
✡☪ Two Moons ☪ ✡


1. The activity or sport of pursuing game.
2. The act of conducting a search for something: Some were hunting for their prey but others were hunting for peace.




"Oh my god, I'm so hungry. Don't we have any food left Rhea unnie" Noah said as she walked towards the fridge.

"I don't think so sis." Mei said as she popped out of nowhere and stood next to Noah.

"Oh it's finally time!" Elizabeth chimed in.

"Time? Time for what?" Tao said

"Hunting~!" Elizabeth replied

"Why don't I like the sound of this?" Xiumin said

"What do you mean hunting? Don't you girls like buy in the market? Isn't that what people do?" Kris said

"Oh my Gosh, he's going to make me go there" Aurora, who was standing by the door of the living room, said rubbing her temple.  "Are you retarded or something, we're on the wanted list."

"Going to the market would be foolish~! Specially in a place so infested with humans who get scared of any little sight" Rhea rolled her eyes. "Or what? Do you think they'd find this normal?" she asked taking off her sunglasses and showing off her golden caster eyes.

"Why do you think people haven't found us after all this time? We don't just go to the city and buy groceries you idiot." Elizabeth said

"Something I'm sure you idiots have done before, haven't you?" Aurora said narrowing her eyes at them.

"That's probaby the reason you've had to run away from place to place so many times, now isn't it?" Noah asked with a smirk.

"Smart leader you got there" Aurora snorted as she pointed at Kris. Kris scowles and was about to pounce her but Lay and Xiumin held him back.

"Well, they're right... that'd be really stupid. Instead though, we go hunting as in bow and knife hunting." Rhea said

"What do you girls hunt? Squirells and rabbits?" Lay scoffed

"Better, we hunt humans" Elizabeth said as she smiled creepily

"Wh-Wh-what..?" Luhan said

"That's right." Noah said

"Why do you think we brought you in here?" Mei asked with a smirk

Elizabeth slapped both of them in the head.

"Stupid maknaes~! What did I tell you about scaring the prey away?" she said

Rhea then stood up from her seat and slapped the three of them with her newspaper  "Stop it you guys" she said and then turned to the guys. "They're kidding, we don't eat humans. We hunt deer, rabbits, squirrels, all kinds of wild life animals, actually, and we gather too."

The guys let out a breathe they didn't know were holding in for so long.

"So you go for the big game. As if." Lay said sarcastically

"Don't underestimate us healer." Aurora said as she glared at Lay intently

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the grumble of their stomachs.

"We should go." Rhea said "Where's Lena, Aurora?" she continued

"She's probably over there, since she may have known we were gonna get hungry." Aurora said

"Then let's go did you get your things?" Rhea asked

"Yeah" The rest of the girls said in unison.

The group went out of the house and headed to the dark forest. Mei slowed down and stayed behind while the rest stayed with their normal pace and wlaked silently. After 5 minutes Chen looked from side to side and noticed Mei wasn't around, he then poked Noah.

"Yeah?" Noah whispered as she looked at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words didn't come out. Noah raised an eyebrowat him and decided to ignore it. After endless walking through the dark, they reached the heart of the forest. The girls started looking aroud to see if there was any prey in sight. Noah caught sight of a doe and aimed. She took a deep breath and was ready to shoot her arrow when someone crushed her consentration.

"Hey Tweedle Dee where's Tweedle Dum?" Kris said as the boys started snickering

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Kris." she said and resumed her hunting. Rhea was throwing knifes at some pigeons while Aurora was shooting the few that escape her friend's reach. Noah was about to shoot another time when Chen poked her again.

"Yes Chen?" Noah asked, slightly annoyed. Chen remained silent looking at her intently, pleeding her to understand.

"Ohhh! I get it now, she's back there. Meimei doesn't like to engage in violent activities, so she follows behind until we find a spot and then she goes gathering. If you go right now you might catch her." Noah said and Chen started to walk away but then stopped when he heard Aurora.

"We rarely care where she goes, but we told you to go after her because the forest is really dark. You shouldn't go alone too, but then again, I care way less about you so whatever." Aurora said but he started  walking again and didn't look back.

Lay coughed awkwardly. "...Where's Lena?" he asked

"She's gone off. She doesn't like hunting with us. She thinks we're too loud, which is rarely true but given that you guys don't SHUT UP! I might start cosidering it."  Elizabeth said

"YEESSS!!!" They all turned to a grinning Noah that had just shot her deer on the eye.

"Noah! What have I told you about screaming?" Rhea said

"It scares the prey, yes unnie I know." Noah said

"I hope you do." Rhea glared at her. 

"Hey guys look at this!" Aurora said holding up an eagle by its leg.

"I am not eating that." Kris said

"Sorry princess. Did you want something else? Maybe some 'kiss-my-?'" Aurora said

"Feisty" Tao said


"If it's coming from you then I don't think you're kiding." Luhan said

"Hey has anyone seen Lay?" Rhea asked

"Don't worry he comes and goes but he'll come around." Kris said

"I'm not." Rhea said

"Not what?" Xiumin asked. 

Rhea snorted and threw her hand back aiming at another pigeon with her dagger. She took a deep breathe then shot the pigeon. "Worried" she finally said.

"But I am since I don't know what he could do to Lena, who's also alone." Aurora said carelessly and all the boys looked at her in surprise

"Do you really think Lay would do something like that?!" Xiumin said

"He has a thing for damsels in distress." Tao said

"I don't care what he has a thing for. " Aurora

"We just met you yesterday, don't expect us---" Noah said but was interrupted by a mad Aurora.

"Most of us anyway" Aurora said while looking at Rhea which Rhea returned.

"Yes, most of us to trust you blindly." Noah continued, now slowlier than before.

