of Suho and he saw Sehun look up slightly. 

“How is Suho these days?  He hardly goes out of his office.  I never knew he had an intern.  It’s like he’s been coveting you from us,” Tao winked at the boy who looked away. 

“Uh…he’s okay…why?”

“I’d trade places with you any day,” Tao added.  He saw the boy eye him angrily.  That was an interesting reaction. 

“I mean I did have the choice to transfer to Suho’s department.  He’s really a great guy.  Friendy, helpful.  I mean my boss.  All he does is complain and threaten to fire me.  All I do is copy papers,” Tao talked on and on about his trysts at work.  In reality, Tao had settled into this normal routine and it didn’t really bother him. Kris was giving him more important work, but Tao liked to be dramatic, especially since this kid hardly seemed human. Towards the end of the lunch break, Tao asked Sehun if he wanted to hang out after work and surprisingly, the boy agreed. 


“So how was lunch?” Kris asked all of a sudden.

Tao came back from his lunch break with Sehun about one hour ago.  As soon as he came back, he had files to organize and information to input into the company database.  It wasn’t hard work, but it was much more comprehensive than making copies.  Kris had gradually delegated more work to Tao so he never felt completely useless as an intern anymore.  Even though he was still sent out to do copy runs most of the time. 

“It was nice.  Sehun’s uh…he’s okay.” Tao remembered the emotionless boy.  He couldn’t really judge him on the first meeting so he didn’t want to call him boring.  He vowed to become friends with Sehun.   Interns had to stick together, after all.   

“Oh?” Kris closed the folder he was looking at and directed all of his attention to Tao.  Tao felt like he was being interrogated so he turned to face his desk, his back to Kris. 

“So what did you guys talk about?”

“Um…we talked about work,” Tao started inputting some data into the computer and all that could be heard for the next two minutes was just the clicking of the keyboard. 

“Um…Tao,” Kris’s voice seemed hesitant and Tao was still a little too afraid to turn around so he just said “Yeah?” to the computer.

“What are you doing tonight?” Tao didn’t turn around but if he did, he would see how nervous Kris was right after asking that.  He was playing with his hands and adjusting his cuff link. 

“Oh…” Tao suddenly remembered his plans with Sehun.  He turned around and saw Kris bending down looking for something under his desk. Tao raised an eyebrow questioningly, not that Kris could see it.  But he heard a muffled, “I lost my button.” 

Tao chuckled at his boss and answered, “I told Sehun I would hang out with him after work so we could get to know each other better.”

Kris bumped his head and Tao was pretty sure his boss swore in Koran before Kris’s head popped back up above his desk.

“Tao you can’t,” Kris opened his drawer and took out a foot worth of files, “I need you to work on these.  You’re the best at inputting data into databases and I need all these done in two days.”  Tao’s mouth dropped open.  He’d never had homework before and all of a sudden Kris was giving him this massive amount of work to bring home? 

“Ge, can’t I do this tomorrow?”

Kris glared at him, “You’re doing this tonight and it’s not debatable.”  Kris was talking in a commanding tone as he picked up the papers.  He walked over to Tao and laid them on his desk, “Your date with Sehun can wait another day.”

“It’s not a date,” Tao muttered.

“Well good, but I’m still not letting you go.”

Tao gave a whining noise and Kris patted him on the head, “If you finish I’ll promise to treat you to lunch next time.”

“You treat me to lunch all the time,” Tao muttered as he opened the first folder.  He angrily typed on his keyboard.  Kris frowned as he looked at Tao.  He went back to his desk. 

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.  Tao heard it but he didn’t think much of it. 


Tao laughed as he put an arm around Sehun.  They were at a nightclub called Baozi and Sehun was absolutely wasted. 

“Hey…look at this,” Sehun held out his hand in front of Tao.

“It’s a hand,” Tao remarked.

“It’s empty.  It needs more alcohol,” Sehun laughed as he leaned on Tao, “Do you know Suho hyung has a great smile.”

“Like an angel,” Tao agreed.  He winced as Sehun slapped him across the face, “He’s mine!  Don’t think of him like that.”

“Um no.  I don’t think of hyung like that at all.”

Sehun smiled dreamily, “I wish he…he…I wish I he like.  Do you know I, “Sehun pointed at himself, “hit his car with mine and drove away?” At this point he made a swoosh sound and moved his hand like a plane. “Then it turns out he’s my boss,” Sehun was giggling. Tao’s eyes widened in surprise; it was Sehun, who hit Suho’s car.

“Hey, Tao.  He’s had too many drinks.  You should take him home.”

Tao turned to look at his friend Xiumin who was also one of the bartenders at the club.  Tao started to panic.  He didn’t know where Sehun lived and even if he did, he could wind up getting fired if Ms. Oh saw him bring her son home like this. 

“Sehun, do you have a friend I can call to pick you up?”

“Yixing is busy right now,” Sehun slumped down on the chair. 

Tao turned helplessly to Xiumin, “Um..hyung.  I can’t bring him home with me.  I don’t have enough room.  What can I do?”

“Call this Suho guy?” Xiumin had been listening to their whole conversation earlier. 

“Great idea,” Tao tried to take his cell phone out of his pocket, but it was gone.  He turned to Sehun who was spitting into his phone.  He hung up and threw it at Tao. 

“Someone’s going to pick me up.”  He hiccupped. 

Minutes later, Suho was striding into the club.  Tao looked up when Suho grabbed Sehun and brought him over to the table. 

“You won’t tell Kris hyung will you? He’ll kill me if he thought I was irresponsible and then my whole year at the company would be ruined.”  Tao started to panic.  Kris told him specifically to stay at home and finish organizing the data files.  Even though they were outside the office he was afraid Kris would find out and use it as an excuse to fire him. 

Suho quickly assured him he wouldn’t tell Kris and after making sure Tao could get home himself, he dragged Sehun out of the club.  But not before Tao saw Sehun trying to Suho’s cheek.  Tao internally sighed.  They were cute together but with Suho’s secret he didn’t know if they would last. 


Thanks for all of the support!! I never thought I would get this many subbies by posting just a few chappies.  The story is more than halfway done.  I think there will be two or three more chappies left.   

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Chapter 3: OOHHH..I get it now how Lay confused Suho with Chen.. both with red hair
Chapter 8: Lmao, Oh my god XD The last part was hilarious. ㅋㅋㅋ
Seoulqueenka #3
Chapter 8: I thought you were dropping a Baekyeol hint there. This story was sooooo cute!!!!!! Always ready for da taoris
Chapter 8: lol the ending XD
exogreenhulahoop #6
Chapter 8: guess the copy machine is getting popular..
kaisoo did it on it too..
exogreenhulahoop #7
Chapter 2: of course Tao was scared of Kris who wouldn't?
from Tao's perspective he's a perfectionist scary boss who yells a lot..
kris should act nicer...
Chapter 8: Fun read! However, why do they most likely do it in the copy machine? Poor innocent machine ~ you filthy lucky little bastard! lol I love this ship to death. You characterized Kris so well! Kris admits that he is the most silent one among exo. However, ONLY Tao can do certain things to Kris that other exo members could never do.
arianapetrova #9
Chapter 8: Oh I thought you were going to start on a Baekyeol one :D

I enjoyed that thank you ^-^
Chapter 8: XDDDDD Loved it!!!!! <3