Chapter 3

The Complicated Non-Existent Relationship of Kris and Tao




It was nearing the eighth month when Tao went to work and Kris wasn’t in his office.  Confused, Tao went over to Suho’s office.  The now red head was bent over his work, deep in thought and jumped when Tao put his hand on the paper Suho was reading to get his attention. 

“Hyung, Kris ge isn’t in his office.”

Suho swore and then smiled at him. 

“I’m sorry Tao, I was supposed to call you.  Kris is on a business trip today.  He won’t be back for two days.  I was supposed to tell you but I forgot.”

Tao put a hand on Suho’s shoulder and said it was okay.  He exited the office and frowned.  For some reason he was disappointed that Kris didn’t tell him he would be gone.  Obviously the blond man knew he wouldn’t be in the office.  Tao had to admit that the man scared him to death.  He became more critical by the month. Tao was scared he’d be fired almost every single day but at the same time he respected Kris.  And a small part of him still had a minor crush on him.  If only Kris would warm up to him, they would have the perfect friendship…maybe even relationship.  Tao sighed.  He had nothing to do for the next few days. 

Suho came out of his office and breathed some fresh air before going back into his office.  Tao decided to see if he needed some help.  So he became Suho’s intern for the days that Kris was absent.  He had to admit, it was much better.  It turned out that many of Suho’s summer clients were Chinese people and Tao was perfect because he could serve as translator.  Suho was nice and friendly.  Suho wasn’t a boss; he was a friend.  And Tao found himself fitting in more with Suho and his department than he did with Kris.  But a part of him missed seeing that serious face staring at the computer with unmoving eyes. 

“Tao, why don’t you go ahead with Kyungsoo to lunch?  I’ll meet you guys after I finish sending this off to Chen.”  Chen had been promoted just three months ago from Finance Leader to Company CFO.  Because of this, it was hard for Tao and even Kyungsoo to meet with him. 


Tao sat down at the usual and smiled when Kyungsoo showed up with a smile on his face. 

“I heard that Kris is gone for the week.  You must be glad,” Kyungsoo sat down.

“I heard you finally got your together and asked Jongin out,” Tao chuckled when Kyungsoo’s eyes widened.  Kyungsoo and Jongin were both the leaders in the marketing department.  They both exceled in all areas of marketing.  The two had entered the company around the same time.  And while they had been best friends in the earlier years they soon became heavy competitors and rivals.  They were always competing against each other when it came to ways to market the corporation to the point where all friendship was lost in the heavy rivalry.  But three months ago they made out after their most heated argument.  And then just yesterday they dropped their rivalry because they realized they missed their friendship…and wanted something more. 

“Yeah.  We’re going out this Saturday.  I’m a bit nervous,” Kyungsoo explained. 

“You’ll do fine,” Tao sipped his tea but choked when he realized how bitter it was. 

Kyungsoo patted him on the back and looked into his cup, “I didn’t know you liked black coffee.”

“I don’t!” Tao looked down and realized that he’d ordered it unconsciously.  He was so used to ordering it for Kris during their lunch breaks that he even did it when the blond wasn’t here.  Even though Kris was awkward and sometimes really cruel (come on who cares if a staple is not exactly perfectly aligned with the paper) Tao missed him.

“Hey guys,” Suho sat down at the table and pulled up another chair, “Look who I found!”  Chen appeared out of nowhere.

“It’s me!”

Kyungsoo quickly hugged Chen, “It’s about time you come out of the 99th floor to see us peasants.”

Chen laughed as he pinched Kyungsoo’s cheeks, “So you finally admit that you are my peasants.”

Suho turned to Tao as the two best friends began conversing. 

“Tao, I could really use you as an intern.  Do you think that you could transfer over to my department just for the season? Or permanently? I’m sure Kris doesn’t need you as much as I do and I can talk to him if you agree.”

Tao froze for a moment.  He had a lot of reasons of why he could accept.  More reasons than why he shouldn’t.  But the words came out immediately, “I’m sorry hyung.  But Kris ge really needs me.  I can’t leave him now.”

Suho’s face fell, “I understand.  But I think you should know that we would give you a big role in our department.  You’ve been interning for us for almost a year, Tao.  You should be promoted soon.  I don’t think Kris sees your potential.” 

Tao blushed.  Suho probably knew that his main role as intern was running copies for Kris, but he stuck by his earlier decision. 

“Kris ge knows.”

“I just find it weird,” Suho leaned back in his chair, “Kris never interacted with anyone before you.  He told me he wanted you as his intern after you were originally mine.  He didn’t even want one.  But all of a sudden it was adamant for him to get one so I had to transfer you.”

The confusion of his first few days at the office came back to Tao’s mind.  He remembered Suho telling him that he’d been transferred to another department.  Originally he thought Suho hated him.  That idea was discarded because Suho was too friendly and he and Tao got along well.  But now it was brought up and he now knew the truth.  Suho never wanted to give Tao up as an intern.  Instead Kris had insisted he wanted Tao instead.  And this left Tao with a million questions. 



“Ge,” Tao pushed his chair forward and Kris diverted his gaze from his computer to Tao.  Usually, he pretended to work by staring at his screen while he was actually focusing all of his attention on his intern.  Every once in a while he would turn to his intern to give him an errand and on rare occasions like these, Tao would talk to him. 

“Why am I your intern?”