"We've been hiding for a long time, we've learned our lessons, we've survived on our own. Don't expect us to just welcome you in our home with open arms. Don't take us for stupids." Elizabeth said aiming one of her daggers at Xiumin.

"Eli what ware you doing? Don't!" Rhea said but it was too late Elizabeth had already thrown the dagger and it was coming right at him. Everyone was petrified, glued to their spots looking at the dagger as it inched closer and closer to Xiumin's neck. They all thought it was going to kill him, but it didn't because it was aimed at something else, something that was going to cost him his life. 

"You're welcome." Elizabeth said as the rattlesnake was pinned to a nearby tree by her dagger. Everyone just stared at her like she was crazy. Which, she probably was.

"What? You didn't think I was actually going to kill him, did you?" Elizabeth said as she raised an eyebrow and retrieved her dagger.

"Well, that was interesting." Tao said

"Oh My God" Aurora gasped with wide eyes.

"What is it?" Luhan said as everyone turned to look at Aurora.

"Kris... don't move, you've got something on your face" Aurora said slowly

"What?! What is it? Where is it?!" Kris said as the color drained from his face and he started fanning himself, looking for any other snakes.

"Oh wait!... That's just your face." Aurora said as she broke into a fit of giggles soon after everybody stared at her and shook their heads in disappointment.

"Very funny Aurora." Kris said.

"I know~! Thank you" she smiled at him. 

"Well, I believe that is all for this month. We're going back now, girls" Rhea ordered.

The girls immediately ordered, even Aurora. Yes, she was mad, but deep inside she knew that Rhea was the leader for a reason. She was smart, quick, and agile and she would never do anything to put her friends in danger. Even if she was mad at them. The boys followed as well, scared to be alone in the woods.

"Hey Aurora, listen--" Kris started but Aurora caught him off.

"Tu m'énerves" she hissed in perfect french

"Excuse me?"

"You get on my nerves~!" she repeated in Chinese.

"Urgh, I was trying to have a normal conversation with you. Why do you have to ruin it?" Kris asked


"Let me guess, I t'énerves don't I? Whatever." Kris rolled his eyes and walked faster, leaving Aurora behind.

"Because I don't trust you" Aurora murmured to herself.

Luhan continued to look at Noah curiously as she struggled to carry the big black garbage bag that Rhea had brought to put all the prey inside.

"So.. Um.. Noah" Luhan said, clearing his throat. "How are you coping?"

Noah fixed the bad around her shoulder . Luhan extended his arm out to help but Noah simply shrugged him off and walked a bit faster. He sighed softly. Getting these girls to trust them was really going to take them some tough work.



Mei knelt down next to a bush and started picking some berries. She placed them in her woven basket as she hummed softly. Suddenly, she heard some footsteps from behind her. She shivered slightly as she took out the small knife in the bottom of her basket. She gripped it tightly then turned out, standing on her two feet quickly. To her surprise (and relief) it was just Chen. 

"You scared the living daylight out of me~!" Mei said and then whimpered softly like an injured animal. She ignored Chen's horrified expression and knelt down again and started picking some more berries. After Chen breathe in a few times, he knelt down next to Mei and started helping her.

"I don't need any help, thank you anyways" Mei said quietly. Chen ignored this and continued helping her. Mei growled. "Really, I don't need any help" she insisted. Chen dropped the handful of berries he had in his hands then looked up at her with a small smile. 

Mei's gaze softened. "A-Alright. You can help. Just don't make much noise, neh?"

Chen raised his eyebrow with a knowing smile. 'You're the one making all the noise. I can't even talk' Chen thought then rolled his eyes and continued picking the fruit.

Chen wasn't annoyed by her stupid remark, actually, and Mei wasn't at all bothered by his company.



Lena sat crossed legged in a clear prairie as the sun set down. She hummed softly and swayed her head side to side. She was meditating, trying to forget about the day's past events. It had really taken its toll on her and she was receiving major headaches from time to time. She felt bad for lying to her friends about going hunting but she really needed some time alone. She would just kill a rabbit on her way home and pretend that was all she saw. 

"Don't even try, Lay, I already saw you coming" Lena said softly with her eyes closed. Without even opening them she heard a soft sigh behind her and she smiled, satisfied that her visions hadn't failed her. She felt him sit next to her.

"Besides, you're terribly loud" Lena remarked.

"I just wanted to have some fun by scaring you. Is that a crime?" Lay asked

"Actually, in some countries it is considered harassment and assault causing around 3 to 5 years in jail" Lena said, finally opening her eyes. 

Lay turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow then stopped to look at her golden eyes that shined along with the moon. His gray eyes couldn't even compare to hers. But no. She was evil. He had to remember that.

"Could you stop being such a smart for such a second?" Lay found himself saying.

"When you stop being such a dumb, I could" Lena giggled and then closed her eyes. For some reason, she didn't feel as if Lay was intruding her peaceful time at all. She actually felt peace around him. 

On the other hand, Lay loved teasing Lena and making fun of her. That's the only reason why he came to find her. Well, that and the others were really starting to annoy him.

"It's fine, I like being with you, too" Lena said softly.

Lay didn't say anything, he just stayed quiet and enjoyed the silence they both shared for it wasn't awkward. Just peaceful.

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Chapter 6: what is 'tu me pèles le jonc'???
I thought it was 'tu me tape sur les nerfs'
or is that just another way of saying it cause I never heard that phrase before
Chapter 5: Yes. Yes. Thank :')
Chapter 3: Awesome!!!!!!
Chapter 3: i love this story^^
Chapter 2: Yay!!!!! Another story!!!! This is seriously awesome!!!!!! It's mysterious and exo m!!!! What's there not to love about it?? I hope its sorta scary!!! Anyways hwaiting~
This is too PERFECT!