
✡☪ Two Moons ☪ ✡


1. The act or an instance of running : Running wouldn't help them forget the mistakes of the past.



That was all Luhan had ever known. 

Running from his troubles, worries, and doubts. But that was the problem. No matter where they went or what they did those troubles, worries, and doubts kept coming back no matter how much they ran or where they ran. It would always come back to them. 

And the boys who had come to be known as brothers to Luhan, weren't even worried or heartbroken about running from place to place. At least they never did show it. They ran away from civilization and were now walking towards the woods, which was going to become their safe haven from now on, or at least that's what they hoped. When someone said expect the unexpected they were probably thinking of these boys because no matter how good things seemed to be turning out to be, there was always a catch for them;

It had always been one step forward and two backwards. 

Kris. That was the oldest one of the group. His name used to be Yifang. But like his past life, he had long forgotten about it. He was the leader and had never treated any of his donsaengs with any care or love. Ever since the accident, Luhan thought he had lost any emotions in him. But he was only 11 back then. So how was that even possible? Luhan's theory was that he lacked care and love and his five friends could never fill that gap. Yet that's how everyone felt and nobody was as cruel and bitter as Kris.

Then there was Min Seok but he had changed his name to Xiumin. Most of them changed their names. He said it was for safety. Luhan thought Xiumin should've been the leader since he's caring and understanding. He felt so numb about his feelings that all he cared about was helping his brothers. He had always been there when Luhan couldn't sleep at night and he had always reassured him everything was going to be alright. Some nights, Luhan believed him.

There was also Yixing who had changed his name to Lay, who was selfless, thoughtless, direct, and sarcastic, you could never know if he was serious and he didn't mind stepping on other people's feeling with his exesive honesty. He was arrogant and self-conceited, he liked being needed because of his talents as a healer,  he never accepted too much or was left owing people, his trust was the hardest to gain, he showed no weaknesses and even if he worked as a team with his firends, it was very obvious he played solo. He kept his distance, and he never showed anyone too much. But Luhan knew the truth behind Lay's facade, he feared being left and betrayed so he refused to get too close to anyone. He was afraid of someone getting hurt because of him, because they were his weakness.

And Jongdae who had changed his name to Chen. He always seemed disoriented looking into space like nothing was worth anything anymore, like nothing mattered, He was quiet and serene, when he spoke he did so slowly and always looking into your eyes as if he could see right through you. It never seemed as if he was looking at you as much as beyond you. And that was only on the days he spoke, which were scarce lately. The last time they had heard his voice was months ago and his brothers were worried he had lost his voice. 

There was Zitao, who had changed his name to Tao. You could never know with him. You couldn't see whether he was angry or sad or annoyed or tired.The look on his face revealed nothing. He always had that same look on his face, that look that made Luhan feel like he would drift away any moment, like if he was not permanent. Of course from time to time he showed some emotions but he always went back to being his emotionless self too fast.  He didn't care, he had never cared since the accident, and Luhan was afraid he never would. It was as if he thought it could protect him, like a shield, he thought it could protect him from getting hurt.

And hurt was something all the boys knew very well.

And finally, there was Luhan who was always hopefull and optimistic, but as the time passed the hope slowly drained out of him, he turned into someone very different, someone who was always careful because he always hurt everyone. As he lost the hope he lost the control over his feelings, his emotions, and you'd think it wouldn't matter but with Luhan it was everything.  His powers were highly influenced by his emotions, even if he didn't mean to, he became what he feared the most, he became a storm that destroyed everything in it's path, unpredictable, untrackable, and uncontrolable.

He changed, they all did or would whether right away or as time passed ever since their eyes turned grey.

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Chapter 6: what is 'tu me pèles le jonc'???
I thought it was 'tu me tape sur les nerfs'
or is that just another way of saying it cause I never heard that phrase before
Chapter 5: Yes. Yes. Thank :')
Chapter 3: Awesome!!!!!!
Chapter 3: i love this story^^
Chapter 2: Yay!!!!! Another story!!!! This is seriously awesome!!!!!! It's mysterious and exo m!!!! What's there not to love about it?? I hope its sorta scary!!! Anyways hwaiting~
This is too PERFECT!