English is the bomb.com!

Your Writing

5. "But I'm not fluent in English!"

I understand. But that doesn't mean it's alright to completely butcher another person's language. How would you feel it if I just go to Google Translate and screw up your language till it's spining upside down on its head at the bottom of the Pacific? Just send a friend a quick message and ask "Hey, friend! I understand that you are fluent in English and I am not. Do you mind checking my grammar for me?" And they'll be all sure just don't get mad if I ask you what something is supposed to even mean because that's how I feel when I'm reading it. I've seen some people who aren't fluent in English write perfectly, you can too!

I mean, asking a friend to chck your English takes five seconds and I get it, some might feel "embarrassed" or whatnot because "My English isn't that good, it's sooo embarrassing." I know the woes of learning of a new language and not wanting to sound dumb. My Spanish teacher has had to correct me eleventy hundred million times, but it's better to be embarrassed and to ask one person than to have a million people making fun of your English skills.

Here's a list of some great beta shops here on AFF that can help you if you've got questions over if your English is good or not:

♫Magical Swimming Turtle⇨Review and Beta Shop♫

「J E L L - O 」

{백조} e v a l u a t i o n ❣❣

Or you can just pop into a friend's PM box and ask them for help. 

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whitepaper #1
Chapter 6: OhMyG... Hahahahahah this is really hilarious... Just by looking at the title, I was laughing to no end and don't make me start with the content...
Personally, I LOVE Chapter 2! Omg! I can totally understand how you feel! I just freak out everytime I see those errors in fics... Sometimes I would just stop reading them because I pisses me off... Hahahahaha!
For Chapter 4 on "He said, She said, We said", even though I don't always write "said said said", but that list gives writers more variety! I would thank you for that! :)
Sushimidumpling #2
Chapter 6: This is hilarious!!
gdragpop #3
Chapter 3: You got me in 'Well you, thanks for ruining my experience' Hahaha. You crack me up.XD
justnormalme #4
Chapter 4: I have to use this list! I hate having to use 'said' all the damn time.
howcome #5
You're very funny!
Chapter 6: I'm laughing so hard right now. I almost wrote with lots of misspelled words just to get on your nerves, but I couldn't do it. I would like to put it out there that "English is my first language" and I am willing to help anyone who wants it. I love reading the stories on here and I can usually figure out what someone means by the context it's in, but it does get frustrating. I hope others take your lessons as it is meant: to help. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Chapter 4: yes for the list. amen.
Chapter 6: Oh God, you are so damn awesome! XD

"Touch it. Make it feel good. Make love to it."
Chapter 6: "...touch her. She likes it."
lol xD