Second Encounter

Dr. Feel Good




Bright and sunny morning stood still in the city of Seoul. Slowly the sunlight illuminates the room of Joonmyun. It was only half past six and the milky skinned teenager was on his bed, awake and staring at the ceiling. He woke up earlier than usual because of some mind-boggling things. The latter was not in the mood for schooling  for certain reasons and with that Joonmyun decided to stay inside the house for the whole day but right when he was about to sleep again, Kyungsoo barged inside his room.


“Oh. You’re up early hyung.” Kyungsoo muttered timidly approaching the older teen. “Are you sick or something hyung?” Kyungsoo continued eyeing the older. Joonmyun didn’t huff out any response; instead he covered himself up with his blanket. Then there silence filled the room.


“I’m not in the mood for schooling Kyungsoo. I’ll stay here.” Joonmyun said breaking the silence.

“But… Today’s the annual student check-up. You can’t miss it hyung!” Kyungsoo nagged.




It was already half past nine; students of the senior level were already lining up for their medical check-ups. Joonmyun and Kyungsoo sat by the bench outside the Infirmary waiting patiently for their names to be called. Surprisingly the older teen was pushed to schooling by the endless nagging of his best friend resulting him to face the blonde intern again.


“Aish. I really should have stayed at home.” Joonmyun muttered while running a hand through his hair.

“We’ve talked about this hyung and you’ll be able to see Dr. Cho again! Aren’t you happy about that?” Kyungsoo replied with slight annoyance.


Right when Joonmyun was to answer back his best friend he was cut through. “Kim Joonmyun” A man said loudly his name for him to notice.  It was already his turn to have his medical check-up. The said teenager walked his way inside the infirmary.


When Joonmyun opened the door, a man wearing a white suit together with a tie and a stack of paper on his hand greeted him with a smile. The man was young looking, he had a brown messy hair matching up his droopy eyes and perfect nose line with a perfect plump pinkish lips. A smile crept upon Joonmyun’s face as he recognizes the person infront of him.


“Hey there Joonmyun. We see each other again.” The brown haired man said serenely while ruffling the teenager’s hair.

“Kyuhyun sunbae… Oh I mean Dr. Cho.” Joonmyun said.

“You don’t have to be so formal Myunnie.” Dr. Cho replied chuckling.  “I’ll see you later for your dental check-up.” Dr. Cho continued winking at the younger and returned to his station.


Cho Kyuhyun is the school’s dentist. He is also an intern at the school. He had been working at the said school for almost three years. Students love him for his good looks and amazing personality but one specific student caught his eye from his stay here in Seoul National School and that is none other than Kim Joonmyun.


After the encounter with the dentist, Joonmyun inhaled deeply before entering the doctor’s station. He knew that the tall blonde man is already there waiting for him. Gathering all his guts, the milky skinned teen entered the room.


 “G-Good morning.” Joonmyun bowed politely.

“Sit here.” The tall blonde man said sternly while pointing to the chair infront of the desk.


The milky skinned boy quickly obeyed the said doctor. Upon seating, Joonmyun take a quick look at the blonde doctor. He was wearing a white coat the usual thing they use, a stethoscope lingering on his neck, a paper and a pen on each hand and a name plate on his right chest that indicates his name. Wu Yi Fan, so he’s Chinese too like Luhan hyung. I wonder what's his realtion with hyung... The milky skinned teenager thought while staring intently at the blonde intern’s name plate.


The blonde intern mumbled a lot of questions asking the younger. But the latter didn’t get any response, instead he saw the boy spacing out again. “Hey!” The blonde intern said while snapping infront of Joonmyun’s face.


“S-Sorry.” Joonmyun said stuttering.

“It’s fine let’s just get this over. I still have a lot of students in line.” The blonde man replied bluntly.


The check-up went awfully awkward in Joonmyun’s part. Every touch and glimpse of the blonde doctor gave him shivers and made his body feel wobbly. He can’t explain why such things were happening to him.


Right after the check-up, Joonmyun tried his hardest to stand straight. He stared at the blonde intern and bowed politely. “Thank you…” He muttered and takes a quick glance at the doctor’s name plate again. “Dr. Wu.” He said softly.


“Just call me Kris.” The blonde man said while smiling at the younger.


Seeing the smile of the blonde doctor for the first time, a blush crept on Joonmyun’s face. With that he nodded quickly, gave another bow and quickly left the doctor’s station. He dashed out of the infirmary and ignored weird looks that he was receiving from other students. He walked to an unknown destination and he gave light slaps on his face and shook his head.


What the hell is wrong with me?!







Sorry for the late and crappy update. Having crappy times with the internet. I've been trying to update for the past few days and now I've come up with this. I still don't know when I'll post the next chapter. Probably when we have our internet fixed. Another apology for a short update. I'll do better on the next update.


Credits to the owner of the picture.


Thanks for reading! :)




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2440 streak #1
Chapter 10: too bad this was not continued... i enjoyed reading the available chapters, this would've been awesome!
kenxdesooin #2
Chapter 10: I was enjoying so much....want more
aquatic_guardian #3
Chapter 2: Update please !!! XDD
Chapter 9: I AM TORN BETWEEN KYUNGMYEON AND KRISHO/CHANSOO. OAO I iz a hipster shipper. Onesided!Kaisoo is so nice. eue
Chapter 9: cute..krisho..chansoo n kaibaek!! Dun wan kaisoo n baekyeol coz its ad boring..
jadeasuncion #6
AshXIII #7
Chapter 9: (claps both hands onto Kyung Soo's shoulder) Hun, I hate to tell you this, but it's better if you just move on from Jun Myeon. (nods sagely) I'm afraid he's a total bottom in this are you. The math doesn't add up to a 1.5.

I shall await more from you in the next chapter. (blows air kisses)
luvkpop #8
Chapter 9: chansoo and kaibaek please... Krisho are so cute
IAmShosho #9
Chapter 7: I still think kaisoo deserve a chance here :(