Kris stared at him with questioning eyes at this random question, “Because you are.  What kind of question is this, Tao?” Kris said in annoyance. 

“Suho hyung told me that the only reason I was transferred to you was because you said you needed an intern more than him.  But I don’t really do much.”

Kris swore in Korean.  He never thought that Suho would tell him about what he did in his desperation to be close to the younger Chinese. 

“Tao, it’s really important what you do.  I always need extra copies on file and well…you know,” Kris moved uncomfortably in his chair.  Mainly because I like having you around.

“Suho hyung said he wanted me to transfer to his department.”

Kris actually slipped off his wheely chair as he heard Tao say this, “What?” 

Tao was about to explain to his boss that he’d rejected but before he could… 

“Hold on a second,” Kris got out of his chair and left the office. 


“You said what to Tao? You bribed him to be your intern while I was away?” Kris walked into Suho’s office.  Suho was slumped over his work and jumped when he heard Kris’s voice. 

“He has a lot of potential.  He would be great in my department,” Suho was wiping sleep away from his eyes. 

“He’s mine!” Kris exploded, “Tao is my intern.  He works for me and I don’t want to give him up.  Okay?  He’s important to me.”

Suho’s eyes widened at the last part and Kris immediately reddened as he realized what he’d said, but he didn’t correct himself either. 

“Kris.  Tao rejected my offer.  He prefers working with you for god knows what reason,” Suho picked up the folder on his desk and opened it, red pen in hand, “You have nothing to worry about.  I wish I could steal him away.”

“He said what?”

“He said he wants to stay with you.” 


“Please don’t send me up to marketing around this time,” Tao came into the office followed by a chuckling Suho.  It was one of the rare times Suho came out of his office.  And it was because he gave himself a break around this time to bug Kris and talk to Tao. 

“Why?” Kris looked alarmed at the horrific face Tao was wearing. 

Suho laughed, “Yeah that happened to me last week. All I wanted were some files and I got a lot more than what I wanted.”

“Are you talking about the Kaisoo couple?” Chen entered the office and they all temporarily stopped to stare at the man who now had bright red hair that matched Suho’s. 

“Nice hair,” Suho remarked.  Chen just nodded.  Tao shook his head and then groaned and covered his eyes, “Did you see it too, Chen hyung?”

“Yeah I was right behind you when you walked in on them.”

“What are you talking about,” Kris hated being the one left out of the joke.

“Office relationships never work,” Suho leaned over the desk to pinch Kris’s cheek before getting up and leaving.

“What?” Kris turned to Tao.

“I liked Kyungsoo and Kai hyung when they hated each other.”

“Why? I thought you were one of the ones who brought them together.”

“Ge, I just went up to marketing and saw dirty things.  Things a young man like me shouldn’t be seeing.”

“Oh…OH,” Kris went over to Tao and patted Tao on the back, “You mean?”

“Yes.  On the marketing poster we have to use next week.  Right on it,” Tao covered his eyes.  He was too busy trying to erase the image of Kyungsoo and Jongin having on multiple marketing posters that he didn’t feel Kris slightly massaging his shoulders for comfort. 


Tao entered Kris’s office and sat at his desk near the corner.  The little table had gotten bigger over the last few months and it felt like his permanent place.  He put his coat on the coat stand by his desk and turned around to face Kris, prepared to make some copies.  He was surprised when Kris got up and headed toward him. 

“Here,” Kris held out a hand and Tao saw a small panda figurine in his boss’s hand. 

“Uh ge…what is this?” Tao took it and eyed it.  It was really cute. 

“You’ve been my intern for a year…and I just wanted to give you something.  Look…um…I know I don’t seem like I appreciate you sometimes.  But I…really like…You’re a good intern Tao.” Kris awkwardly patted him on the shoulder and turned around, but stopped when Tao back hugged him, “Thanks, ge.”  He let go and put the figurine on his desk. 

“Why a panda though?”

Kris grinned shyly at him and Tao found himself blushing because Kris had never acted this way before. 

“You kind of remind me of one.  And you know.. pandas…China.”  Kris handed him a stack of papers.

“Now can you make me 20 copies of each?”

Tao laughed.  Typical Kris.  But as he left the room, he couldn’t help smiling because it was progress. 

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Chapter 3: OOHHH..I get it now how Lay confused Suho with Chen.. both with red hair
Chapter 8: Lmao, Oh my god XD The last part was hilarious. ㅋㅋㅋ
Seoulqueenka #3
Chapter 8: I thought you were dropping a Baekyeol hint there. This story was sooooo cute!!!!!! Always ready for da taoris
Chapter 8: lol the ending XD
exogreenhulahoop #6
Chapter 8: guess the copy machine is getting popular..
kaisoo did it on it too..
exogreenhulahoop #7
Chapter 2: of course Tao was scared of Kris who wouldn't?
from Tao's perspective he's a perfectionist scary boss who yells a lot..
kris should act nicer...
Chapter 8: Fun read! However, why do they most likely do it in the copy machine? Poor innocent machine ~ you filthy lucky little bastard! lol I love this ship to death. You characterized Kris so well! Kris admits that he is the most silent one among exo. However, ONLY Tao can do certain things to Kris that other exo members could never do.
arianapetrova #9
Chapter 8: Oh I thought you were going to start on a Baekyeol one :D

I enjoyed that thank you ^-^
Chapter 8: XDDDDD Loved it!!!!! <3