New Story :)

Because the Next Step Is Invisible


I know it's been a while, and you probably don't remember this story at all. But a lot of you asked me to inform you when I've written something new, and since I just began posting my new chaptered fanfiction, I thought I'd let you know.

Here's some info:

Title: The Hibiscus Effect
Pairing: Jongkey, OT5
Rating: R
Genre: major Angst, romance, friendship
Summary: Becoming a couple maybe isn’t the best idea, living in between promotions, fan girls, three straight bandmates, and in a country that hasn’t managed to eradicate homophobia in the least.
Tension arises among the five of them as Jonghyun’s and Key’s secure position in SHINee becomes fragile. They find themselves realizing that their bonds are probably not more solid than a cobweb, and to keep them from ripping, are ultimately forced to decide whose happiness is the most important.

The link if you're interested:

I'd be more than happy if you'd check it out :)

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Chapter 15: Oh! That was so good!!!! It was like pulling my heart here and there and feeling Key's pain and UGH! DAEBAK!! It was truly amazing! ^^
Jungsu_girl #2
Chapter 16: A M A Z I N G
more of these fantastic stories >.<
I crave them so much!!!
susumiya08 #3
Chapter 16: it was sad, and made me hate jjong at times and the girl all the time hahaha but as key did, I understood the awkwardness of finding himself not just gay as a rainbow, but hopelessly in love with key, and deciding that he didn'tcare about the rainbow thing.

I felt really bad for key, and found the part when he found himself disgusting, andjjong, and the girl, those feelingsfelt so real to me, that hurt me, but I also understood that deep love can make u fly and fall with the same easyness the problem is that the sky isn't as hard as the floor

thank you for writing, u made me think a lot. ^^
Amazing story!
I love how you write it, they love is pure, omaygahd Jongkey made me cry.. T.T
OceanLight #5
Awww this is really good! <3
laytopinsulaydude #6
I hope it will be real in reality world.... I hope jongkey is true...
I just finished reading this story and its really awesome<3<br />
I love this<3
mallows #8
I've read this before, and I just can't help but read it again!<br />
I just really really love this story! ♥<br />
you did an excellent job :D